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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. We have never had an opportunity to try capitalism without the corrupting influence of a state. Even the early US had immediate market interference under the Articles of Confederation and later under the Constitution.
  2. Normative or not, even in the abstract they said "Several systematic reviews have suggested that clamping the umbilical cord in all births should be delayed for at least 30–60 seconds, with the infant maintained at or below the level of the placenta because of the associated neonatal benefits, including increased blood volume, reduced need for blood transfusion, decreased incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm infants, and lower frequency of iron deficiency anemia in term infants." That's hardly damning with faint praise.
  3. What I liked about that study was that it was a decent summary and it had references to a lot of other studies for people to dig into. It was a jumping off point.
  4. One I've seen is for the specific instance of the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck, which is a risk for strangulation. Another I just saw was an increased risk of jaundice when I was searching around. Otherwise, there's this: http://www.acog.org/Resources-And-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Obstetric-Practice/Timing-of-Umbilical-Cord-Clamping-After-Birth
  5. Don't worry about upvotes, and focus more on analysis and experience. There is a slightly higher level of economic over social libertarianism afloat here, but the real dividing line is over spanking here.
  6. Pro-immigration documentarians visit refugee camp, get robbed: http://www.progressivestoday.com/pro-immigration-filmmakers-visit-french-refugee-camp-and-get-robbed-video/
  7. Video of Swedish woman being harassed by asylum seekers. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/01/19/watch-swedish-woman-harrased-by-muslim-asylum-seekers-who-ask-for-sex-n2106759
  8. 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens You'll note the decision-making authority for security-related admissions are the attorney general or consular officers, which are in the executive branch and report to the President.
  9. Muslim teens stoning transgender women in Germany: https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/224338/ Drilling down... http://www.jpost.com/page.aspx?pageid=7&articleid=441695
  10. I think if you are looking for reason and evidence in Politico you are going to have a bad time.
  11. Apparently Taharrush Gamea has its roots in 2005 Egypt... https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/224097/
  12. The first order hit is that it undermines the profitability of US-dominated natural gas and fracking, which were a significant boon for lowering the trade deficit. If we shut down US operations because they are unprofitable, it's a hit to employment, and also to resiliency as it takes many months, if not years, to restart such operations. The second order hit is that a lot of nations that lend the US money have minimum oil price levels to keep their own economies going. All the middle eastern countries that invest heavily in the US are now operating with budget shortfalls. The third order hit is that our normal method of smoothing the impact of oil price volatility is the oil reserve... which is very close to full, so we can't use it to increase demand. However, the final effect, the one with the most telling impact, is that the sanctions against Iran are due to fall, and they want to sell oil, too. We may yet see a shooting war between them and Saudi Arabia. War, being uncertain, adds an incredible amount of risk to all sorts of things in the market.
  13. And with 14% of the population on food stamps, it's on its way to becoming universal! http://www.statisticbrain.com/food-stamp-statistics/
  14. I erred, it's spelled "Taharrush" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3395390/The-Arabic-gang-rape-Taharrush-phenomenon-sees-women-surrounded-groups-men-crowds-sexually-assaulted-spread-Europe.html http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/13/wilders-european-women-should-arm-themselves-with-pepper-spray/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/tippling/2016/01/13/the-daily-mail-taharrush-collective-sexual-harrassment-and-wikipedia/?ref_widget=gr_trending&ref_blog=grails&ref_post=atheist
  15. https://www.chefsteps.com/classes/coffee/landing#/
  16. The new phrase to google is "Tarrarush". It's like "The Knock Out Game" with a middle eastern flavor.
  17. You don't think it was a productive conversation?
  18. Seems appropriate to this thread,
  19. Every action has costs and benefits. The cost of fighting "clean" is a more difficult victory. The cost of fighting "dirty" is the potential outrage of your allies or countries that have not joined a fight. This worked well when the combatants were all Europeans... but does that same equation carry over with the same result when you spread it to the rest of the world? That radicalized Muslims don't care about killing families is already established. Will we enrage our allies if we respond in kind? Will we radicalize more combatants? That's just the first order calculus of Trump's phrasing. The second order is "Do enough people believe him to be intimidated so he doesn't have to act?" and "Do enough people empathize with what he said to vote for him?" and "Are enough allies and others willing to ignore this statement as 'bluster' as to not upset the status quo?"
  20. While I appreciate your construction, where do the logicians fit in the picture? Are they a subset of the Gnostics? There are many proposed attributes of a god, but most of those proposed attributes are logically inconsistent, so the Gnostic Atheist in your classification system claims that not only does he not believe in them, but they cannot logically exist. This is not a knowledge of God issue insomuch as a claim that consistent universes cannot contain Gods, as defined.
  21. An example of the kind of craziness out there is the comments on this post: http://microsoft-news.com/microsoft-ceo-satya-nadella-is-selling-his-house-at/ Yes, my "boss" (there's a few people between me and him in the chain of command) is selling his house that he's been living in for 20 years for about double what he bought it for. To me, that's not noteworthy. I tried to sell my house for double what I paid for it only 10 years in. What seems to bother people is that it's a big house and that real estate is expensive in Seattle and that the CEO of Microsoft has money.
  22. Great article on the layout of mission control for the Apollo missions... http://arstechnica.com/science/2012/10/apollo-flight-controller-101-every-console-explained/
  23. The labor theory of value only relates to real value when it is a persuasive argument to get someone to pay a higher price for something than they would otherwise. This *does* happen with certain campaigns like "Buy American" or "Fair Trade Coffee". Most of the time, however, people are not swayed by it. Value is incredibly personal, and relates to what you would rather have than whatever you are giving in return. This is why no central computer or committee is appropriate for setting prices and why it is so hard to set a price on a product or service without understanding your customer.
  24. I actually was a delegate for Ron Paul in the last presidential run, and it was kinda a waste of time except that I got to teach a few freedom-minded people about parliamentary procedures.
  25. The problem, as always, is that time spent on pointless boondoggles is time that could have been spent doing something productive (pun intended).
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