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Everything posted by bootoo
Seems like you ignored few simple arguments I did make. I've heard people say 'You cant understand' as an argument before, doesnt really sit well. Here is another example, an article talking about these exact same principals of low sample groups and projecting/stereotyping but this is on one of the most widely used personality tests the Myers-Briggs test - http://www.vox.com/2014/7/15/5881947/myers-briggs-personality-test-meaningless But no problem, I wish you every success. A word of warning, Catholic priests are the most obvious example of the perversions and mental sickness caused by repressing your natural desires...I really honestly hope you and the other gentleman don't restrict yourselves from bonding with women based on information about as useful as horoscopes.
Probably a first time, especially as you put it Primary purpose is to try to nudge readers towards better reasoning. I think you are probably setting yourself up for suffering if you project a world view based on bad information. A strong bullshit meter is a great tool. Here is a good lecture about it
Interesting. What society is he talking about? How are women responsible for the messages of that society? How long have women had a say in the message? Lots of maybes and perhaps - does he post sources? There is no such thing as 'feminine psychological firmware'. Seems he is making evolutionary assumptions and projecting those onto 4 billion people. Every aspect of those 4 billion women will fall on a spectrum. Makes no sense to make claims about all of them based on anything to do with their physiology. All of them will be from different cultures and environments, so makes even less sense to makes claims about them based on a shared psychology.
Find work that is useful and with purpose, sounds like you don't necessarily need to chase money, so instead put your skills to work fighting the good fight - then even if day to day you feel like your colleagues are slacking and leaving you the burden, its a good burden to have and you are the hero for getting it done Christopher Hitchens said something like 'we are barely evolved apes and it shows' - sucks that you had so many assholes around, but as long as you are unhappy the assholes win. Find the good people, find people who want to be happy and want you to be happy. The only way to beat assholes is to live a good fulfilling life and to be happy. The only way to change assholes is to be the example.
Am not - just browsed the website tho My point in asking the question is, if there is such thing as a 'typical male fantasy' at best you have thens of thousands in a sample group as your source of information, but I would imagine it would be more likely tens or hundreds for such a question - so it would only be typical to that small sample group - no good reason to project that onto billions of others. Does the website provide reason to think otherwise? Thanks!
How do you know what the typical male fantasy is? How do you know what 4 billion women think?
I like to think a lot about this What are the observer and the observed separated by? just time right? I am not actually observing anything as it happens but instead a fraction of a second later when my nervous system and brain do their business and project it to the big screen we call consciousness. Isnt the observer created or at least greatly shaped by whats observed? Everything is undivided in nature, its just to make communication easier that we separate them out and give different sections/parts different identifiers - this is where the lesson that 'the map is not reality' is important.
Some good lectures too
First im hearing about 'Sarah Blaffer Hrdy' - but one of many talking about our ancient roots being peaceful and co-operative and mainly polygynous (multiple sexual partners) with the ability to just walk off and join another tribe if someone became too oppressive - and how that effects parenting - Thanks! ''As you argue in your latest book, Mothers and Others, humans evolved as cooperative breeders. However, most psychology studies (and nearly all parenting advice books) assume that the nuclear family is integral to human nature. How does this assumption influence the kind of advice parents receive?'' http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/primate-diaries/2012/03/16/raising-darwins-consciousness-an-interview-with-sarah-blaffer-hrdy-on-mother-nature/
would explain it can be funny when someone makes a mistake - and to notice when he has laughed at other people making a mistake, and to try to enjoy it and laugh along
What is a false self? what are false feelings?
Oh no, 'according to World star HipHop'
Now Adrian Peterson.. This is gonna be the greatest!
bootoo replied to Jagsfan82's topic in Current Events
Wow was skipping stations on way to work this morning and some radio show host talking about peaceful parenting and pointing towards the studies that show nothing good comes from beating children Many conversations at work about this - its GREAT - anyone sitting on the fence or justifying themselves as 'normal' will hopefully choose the right side of this issue Thanks! -
Right age to separate child from parents bed...?
bootoo replied to bishal's topic in Peaceful Parenting
my daughter has been sleeping in her own bed in her own room since around 9 months old - Thanks -
[YouTube] The Truth About Israel and Palestine
bootoo replied to Freedomain's topic in New Freedomain Content and Updates
Saw a new story about an person with mental illness being found banging his head against the wall - so he was stretchered out to the ambulance in hand and ankle cuffs - he spat in a cops face, so 4 cops repeatedly punched him in the face until the EMT physically put himself between them seems very similar to this -
Has anyone considered the choice to move to another country
bootoo replied to labmath2's topic in General Messages
I moved from the UK to the USA when i was 23 - been here 9 years now -
Why am I drawn toward arguing w/ irrational people...
bootoo replied to SamuelS's topic in Self Knowledge
I have had this problem - seeing the 'crazy' in people triggers the crazy in me and makes me want to fix it - however one day i was getting a hair cut and the lady was telling me about how we needed to elect mit romney because he was going to 'deal with the chinese' who are ruining everything...then she started talking about economics but was COMPLETELY backwards about everything - this happens to be my profession so i corrected her on her misunderstandings then asked again about her premise...she stopped talking.... I regretted that, i realized i had no reason to set this lady straight and it wasnt any fun at all, what WOULD have been fun would be to see how deep that well of crazy goes in the lady and probed her to keep spilling So now i make an effort to not correct anyones crazy - just listen and understand - also if you stay quiet long enough or allow someone to talk to you long enough you will see everyones crazy -
I've stopped hitting my children and now I have two new issues.
bootoo replied to Bel Rick's topic in Peaceful Parenting
What are you asking of your kids? For things that seem boring in the moment but are neccesary in the long run, like brushing teeth or going to sleep, you are going to need to give the kid a better reason to do that then they have to do whatever else they want to do - you might want to restrict an activity until after they have done the action and give it as a reward - when they are old enough you can reason/teach about why they need to do what they need to do then it gets much easier For dangerous things just yell loudly and physically move them - and save the yelling and physicality for only these situations Otherwise just prep your kids, let them know in advance whats happening that day and give them plenty of reminders of whats coming Lastly - i would advise you to choose your battles, don't just run around nagging in their ear constantly telling them to do everything or to stop doing everything Thanks! good luck! -
Why don't people try to be better parents than their's were?
bootoo replied to kahvi's topic in Peaceful Parenting
I dont think you need to limit yourself to being better than you had, you can be as good as or better than the best - you arent limited to your own life experiences or your parents- 12 replies
10 Rules to Live by Based on Evolutionary Psychology
bootoo replied to bootoo's topic in Self Knowledge
I am happy for your that Gene Propagation is not your highest goal in life What does that have to do with this post? -
Pretty good article here http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/darwins-subterranean-world/201406/10-rules-live-based-evolutionary-psychology lot of no brainers here, love people, eat well, work out - stuff we are already doing, right?
85% are normal, people suffer when aware of other people suffering 10% are sociopaths, they dont suffer when aware of other people suffering 5% are psychopaths, they feel pleasure when aware of others suffering
If reality offends you, maybe you shouldn't be on FDR?
bootoo replied to ZMorris's topic in General Messages
Hi Mr Morris! This is a community based around a philosophy show, its regular people in here not necessarily philosophers. Seems most of your issues and questions should be resolved upon knowing that alone. Your assumptions are very interesting. It appears you are saying that in your experience the people in here act a lot like the people you interact with offline. This says a lot about your perception of people. Are you asking for a consensus on your observation as some kind of objective measure to test the quality of your opinions? I wonder what difference can it make if other people have similar opinions regarding their interactions? In general i'd say its better not to expect so much without a solid reason. Thanks! -
With this in mind, i wonder why you would question my 'vague' statements and why they are based on observations...everything is changing, the answers today may not be the answer tomorrow, what works for one may not for another... I gave a couple of examples of my view of the value of humans and what effects the 'quality' of humans - 'guns germs and steel' and 'Stress - portrait of a killer' - if you wanted to form an opinion i think these are good places to start It appears your point is to personally teach me how to make forum posts...if thats the case, thanks! however back to the point of the post- which is....using the specific point of calling someone a 'lefty' when they hold out that they care about humans and would like to act in the best interests of them...noticing the funny way people act in response to someone thinking out loud about their fellow man I wonder, do you ever think about why people are jerks? or slackers? or suicidal? do you ever think about what you can do to help there be less of all of these?
What do you hold more valuable than other humans? I cant think of anything more valuable to myself or any other human.... You dont understand what best possible human means? can you imagine a bad human? an average human? a better than average human? can you view humans on a scale from 'better' to 'worse?' the closest to the 'better' side of the scale are the best possible humans Education - some examples...identify classes and courses that will benefit the business or the community and put funds or scholarships together...if the job requires a degree already, meaning i've outsourced the education/training of my employees, then I could offer a pay increase to help cover interest or loan repayments...seems easy to come up with ways to help, its only hard when you consider people who dont offer these to employees will be able to smash you on prices and beat you in the market Same with heathcare - i dont care if you are 60 or 15, i dont care if worked for me a decade or a day, the point is a humans wellbeing directly effects their performance and their behavior - of course we arent talking boob jobs and butt implants...but this seems easy to think up, i dont know whats hard about it? About food....so teach people to grow their own food...how are they supposed to do the work if they have no energy because they have no food? Why would people have nothing if i am secure? can you really not imagine any reasons? perhaps they still live in a country controlled by a state, maybe they are part of the guaranteed built in underclass of that states economic system? droughts? floods? climate change? bird flu? People need to eat if you want them to work, people need to work right?