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Everything posted by Pumeld

  1. (1) It's easy to establish this equality with new relationships, whatever kind. With parents on the other hand it's different, because the relationship has been developed in inequality and has to grow in a distinct direction to reach the desired result, which is denied by one part of the participants. Abruptly changing this imbalance to a balanced system triggers some sort of defence mechanism on the parents side, because they don't want to be stripped of their power. This results in the exact opposite which one wants to achieve. (my 2 cents) (2) I live in my own apartment for about 8 years now. So stripping costs is fairly limited and I already live on a minimum. But there is always a way to get other income. I'm looking for a job in my industry at the moment, but could of course take any job to bridge the gap, however this would delay my "real" job hunt enormously. (3) see (2)
  2. Multiple reasons: - First off a strong (mostly implanted) sense, that it is wrong (hell it even is in the Ten Commandments, not that I'm in any way religious, but it shows the importance of parents in our society) - Second, financially. Although I pay for my therapy myself, I get a small amount of support, without it would be extremely hard right now (although not impossible) - Third: Emotionally; I don't have a lot people in my life, I just recently (in the past 2 years) ended most friendships because of lacking support and / or I don't agree with them anymore fundamentally. Without my family I would be completely alone with myself (besides some casual acquaintances);
  3. Hi everyone! Background: I try to keep it as short as possible. I would title my problem with my family at the moment with "To ignore accomplishments"; I suffer middle/heavy depression (without psychotic symptoms) for a few years now, with better months and ... bad months. I'm at the moment in the process of re-normalizing my life: Job hunting, slowly building up a new social life and of course re-building self-esteem. Besides psychotherapy I take medication and after switching and taking a higher dose, the meds finally assist me in my endeavors ... less so my family. Acute problem: My problems with the illness are either fully ignored or downplayed to the point of absurdity / laziness, despite being diagnosed by 4 different doctors, taking medication and obviously showing nearly all symptoms of depression. I get (indirectly) called a liar, lazy, non loving and my job type is of course the wrong one ... well here I am. I don't want to suffer any longer under those charges and sacrifice the small energy I have ... but on the other hand I am not ready to deFOO. I don't know how you can help me out here, but I have to try to find some answers. Thank you very much.
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