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Everything posted by bootoo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc Motivation 10 minutes
  2. Unless you are psychopathic or a sociopath then you will immediately FEEL whats wrong with behavior that isnt moral when you do it, especially you example of stabbing someone for a chocolate bar. In the long run immoral behavior doesnt work out because you need people to make you the chocolate bar that you stole, and that knife that you used to stab the person in your example. You cannot get a society that produces these for you with this kind of mass anti-social behavior happening, id expect you'd find yourself left with sustenance living or a massive police/prison state. or with really shitty chocolate bars no one can eat or really shitty knifes that dont stab good Its not a difficult thing to understand, you act morally because you care about the well being of others, even the most selfish of people cares about the well being of others because almost everything of value we have in this world was discovered, designed or delivered by happy healthy motivated humans. Act immorally, meaning you are willing to inflict suffering on others to pursue your wants, and you only motivate people to destroy you at worst or do a shitty job at best. No-Brainer it seems to me?
  3. Why did you post a 30 minute advert for the creation museum morse?
  4. Here's what i think, i think.... You are free to choose that which occurs to you to choose in response to a triggering event Hopefully your previous life experience includes the best action to take in response to the event...if an appropriate response does not occur to you then you suffer the consequences At this point you are free to change your future behavior to ensure better choices are made available for future situations, you just have to hope it occurs to you to look outside of yourself and not have to trial and error your way to success Or not, you can choose to not change anything, dont do anything different, dont learn anything different, and the same bad choices will always be made available to you in response to the triggering event and you can be the victim of all the influences in your life You can have free will - eventually - but it takes a lot of work and has many constraints that vary with the individual, and the constraints get tighter the more novel the event or the less information you have about the event
  5. how to go from atheist to agnostic? fall in love eat a particular kind of mushrooms ask yourself, what evidence is there for a deity? what evidence is there for no deity? why have a conclusion either way? just because some jackasses hijacked the idea and turned it into pure evil doesn't mean its not an interesting idea
  6. all scientists will ever come away with are measurements and more measurements >> and technology, and medicine, and better understanding of nutrition and education and social systems.... contemptuously spurn whatever they can't measure. >> They do not, they say 'I dont know'...also is hard to receive funding for things you cant measure/communicate to seize on that stupid puke of a theory and attribute all that is and all that we are to it As far as i can tell science still exists, and is still going, and still learning. I havent seen any scientist say 'job done' and hang up their white coats....who has ever said 'thats all there is' except for religious people? There are scientists working on all the problems you have raised - it appears you have not looked anywhere except in your own memory to form this theory, i suggest testing your thoughts against reality more There is good reason to believe in the scientific explanation of existence, where science doesnt have a explanation you have an opportunity to go learn some new shit, you wont find the answer in any holy book
  7. I dont know about a leftist bug, i dont want a government involved...im pretty sure leftists and rightists are statists However we know you have two types of human - one is conscious and capable, the other is unconscious and incapable - If you are fighting for survival its almost impossible to consider things like morality or UPB or NAP or anything other than 'I MUST SURVIVE' So many people NOT struggling have a hard time appreciating and even acknowledging how dependent on each other we are and how much we all as individuals get out of the greater society and this leads to people trying to make their living at the expense of society or doing a shitty job at whatever they contribute to society - people WITH food and housing an ipods and hot tubs consider society an enemy, this should give an insight into what people who are struggling to survive need to overcome to NOT steal to NOT be anti-social to not just focus on their immediate needs at the expense of everyone and everything else.... It should be very important to everyone that they are surrounded by a community/society of conscious capable people - we know how to achieve this - feed people - free people
  8. e Yer - i appreciate you are not here to fight, but i would like to hear your spiritual views especially when it comes to discussions of freedom I liked what Armitage said about freedom from hunger and from the elements
  9. Give Bill Burr something else he doesnt understand and have him talk about it, he will go after the person and be hilarious doing
  10. Freedom from what?
  11. yes, was a good story, until i watched the de-bunked video always a good idea to google the subject and 'debunked' - the debunker is a christian, but the information he uses has no ideology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnV0cJgTRiM
  12. Hitchens did this guy pretty good....hours and hours of youtube videos out there
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