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Everything posted by jpahmad

  1. If I decide to vote Republican every time there is an election because I truly believe that the world would soon come to an end as soon as a democrat gets in office, then you can say I'm an idiot. You can say I'm brainwashed. You can say I don't know the facts. But you can't say that I'm breaking my principles.
  2. Watch this and see if this helps clarify things:
  3. When you hand over your property because of self-preservation, you are not responsible for what the money funds. But when you vote for a candidate out of self-preservation, you're totally responsible for what the candidate does? Hmm. Doesn't seem to make sense to me. Watch this video. You're making the same argument as the guy in the red shirt asking the question:
  4. So you are not talking about principle then.
  5. What do you mean by "mandatory"? I'm guessing you mean that bad things will happen to you if you don't pay taxes. This is not true. There are plenty of people who make an effort to conceal their income so they don't have to suffer the consequences of not paying taxes. Furthermore, in my mind, bad things will happen if I don't vote for Trump. I may be wrong, but that's where I, and other people on this forum are coming from. There is no difference in principle. None.
  6. dsayers, you're a complete hypocrite. You pay your taxes. You do have a choice not to pay your taxes (Al Capone didn't pay taxes for quite a while). But you do it in order to avoid the consequences that you deem undesirable. Why not just go to jail and take one for the team? Why not get paid in cash only? Why not join some black market racket? You cannot say the voting to avoid a personal negative consequence is bad, but paying taxes to avoid a personal negative consequence is good. It's a contradiciton.
  7. This is certainly not true in all cases. Obama wanted socialized healthcare and we got it.
  8. I can think of some lives that don't matter.
  9. Just wondering, do you have a video link to her talking about it? I want to send it to my buddy
  10. Are you serious. $1 billion? I wonder what her definition of "retraining" is? Let me guess, "cultural sensitivity"?
  11. Can you please reply like a normal person dsayers? Jesus, I can't imagine what it would be like being married to you. Lol!
  12. no, I'm just curious if there is a marked difference between the things I have been saying and Stefan. You do share Stefan's videos. So I think it's safe to assume that there are things with his way of thinking that you agree with. I am basically reiterating something that Stefan has been preaching for some time now, and you blast me for it. It's a little baffling. Also, I suggested to Stefan myself while on the phone with him (during a call in show) that maybe it is a good idea to partake in the political process this time around. He brought up good reasons why it might not matter or make a difference if we vote, but he did say that Trump was a possible exception. So, with all due respect to Stefan, I had it made up in my mind well before that call in show that perhaps voting in this election would be beneficial to the cause. I can understand if you agree with most everything Stefan puts out there with the exception of voting. If this is the case, then fine. I get it. I'm just asking for you to clarify this. But if you agree with his support for Trump, and blast me for showing that same enthusiasm, then I think you can understand that it's a little confusing.
  13. This is my solution to the "racism" problem in the police force. It's quite surprising. I have not heard any one else make this suggestion in public. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAV1y9zdTv4
  14. no, I'm just curious if there is a marked difference between the things I have been saying and Stefan. You do share Stefan's videos. So I think it's safe to assume that there are things with his way of thinking that you agree with. I am basically reiterating something that Stefan has been preaching for some time now, and you blast me for it. It's a little baffling. Also, I suggested to Stefan myself while on the phone with him (during a call in show) that maybe it is a good idea to partake in the political process this time around. He brought up good reasons why it might not matter or make a difference if we vote, but he did say that Trump was a possible exception. So, with all due respect to Stefan, I had it made up in my mind well before that call in show that perhaps voting in this election would be beneficial to the cause. I can understand if you agree with most everything Stefan puts out there with the exception of voting. If this is the case, then fine. I get it. I'm just asking for you to clarify this. But if you agree with his support for Trump, and blast me for showing that same enthusiasm, then I think you can understand that it's a little confusing.
  15. ok, and what am I saying that's different the Stefan?
  16. Nice touch with the bunny. Just one last quick question. Do you think Molyneux is a statist?
  17. You're responses have become unintelligible. I would suggest trying to speak using everyday vernacular instead of by just stringing together a dizzying amount of platitudes and condescending self-help suggestions for everyone on this board who you debate with. There is no further communication happening here. We're at an impasse.
  18. You didn't really answer any of my questions. Saying the same thing over and over again doesn't really help me out here
  19. I'm really confused by you. You seem to be pointing to the fact that voting has efficacy. I thought your whole stick was that voting makes no difference. Also, I'm not sure I understand your position on the morality of voting. Does voting have a moral content or not? Is it a violation of the NAP as far as you're concerned? I believe you said that it was "amoral" earlier in the thread. Now, I understand that something not having moral content doesn't mean it is exempt from condemnation. I get that. I just want to have a clear undersanding of your stance. You previously said that you agreed it was "amoral", but then you use language like "you have no right", so it's a little confusing.
  20. I already have right? According to you, I have already done that with my videos. No one stopped me yet. I'm not sure what you mean by "allowed." No one has used force to stop me from making my videos, so I guess I am allowed. Some people actually like my videos even. I never said it was okay to subjugate others. I don't know what you're talking about.
  21. This is certainly a problem that needs to be thought through. I tried to do it with one of my videos ("is voting moral") and I think I came pretty close, but the analysis was a little bit incomplete. Some thing to consider. If I'm a superior in the army and I order my soldiers to do x, y, or z, am I responsible for that? I would say I am because there actually is coercion being used against the soldiers if they decide to follow their conscience and not listen to me. They can be dishonorably discharged. They can face a military tribunal. They can go to prison. So I's say that in the chain of command, from the president on down to the foot soldier, there is coercion, thus making whoever orders the action (the president for example) just as culpable as the people who actually do it.
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