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Everything posted by FreedomPhilosophy

  1. I think there is something to this. Obviously a less attractive women will be concerned about looking relatively less attractive if she is in close proximity to a very attractive woman. Similarly a short/fat/ugly man will probably not want to hang out in clubs with tall/fit/handsome men. He would have feelings of inadequacy.
  2. Imbecile is it? Killer arguments not. And what happened to his moral objectivism?
  3. I can't find any explanation of why incitement is wrong. I can see why it makes someone a party to a bad act, but supporting an immoral action by encouraging it doesn't violate the NAP does it?
  4. Haha, yes it was the former. Communism would not last 5 minutes because nobody wants to do it or is agreeable how to do it, and then there are the inherent contradictions.
  5. It's all good to know, thanks. I was aware the delivery was clumsy, but had spent more time than I had wanted to give on editing already.
  6. You could either turn up your player speed, or perhaps I could do a 1 minute or 10 second version?
  7. Here's a follow up... I'm not surprised by this, they have raised parking fees all over the place too, which must squeeze local businesses.
  8. Antony and I continue to deconstruct Green Party policy...
  9. That link broke, I found this one http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-28891292 - they are deploying the army to prevent people smuggling the subsidized goods to Colombia!
  10. A socialist society permits money as "labour notes" or similar, perhaps even central lending banks, and the workers are permitted ownership. A communist society has no money, you have to share and the means of production are not owned by any class, they are shared. These are huge differences, but it's true that socialists typically claims to want communism. I tend to agree. Pedophiles are happy when they rape children, should we let them do it because of that?
  11. I did some very cursory research on this topic. It seems that it is lefty propaganda. They do not measure happiness in any kind of objective fashion (if that's even possible) rather it's about quantifying the welfare systems people have available to them. And more welfare = more happy. None of them are socialist, they are corporatist welfare states. A socialist society takes one of 2 forms: The top-down state socialist society in which the means of production are state controlled (everything is nationalised), for example the USSR/Red China, or the bottom-up grass roots form of socialism where the workers own the means of production. A communist society is one without private property, money or usury. All the Nordic states have productive sectors largely in private hands, but heavily regulated, which is the corporatist economic model.
  12. The left actually define the state as "capitalism". However if we define capitalism as markets not manipulated by the state based on private property, then you can find examples of such societies prior to the evolution of the state. Ancient Ireland is one such example - a society without a state but with markets and private property.
  13. Fitness does not equal health, however I do want some kind of measurable benefits (i.e. tangible evidence) to judge which diet produces better outcomes, and fitness is a pretty good outcome to start with. The human brain is not exceptional in its composition, actually mostly (75%) water and some long lived lipid compounds. Cows have brains, so do gorillas, and all plant matter contains fats and proteins. Cholesterol is not a nutrient, mammals are able to synthesize as much as they need. Are you aware that there are life vegans, and vegans in their 90s with excellent brains? Are you aware that there are fruitarians running triathlons? In science the evidence always trumps theory.
  14. On Sunday 2pm GMT. Do you keep thoughts, desires or emotions to yourself? Does anyone know the real you? We only experience superficial relationships when we are afraid to share ourselves fully - telling our truth is an intimate act. The free Being Completely Loved webinar will help you understand why we lie by omission and how to get the intimacy that you need. Please CLICK BELOW TO REGISTER for the webinar and start meeting other people who are ready to move deeply into intimacy. http://www.newlivingparadigms.com/webinar.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMIXlvmiZQM
  15. https://uk.celebrity.yahoo.com/gossip/omg/russell-brand-rant-against-comic-relief-days-after-helping-hosting-red-nose-day-103008736.html
  16. Pouring on your lawn no, pouring deadly pollution down your throat, yes probably. As the other poster said, proportionate response.
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