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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. Sure you do, you just qualify for financing by having a stable income. If your credit isn't so good they'll want a little more up front.
  2. Religion and political systems do not force people to do things--other people do, citing whatever reasons for doing so that suits their fancy.
  3. Looks like physical media in March... still awaiting VOD. https://www.amazon.com/Red-Pill-Blu-ray-Documentary-Cast/dp/B01LTI0BKA/
  4. A lot of Christians voting for collectivists here... http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/how-the-faithful-voted-a-preliminary-2016-analysis/
  5. However, software engineering is the closest you get to "professional paid logician" as you can get. Now in my fourth decade of profitable shoveling around of ones and zeroes!
  6. Perhaps he wanted to see if anyone would call him on "not an argument". As for what the thread is really about... Anger is a common reaction is being challenged on things that one considers sacred. I still get miffed when Stefan states that atheists are 'x' even though I know 1) "not all atheists", 2) it's really unimportant since atheism is a statement as to what someone is not, not what someone is, and 3) my experience of atheism is considerably different than Stefan's. I may know all these things but the emotional reaction still comes. Is it worth figuring out or calling into the show about? Will I spend 100 hours of therapy on it? Probably not. Treat your girlfriend with curiosity and respect. Find out what it is that is bothering her. Dig out "why" if you can. And recognize that it may not be a mystery that is easily solved or that the underlying cause may not easily be corrected.
  7. Indeed, one of the benefits of the FDR group on Facebook is that some of these sorts of posts do NOT get filtered like they would if they were on your wall. I do other stuff like screen captures of tweets instead of direct links to tweets themselves as a top of a discussion to prevent thread deletion.
  8. The FDR facebook group is having a debate, for the most part, and has a greater amount of evident trolling than these forums. The question is becoming "how much adversity helps a child without harming them?" My position is that if you are hitting someone you have failed. I also believe that if you are terrifying someone you have failed. People earn respect from their behavior, and people can earn fear. You want the former, not the latter.
  9. MGTOW is just like BATNA, the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. It is important to remember in a negotiation that it's always a viable option to walk away from the table. However, an agreement for mutual gain is preferable to no agreement at all.
  10. I talk to him. I share contrary opinions. I share FDR with him as well. I emphasize that it is prudent in argument to know where the attack will come from and have an appropriate counter in place. I remind him that a good lawyer never asks a question in court that he doesn't know the answer to. I show him how Hollywood and the press get things incredibly wrong and how to notice it. I do not explicitly refer to the Trivium itself, but instead I got on practicing the legs of it.
  11. I went to high school in the 1980s and I didn't get the Trivium... and based on my son's education now I don't think it's gotten any better. All the critical thinking skills I earned were in debates and conversations, not in school (except possibly a good grounding in science).
  12. Snarky answer incoming! In all seriousness, there was an old school of thought, called the Trivium, that discussed the proper grounding of an education in critical thinking, and formed the bottom three of the seven liberal arts: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. (The other four are arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy, which don't get talked about much at FDR, except when flat Earthers visit).
  13. As a DM. I have some experience but I have only done a few adventures with the new D&D.
  14. I understood it to mean that one should not have important personal discussions on an online medium but instead face-to-face. That doesn't mean the event I mentioned is not ironic.
  15. I find this essay to be pretty comprehensive: https://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766 Like writing, the way to get better is to practice it. Identify arguments. Make arguments. Find debatable topics, and build arguments for multiple potential positions around that topic.
  16. Literally. Luke and Leia are both wearing white for most of the movie, until he dons his armor to ride to battle in his white X-Wing.
  17. What is especially amusing is that Luke saw her, heard her plea for help, and instantly wanted to help her in the movie. "Who is she? She's beautiful!"
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