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Everything posted by jpahmad

  1. dsayers. stop paying your taxes and maybe I'll take you seriously.
  2. I didn't down vote you
  3. It's actually "Alefantis" , "James Alefantis" Which can be turned into J'aime les enfants. I wonder if that is his birth name.
  4. Why is the guy's name James Elefantis ("I love children")? That's just bizarre.
  5. tell me the ground rule (which page) and then tell me the page on which he violated them
  6. I have been saying this same thing for a while now. It seems to go over everyone's head. I don't know how it can be delivered any clearer than it is above.
  7. dsayers has a mental block when it comes to recognizing that one does not have to participate in states revenue collecting system.
  8. not substantial, but certainly not hard to believe.
  9. I say Hillary Clinton in office with World War 3 looming is a credible threat. Anyone else? (besides dsayers)
  10. If you don't pay your taxes, you will not immediately go to prison. See Al Capone. Also, you can't dictate what counts as a threat to someone else that is worthy of acting in self-defense. If you don't pay your taxes, it will probably take a year or two years to even be audited. However, with our vote for Trump, we could have avoided war with Russia, which was a more immediate threat than the consequences of not paying my taxes.
  11. There are detrimental personal consequences for not paying your taxes. There are also detrimental personal consequences for not participating in the political process. One is short term, and one is long term.
  12. You don't have to pay taxes either dsayers. You can barter and live in the woods. If you are really a principled anarchist, then why don't you go move somewhere away from the roads and live off the land. No one will come and get you. You could also just go homeless and not receive an income. No one is forcing you to get a taxable income.
  13. There is really no difference between paying taxes and voting. They both support the state, and they are both done as a means to attempt to lighten the burden of the state. The only difference is that the punishment for not paying taxes comes a lot sooner than the punishment for ultimately getting ruled by your superiors when you don't vote.
  14. You ignored half of half of the equation. The self-defense argument
  15. This is not an argument, but this post is the most obnoxious and infantile statement I've ever seen on these boards. The OP can't be more than 14 years old. There's no way.
  16. Here, send this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCYma3zZf7U
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