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Everything posted by daviddddddddddd

  1. This will be my last visit to this website...so no need to vent your ignorance toward me anymore. here is the story: I have never had or wanted a computer but a few friends bought one for me and said you must make your ideas known on the net; this is the way things are done these days; of course I knew but I also knew, without ever using the net, that I would find only fucking morons on such forums; after all I find them in the cafes and on the streets and in the newspapers...but I accepted the computer as a birthday present and have dabbled for these few weeks with various websites...I must admit I am surprised; the level of stupidity and ignorance among you folk is astounding, especially coming from a website where your leader, Stefan, is quite sharp...abit shallow, as all people who focus on politics are,but sharp nevertheless... I expected you all to have at least abit of intelligence...though I see not a shred... well, more power to Stefan...you realize that he is chucking under his breath...because he too no doubt knows you are all moronic sheep but you pay the bills...HAHA.. I love it... YOU PAY HIS BILLS....right on Stefan...I wish I could find a flock to live off of also.... I will not lower myself again to return to this website...so let your hatred and brainless comments rot in your heart... north americans!!! really the worst people on the face of this earth....DUDE!!!
  2. please see the completed first draft in the philosophy section, titled "An open letter"
  3. correct...you three misunderstand...but it is not your fault. it is probably your age and certainly your inability to understand my ideas which you have never been exposed to...i can tell by your mis reading my post. the fact that there are those who can understand exactly what i said, means that it is not necessary my "fault" but notice how you are putting such power in the numbers: three against one.. if it was only yoou who misunderstood and three that did understand, would you be so confident? and p.s again...i am not claiming that the earth is not round...quote me where i say that the earth is not round. please be careful how you read...and as for disproving "known truths" they are known to you because of books you read...or perhaps you have read nothing on evolution...you take it on faith...unless you have been in the field and dug up the bones and even then..... a fact is a fact and the interpretation is a whole different thing.... for example, you see me angry...that is a fact; but why am i angry? your interpretation could be wrong or right....
  4. This is the real story of our enslavement. Up to now, all forms of social organization from the dictatorship of one man, to the dictatorship of a few families to the dictatorship of a small bureaucratic elite or to the dictatorship that has been internalized, are all only a consequence to the real reasons of our enslavement. Dictatorship, the use of force against the majority, has always been, and will always be. And there are only two ways to escape. The first, is to sneak out in the middle of the night (with family if you wish) and find your way to a small uninhabited atoll or key somewhere, and live as a few shipwrecked men of the past managed to live. No doubt this is possible and in fact, it is the only possibility of truly living "off the grid" . But as it is suited to nearly no one, we must look at the other option. And that option is more difficult to explain, and will be open to instant mis understanding; but in a word , it is to awaken. Awaken not to the facts of your enslavement, for that also is only something mental and conceptual; to awaken here means nothing less than enlightenment, and enlightenment, on one level or another is operative, , meaning that after one has the knowledge of ones enslavement, one must find a way of living that minimizes contact with your masters, while staying within the bounds of your society, which you most likely do not want to leave anyway. To awaken will look to many as resignation and weakness but in fact it is just the opposite.To awaken is to understand that things are as they should be and the present system that can seem so brutal and unjust is in fact the system that best suits the the majority of people; otherwise the system would cease to exist tomorrow. To awaken means that you will pay your taxes and watch your tax dollars go to schools and armies that you know hurts people, and you will not feel anger; you will in fact, be polite and kind and generous to those that are forcing your hand; and you will be this way because you know that they too, on their own level , are no less aware, and certainly no less miserable than the the others. If you are walking down the street and an a cat runs across your path and makes you trip, you are not likely to get angry at the cat, since the cat does not know any better; similarly, when you must obey a few rules, which you know are unjust and cause pain, you will not get angry. You will not close your eyes to the truth of the matter, but you know that by getting angry and protesting is useless. The system we have works for the majority. Besides, the present dictatorship has made ample space for the "controlled opposition" (meaning that they "allow" protests , but, of course, only in designated places and for a designated amount of time, before they start shooting you down, ) for the powers that be clearly understand that the majority will go about their lives and pay their taxes and trust the state; they rest easy. Therefore, those who have awoken, in the true sense of the word, are going to appear to other sheep as just another sheep. But this will not matter to the awakened one; his mind and feelings are elsewhere. He has read between all the lines of history and he knows that the most wise and most contented of men have always been those that have simply...withdrawn from all public battles, and he knows that in fact, battling the powers that be, is just a form of avoiding the work of awakening to the joy of living life.And he has seen that almost to a man, all those who have fought the state , the "freedom fighters "and obtained for himself some power, quickly turned into the very thing he fought against; he becomes part of the next generation of bullies. This is the real story of why there is injustice in this world, and why the only fight is to not fight. or rather, the only fight is against the true slave driver; and we are our own slave driver. This is thus, not a story for the masses; it is a preface for the tiny, tiny minority who understand the dictator in themselves and the sheep in themselves, and whose only goal is to learn to never impose his will on others and to not be affected when others try to impose their will on him. There is no other freedom beyond this.Those that spend their life trying to understand and change the mechanisms of external power , that is to say, those who are "political" are no less duped than the sheep who understand nothing. Those that truly wish to awaken and not be dominated and bullied by the state, must first gain intellectual understanding; after that they can make their knowledge operative and take the necessary steps to minimizing their contact with bullying powers; this requires first and foremost to understand that even the most rebellious and anarchistic and soul searching people are under the yoke of ideas that their oppressors have indoctrinated into them. Those in history that have always stood strongest against the dictatorial powers had some sort of concept that this life here, while pleasant and wonderful was not necessarily the whole picture; this is not to say they believed in the idea of an afterlife and a heaven and that if they were good boys and girls here and now they could go to heaven; a concept that there is something larger than this life here, or rather that their life here was in some way directly connected to all other life forms, even connected to the stars, we might call" religious" or we might call it "metaphysical;" it does not mean that those who wish to awaken need join an organized religion, but it does mean to first accept the idea that organized religion has both an external aspect and an internal aspect; the external aspects are just part and parcel or the state in power, and this is why the church and state are usually so intertwined though out history; what is necessary then is to realize that the original seed of religion was was not political; the original seed of religion was to help man awaken. And there are still men in todays world who know this and ignore all external aspects of religion and consequently ignore or can see through all the trickery of the the church and the state. These men of very wide vision are powerful, and the state fears them, and this is one reason that the theory of evolution is indoctrinated into us, not as a theory but as an absolute fact; for by replacing a vertical dimension to our thinking..a dimension that look up toward some sort of higher power, the state is undercutting mans ability to feel and know the larger picture. It can be dangerous when a man sees beyond his stomach. Most rebels and anarchists and free thinkers are not so free after all; have they ever questioned if the earth is really round? Why do they believe it is? Because they have seen pictures. True, but who released those pictures into the public domain? The state. The same with all the supposed proof of the theory of evolution and so on. In a word, even the most radical rebels and anti government people are living on faith, since they themselves have never investigated these things first hand. In a word, the only battlefield should be the battlefield of ideas. In truth though, these are just examples and it is not necessary to know our earthly origins, or whether God exists, or if the earth is flat or round, or whathaveyou, in order to awake. These examples are only to hint at the fact that Libertarians and anarchists, who think themselves so radical are anything but. To awaken to the real truth of our enslavement, it is far from necessary to delve into any sort of political or even philosophical issues; all the truths necessary for a contented life (which would help to create as just as a society as was humanely possible) has been summed up over and over throughout the ages, and no where more sufficiently than by the phrase "know thyself" Sociological knowledge, that is to say political knowledge is not an absolute requirement in order to understood "thyself" though it must be admitted, it can give one a fuller picture. And so with this in mind, and because, with things so mixed up today and people not being in their rightful places, it is best to continue a bit to focus on things cultural, social and political, only with a view to knowing yourself, which as it has been said, is the surest way of building a more just society. Thus, when it is said that one must know the dictator and the sheep within oneself first , we can approach such a statement from many different angles; for example before one rants on about how the state is starting wars (and brainwashing children) at our expense, it might be better to look at the war going on inside yourself...between the dictator and the sheep, or to see how you yourself might still be fundamentally brainwashed since after all, you have all received a government "education" and it would be near impossible for a child, even with the help of his parents, to have not been deeply affected by the ideas that are inoculated into you., and not only in school but on the street, on the ball field, on the TV and computer in newspapers and magazines and even in the music that you listen to. Once we see the war we are carrying out within our self on a daily basis, the wars happening abroad take on their proper perspective. Whatever is happening in the world of political affairs is also happening right inside you.In a world where "dialogue' is considered the high mark of our civilization, has war and animosities ever been more prevalent? Any system of organization within society, among men, must end in a hierarchy; Note the classroom, the office or any social gathering. Now if you wish to deny the plain facts that every civilization in recorded history has had their own form of the caste system, and that the caste system continues today, (even in the USA, where it is based not on the quality of the person but rather how much money they have in their bank ), then i suggest you put twenty men in a room for just one day and when you open the door, you will see that approximately 18 of these men will be at the heels of the one or two dominant ones; or a few groups will have formed and there will already be animosity and suspicion between them. Everything is hierarchical, right down to the human body; some needs are stronger than others; some organs can take control if weaker ones fail; emotional needs also are hierarchical.. and so on.... Men need leaders to tell them what to do; democracy cannot exist and in fact, the world has always been an anarchy; state anarchy. Each state does what it can do in order to be dominant; the setting up of rules is a game, a pretense, and the moment one state gains the upper hand, it will break the rule under some "humanitarian" excuse.(when there is no humanitarian gibberish, then we call that state dictatorial and a monster) Considering all this, how would a true libertarian or anarchist society function? Freedom is possible but only for the mature man. The average citizen has the mental and emotional capacity of a 14 year old teenager; they cannot be trusted to guide themselves. The idea of equality is the very basis of the modern west, (and is another idea that is used to dupe you into thinking you are not enslaved) and this is why the average person cannot tolerate for one second the idea of a hierarchy. But the only thing equal in human beings is on the physical plane; we all have the same physical and mental make up and it is said that our genes are 98% identical as that of the chimpanzee. And that might be true but it only goes to show how that 2% carries the weight of all our differences, for in the end, despite all the similarities, we are still so fundamentally different than the ape. What might be the reason that the whole scientific establishment...read the whole political state...has so forcefully shoved this idea of evolution down our throats for so many years now? And have willfully and deviously suppressed a mounting body of evidence and reasoning that calls into question this theory. If you call yourself a libertarian or an anarchist and bristle at the manipulative way that the state controls you, it would be best that you suspect and investigate anything at all the the state advocates so forcefully; and any scientific idea that is incorporated into the "educational" factory of the country are state sponsored and should be questioned no less than the economic issues that most libertarians are so enamored with... In summing up, we might say then that the gods modern men are the following: democracy, equality freedom progress, science and technology (psychology physics biology) ,and the theory of evolution and last but not least, a rejection of all things "religious"; they are .considered as gods because they are the foundations of all our thinking . The only idea not touched upon above, is the idea of progress, and in some ways , we can see this idea of progress as the engine behind all the others; for we believe we are moving forward and that things are evolving into something better. Now everything shows that this is not the case, ( unless you choose to focus on the "convenience" of computers and airplanes and ignore the suicide, alcoholism, rape, depression, incarceration, divorce and random murder rates) and in fact, we are the first civilization (read the last 300 years or so) in recorded history to believe that things are getting better. But without going into detail...... for this is the subject of how the state has totally perverted out way of viewing history , and thus, viewing ourselves.... what is important, once again, is to ask yourself why everyone has been taught to believe that the present time is the best time; and that our technology is only going to make things better and better, while at the same time, most of us know, or secretly suspect that there was something more beautiful and simple and relaxed about the days when things did not move so fast, when people knew where they belonged and didn't have so many options that they lived in a state of semi paralysis. In a word, the battlefield that should be yours is the battlefield of ideas being spoon fed to us through the "educational" systems. That is the only war one should wage against the state; all other issues are mere skirmishes , totally secondary issues. When you have awaken to the fact that you are still fighting the enemy ON THEIR OWN TERMS, on terms that they have defined, then you will have begun to awaken. And you will see that there is not reason to fight anyone but yourself. You are the sheep and you are the dictator.
  5. I "suspect"...I suspected correctly, that i would be misunderstood. All three of you have completely misunderstood what i wrote, but this is normal: people can not see beyond their present level of understanding...so they see what they want to see... i "suggest" that you go back and read more carefully; I am not saying that the earth is not round, nor am i advocating the theory of evolution.....and nor am I speaking of economics p.s. so I wonder if you can read it again and try to hear what the writers main points are? Try not to focus on the details and examples.....
  6. the real story of our enslavement from Dead Alive to you Show Details [*] This is the real story of our enslavement. Up to now, all forms of social organization from the dictatorship of one man, to the dictatorship of a few families to the dictatorship of a small bureaucratic elite or to the dictatorship that has been internalized, are all only a consequence to the real reasons of our enslavement. Dictatorship, the use of force against the a majority, has always been, and will always be. And there are only two ways to escape. The first, is to sneak out in the middle of the night (with family if you wish) and find your way to a small atoll or key or island somewhere, and live on an island in the Philippines or Indonesia.. No doubt this is possible and in fact, it is the only possibility of truly living "off the grid" . But as it is suited to nearly no one, we must look at the other option. And that option is more difficult to explain, and will be open to instant mis understanding; but in a word , it is to awaken. Awaken not to the facts of your enslavement, for that also is only something mental and conceptual; to awaken here means nothing less than enlightenment, and enlightenment, on one level or another is operative, , meaning that after one has the knowledge of ones enslavement, one must find a way of living that minimizes contact with your masters, while staying within the bounds of your society, which you most likely do not want to leave anyway. To awaken will look to many as resignation and weakness but in fact it is just the opposite.To awaken is to understand that things are as they should be and the present system that can seem so brutal and unjust is in fact the system that best suits the the majority of people; otherwise the system would cease to exist tomorrow. To awaken means that you will pay your taxes and watch your tax dollars go to schools and armies that you know hurts people, and you will not feel anger; you will in fact, be polite and kind and generous to those that are forcing your hand; and you will be this way because you know that they too on their own level , are no less aware, and certainly no less miserable than the the others. If you are walking down the street and an a cat runs across your path and almost makes you trip, you are not likely to get angry at the cat, since the cat does not know any better; similarly, when you must obey a few rules, which you know are unjust and cause pain, you will not get angry. You will not close your eyes to the truth of the matter, but you know that by getting angry and protesting is useless. The system we have works for the majority. Besides, the present dictatorship has made ample space for the "controlled opposition" and they being keen on understanding that the majority will go about their lives and pay their taxes and trust the state, rest easy. Therefore, those who have awoken, in the true sense of the word, are going to appear to other sheep as just another sheep. But this will not matter to the awakened one; his mind and feelings are elsewhere. He has read between all the lines of history and he knows that the most wise and most contented of men have always been those that have simply...withdrawn from all public battles, and he knows that in fact, battling the powers that be, is just a form of avoiding the work of awakening to the joy of living life.And he has seen that almost to a man, all those who have fought the powers that be, the "freedom fighters "and obtained for himself some power, quickly turned into the very thing he fought against; he becomes the next generation of bullies. This is the real story of why there is injustice in this world, and why the only fight is to not fight. or rather, the only fight is against the true slave driver; and we are our own slave driver. This is thus, not a story for the masses; it is a preface for the tiny tiny minority who understand the dictator in themselves, and the sheep in themselves, and whose only goal is to learn to never impose his will on others and to not be affected when others try to impose their will on him. There is no other freedom beyond this.Those that spend their life trying to understand and change the mechanisms of external power , that is to say, those who are "political" are no less duped than the sheep who understand nothing. Those that truly wish to awaken and not be dominated and bullied by the powers that be, must first gain intellectual understanding; after that they can make their knowledge operative and take the necessary steps to minimizing their contact with bullying powers; this requires first and foremost to understand that even the most rebellious and anarchistic and soul searching people are under the yoke of ideas that their oppressors have indoctrinated into them. Those in history that have always stood strongest against the dictatorial powers had some sort of concept that this life here, while pleasant and wonderful was not necessarily the whole picture; this is not to say they believed in the idea of an afterlife and a heaven, and that if they were good boys and girls here and now they could go to heaven; a concept that there is something larger than this life here, or rather that their life here was in some way directly connected to all other life forms, even connected to the stars, we might call" religious" or we might call it "metaphysical;" it does not mean that those who wish to awaken need join an organized religion, but it does mean to first accept the idea that organized religion has both an external aspect and an internal aspect; the external aspects are just part and parcel or the dictatorial bullies, the state in power, and this is why the church and state are usually so intertwined though out history; what is necessary then is to realize that the original seed of religion was was not political; the original seed of religion was to help man awaken. And there are still men in todays world who know this and ignore all external aspects of religion and consequently ignore or can see through all the trickery of the the church and the state. These men of very wide vision are powerful, and the state fears them, and this is one reason that the theory of evolution is indoctrinated into us, not as a theory but as an absolute fact; for by replacing a vertical dimension to our thinking..a dimension that look up toward some sort of higher power, the state is undercutting mans ability to feel and know the larger picture; after all, the theory of evolution is also a highly political theory to say the least. It serves as a complete justification for the states Machiavellian behavior. As for the truth of the theory of evolution, one only has to ask where did the first material come from? Asking the same question from a cosmological angle , we would ask, what came before the "big bang?" In essence these theories and so many others that are now take on faith, does not really answer the fundamental question of our origins. Most rebels and anarchists and free thinkers are not so free after all; have they ever questioned if the earth is really round? Why do they believe it is? Because they have seen pictures. True, but who released those pictures into the public domain? The state. The same with all the supposed proof of the theory of evolution and so on. In a word, even the most radical rebels and anti statist people are living on faith, since they themselves have never investigated these things first hand. In truth though, these are just examples and it is not necessary to know our earthly origins, or whether god exists or whether their is alien life in order to awaken... The only thing necessary to be continued (and edited....
  7. Hi Stefan, I will not try to go point counterpoint with you. There are just too many points. And you would lose anyway!! And you would lose because you have blocked out the truth of the other reality. No,no, i am not a religious nut, and in fact i began where you are now. (really no condensation intended) Thus when i bought my first computer a few weeks ago, and was scanning you tube i discovered you and was pleasantly surprised to hear a strong and clear and confident voice about ..to say the least... the state of things.... But when i turned to your writings...UPB....i was unable to get past the "null zone" Now i am aware of your "modest suggestion" but how can one go on when you write something like this: "personally a man believes that that which cannot be seen does not exist...intellectually, science has proven this repeatedly" Really. Is this a typo? Am i reading it wrong? What am i missing here? Do you think it too insignificant a thing to stop me from reading further? Do you realize how fundamentally ridiculous this comment is? It made me think that you are missing the obvious in the exact same way that you mock the majority for missing the obvious. Tell me than, electricity does not exist because we cannot see it? Anger does not exist in a man because he doesn't show it and thus it doesn't exist? And most importantly, does consciousness, the very thing we are now using to read and write and understand these words, does not exist because we do not see it?...because science has not been able to capture the mental energy waves as they have an electric light bulb. Please tell me that i have mis -understood you.....!!! Along different lines but really the same, in the end, have you considered that maybe you too are still duped on certain very very foundational issues? Issues that would not necessarily alter your world outlook, but would so deepen it. I offer you one example in the form of a question: If we didn't evolve from monkeys and we were not put here by "God", are you willing to consider a third option?"Do you know that a third option exists which has nothing do to with "God." or "Science?" Again, you might claim that these issues should wait until i have heard your whole moral theory, but please understand, that if you believe we come from monkeys and if you do deny the unseen (and unheard) then your theory's foundation cannot hold water. And besides that, the theory of what is right and wrong and how to make it operative in a society can be summed up in one word: Context. Everything is contextual, which mean it is neither subjective nor objective.... and yet it is both. But first we must have a very precise idea of what human nature is....I could go on, but lets see if you sweep me under the rug or deal with my questions.....they are not intellectual exercises in metaphysics and biology.. they pertain to how you see yourself and how you see yourself is really the whole issue;if you want your ideas to be taken seriously, you are going to have to ground yourself deeper.... david
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