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Charles Turner

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Everything posted by Charles Turner

  1. Hey, We have also created a meetup page for this group http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Freedomain-Radio-Meetup/ Everyone is welcome, so come along if you are in town. Charles
  2. Hey all, As a result of this meet up we have agreed to have more meet ups on the Second Saturday of each month. A facebook page has been created to talk about upcomming meet ups in a way that keeps people aware of what is going on. It was decided to meet up usually somewhere in the city centre in close proximity to transport. If you are wishing to come along take a look at the facebook link or contact someone here on this thread. We check facebook more often so you are more likely to get a quick response on the link. https://www.facebook.com/FreedomainRadioSydney?fref=ts Good Day, Charles Turner
  3. Hey Ivann, Sounds like a good idea. Charles
  4. Hi, How is everyone? Im in northern beaches but usually i go around a bit of sydney for work.
  5. Hi, I grew up with anxiety issues and have come a long way from where i ws even few years ago. I haven't seen any therapists or anything like that, (if you don't include the countless hours of FDR videos), i relied on self work. It does take a long time to work the issues out. The most important things for me were/are: Self Honesty, the NAP, and actively doing the things that made me anxious (incrementally). I did not really progress at all until i found FDR. Listening to alot of the call in shows made me realise that there are many people like me out there, and that i should NOT feel ashamed that i am how i am, even though it is not who i want to be. I found that self honesty was the key to understanding how i was as anxious as i was. It took me a very long time to figure this out and to stop making excuses for myself and others in past memories i had. To look very brutally at past experiences for what they were. Understanding the non-aggression principle gave me a reference point from which i could judge these past experiences, it is a way that i could rip all subjective feelings away to see things for what they were and are. This also allows for seeing people for who they are, both past and present. It was brutal to think back and realise that things i had dismissed in the past were having an effect on my behavour in the present, some of these things were trivial to me in the recent past, but closer examination revealed some very brutal truth about these things. That led me to remembering things i had forgotten for 10 or 15 years. Only once i had remembered these things could i see the experiences for what they were. Realising that the anxieties were not my fault set me free from them. Once i had found where some of my anxieties came from (mostly parental experiences and family experiences) i found that i could slowly do things i felt i could not do before, little by little. This built my confidence up, it was not just doing things related purely to my anxieties. Even doing things that seemed unrelated were helping my confidence, as they became to me a reflection of my abilities and belief in myself. To clarify i had problems with anxiety both socially and in a more active sense. For example i can remember being so anxious i couldn't order some pizza when i was like 13 or something. I remember my mother saying order some pizza for pick up for dinner, i was petrified, i didn't want to make that call and for some reason doing so, scared the day lights out of me. It took me a long time to realise that the source of my anxiety was my parents. I figured this out for sure about 2-3 years ago. My parents have been divorced have been since i was 3. My dad bought a house to do up as a holiday house a few years go. At that time i was working doing glass balustrading ( pool fences, balconies, shower screens etc). When it came time to put a showerscreens into the bathrooms i did a terrible job. I knew i had done a bad job, because days earlier i had done some in my professional (if you can call it that) capacity with no problems (on very expensive bathrooms where making mistakes would have been very costly for me personally i.e a bit of pressure). I reflected on this and realised that things i do every day i and know for a certainty i can do, i couldn't do in front of my family, it was anxiety, pure and simple, and the only cause was family (in this circumstance). I still to this day feel more anxious doing things around family then i would otherwise, but i do not feel anywhere near the levels of anxiety i used to. As for social anxieties i got a new job around about that time do work that was much more social(sales - where you are talking to and dealing with customers on a daily basis, where you are actually selling to them, not just working a checkout or something). I found this made talking to new people much much easier, it took time but when i came to believe in myself and realise that the fears i had were baseless - you are just talking to a person, if you say the wrong thing they will walk out of the store and you will never see them again - it became easier. With every bit of confidence you will feel happier - i used to be depressed, the anxiety i felt left me with no hope, that i didn't feel i could change nd neither could my environment, but i worked at it and feel so much better for it. Hope that helps in some way, if you have any questions just message me. I know i might have skipped over something in what is a very, very brief overview of my experience.
  6. Can we just call the TZM what it is : Technocracy. And like the technocracy movement from the 1930 (which was born out of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)) has the obvious under tones of marxism. The efficiency objective of the movement is impossible as there will always be varying parameters that can not be constrained. Think of the idea of designing the most effcient ship to deliver materials or goods from china to the USA. Now the slower a ship moves the less resistance it has, so a ship travelling at 4 knots will use less fuel over a given distance, compared to a ship at 8 knots. But you would need 2 ships at 4 knots to match the ship at 8 knots. So is it better to get the extra steel and materials to build another ship vs a faster ship, needing a whole extra crew as well. But how much materials do you want to move in one go? 100,000 tonnes, 500,000 tonnes, 30 million tonnes? A larger ship uses less fuel as any doubling the volume of a ship (and therefore capacity) does not require require a doubling of surface area of the hull. Also a longer ship has less wave drag. Wave drag is only a function of length and velocity. Would it be ok to wait 1 year between sailings to get the scale of effciency of a larger ship. Should you make a longer ship even if it uses more materials. What material should you use? Steel, aluminium, carbon fibre (this can only be decided by avaliablity as you could use all the worlds carbon fibre on one ship). It is impossible to create a ship using formulas to decide on parameters, you must make arbitrary decisions with regard to sailing schedules (and thus sailing speed, sailing schedule must be decided by how quickly people want goods and materials, this desire for quick goods can not be determined by any non-market function and thus effciency can not be determined), ship parameters such as sailing scedules will also decided capacities such as tonnage. Only once these decisions have been made can a ship design be optomised. Even then it is an iterative process and after a few iterations a design is picked as the iterative process could go on for ever (even excluding new techonogies and their changes). If a single ship can not be optomised then the process is impossible. Imagine trying an impossible process like this, then evaluating how much of the earths resources should be allocated for this project againsts all other 20,000+ ships, compared to all the worlds planes, trains trucks (we haven't even left the field of transportation and it would require a simulateneus equation of near infinte size in both directions) Hope this adds fuel to the fire. Charles
  7. Hello from Sydney, I new here but I have noticed it has been a while since one of these went out, so i thought i'd do it. Are there any people in Sydney on these forums or giving a search? I've noticed that a quick search of the forums shows, that none of the posters from the last thread have been active in the last few years, so im going to give it a shot with this one. Thank you, Charles Turner Me culpa, just realised this should have been in the meet' n greet.
  8. I personally have found that a more effective thing to do, is to make members of your family, who you believe are capable of it, question their realities. I have found that you must get them into the habbit of questioning things. By spending time with you family and exposing them to real logical thinking you can get them thinking. You must show the flaws in their thinking or held beliefs (but try nothing philosophical or religious, only show them the flaws in things that can be proved by physical demonstration), show the hypocracy of their actions or the actions of others in contrast to their beliefs. I found a great way is to show people that, that which is generally accepted is not necessarily correct. A Good example is economics which is easy to prove, by taking some of their held economics beliefs and showing them how they ignore those in their actions. Economics is also extremely good for discussion as most people work hard each week and will take money seriously. Get them asking questions which is the first step on the road to philosophy. There is a time when people are ready to be exposed to the kinds of philosophy, reason and information, which most people here have been. Also, Hello.
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