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Everything posted by Sashajade

  1. I just thought I would mention that this particular show really got alot of responses on youtube. Especially when I brought up why welfare is a bad thing. It was cool to see all the support and even from former government employees. Anyway, keeping it short I'm in a hurry lol!
  2. Jeez! It does sound bad. It might be different if it was self-deliverance or assisted suicide for an old person who is suffering and requesting a peaceful exit.
  3. Lol! "the anarchy workout" that's actually kind of a good idea. Like a basic total body workout do it in your home hehe! Thanks everybody for being supportive of my topic, you guys are awesome!
  4. https://youtu.be/bgmLvPxhuBs
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  5. Yea, health and wellness doesn't really fit in under the typical philosophy topics. I've just ran into a couple instances where I didn't know where I should put certain posts that seem to do with mental and body health.
  6. I just felt like it would be useful to make a section specific to stuff like medical issues, watching out for our safety and pocketbooks when dealing with doctors, putting out useful info on medications, food, or alternative stuff we can do to heal ourselves.
  7. http://www.health-science-spirit.com/iodine.html http://www.laurapower.com/page26.html http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/67063-iodine-is-magical-miracle-most-underrated-supplement/
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  8. I do suspect conspiracy because causing deficiency in iodine is related to so many illnesses that are currently being treated because of it. It is a way to keep people dumb and to ensure that they need to keep paying doctors for the vast array of health problems related to this. You can't tell me that the government doesn't know what the effects are of iodine deficiency when so many illnesses are connected directly to it. It's a little suspicious that in addition to removing iodine from food, they also promote foods that further inhibit iodine absorption. They also add stuff into the food and water to further prevent people from getting enough iodine. The biggest reason why they don't want you to get saturated iodine is because it removes all flourides, lead, bromine, and other toxic halides from your system, even stored ones. Once your system is free of all that toxic stuff, your body can start healing, your brain will function better, your metabolism will get better and you will enjoy an overall much better health. If you have trouble finding the right iodine, search for Lugol solution. It is pretty cheap, a bottle with 60ml costs around $15 and you will need around 8 drops a day to get 50mg. Before you start supplementing with iodine please read up on it. There might be some initial side effects when you first stir up all the toxins in the body. You might get some mild symptoms initially, but gradually as the toxins get cleaned out it's suppose to get better. I have gotten a headache so far because I tend to overdo it. I can be overzealous when I discover something new, and a little trouble sleeping. It seems to have a stimulant effect so maybe don't take it in the evening. I would start slow and you will be able to judge how your body reacts and adjust the amount.
  9. The stuff I bought is called life-flo liquid iodine plus with iodine and potassium iodide, although I will look into the higher quality stuff because now i'm curious.
  10. The stuff I bought cost like $8, I want to cry because wow! I'm angry,happy, and sad at the same time.
  11. For years I've struggled with attentional problems, lack of energy, depression, and I had started to learn recently that it could be due to the lack of iodine in my diet. I had struggled with learning problems and at age 24 I had developed a goiter. My thyroid gland became enlarged and I had to have radioactive iodine treatment which decreases thyroid activity and then they put you on a supplement to supposedly put back the right amount of the hormone to balance it out. Well I'm sure that this was not intended to cure the problem as we are learning the corrupt nature of everything under government. Anyway, I have continued to have all the problems I've always had, but now I"m learning that it probably has to do with the government removing iodine from the food supply starting about 30 years ago. But wait it gets better, they started adding toxins such as flouride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate into our food supply, water, and medications which further inhibits our ability to absorb the crucial supplement called iodine. To top it all off, the FDA recommends a daily dose that is 100 times less than we actually need. No you cannot get enough from table salt. What we should be getting is like 12.5 mg or more depending on existing issues due to over or underactive thyroid function. So the other day I went to the natural foods store and had remembered that I was going to look for liquid iodine to see if it would help all my symptoms. This is like only my second day and I've taken 11 drops and I really feel like the mental fog lifted and my energy is improved. This works better than adderall lol! This deficiency can be responsible for alot of other diseases so make sure you get enough iodine. I also ran across an article claiming that The World Health Organisation has identified iodine deficiency as the ''commonest global cause of preventable loss of intellectual performance''. During pregnancy moderate to severe iodine deficiency can cause an irreversible loss of 10 to 15 IQ points in offspring. Health authorities recommend iodine supplements of 150 micrograms a day for pregnant or breast-feeding women.
  12. That is a really good article. I think it describes accurately what feminism is all about. I think it's great that women have certain freedoms that didn't exist before but when the government agenda gets involved it ends up creating the opposite.
  13. I had decided a long time ago that I really struggled with most entry level work environments. I would get bored, annoyed, distracted and just in general I would be so unhappy and could not wait till I was done with my shift. I know that to a degree this has to do with issues with authority and just the frustration with unreasonable demands and most likely a job environment that is not a good fit for me. The other thing that sucked is feeling like I couldn't maximize the use of my time and energy in order to feel like I could justify being there. So I do earn less money but I'm not sure I could go back to an authoritan work environment. I discovered that there are very generous compassionate people who are willing to barter and that I can somewhat be less dependent on money for everything. It is challenging though because some people really don't like that I don't work a legit job. It's like that conformist thing that people try to push on us like there is only one way to live. There is definitley downsides to not having something you can put on paper but I guess you have to do what works for you when it's all said and done.
  14. Yea, I've tried this too but its not truly satisfying and I agree it ends up hurting somebody. It can be done but you really have to be strict on not developing attachment and that's tough because we are wired to attach. You cannot see them often, but usually if you really enjoy being intimate with the person its hard to do that. It's hard to separate such an intimate act and reduce it to a meaningless exchange if you are in touch with your emotions.
  15. Wow! I didn't think enlightened cops existed That is so cool. Hope to see more posts from you and hear about your insights.
  16. I haven't been keeping up on watching all the shows but this particular one really touched me because I could really relate in many ways even though the life story is a little different. The experiences, emotions, that Stef described were similar. I'm not really trying to relive my trauma but that video was really well done and very intense. Great video, Thank u Stef!
  17. In my younger days, I was motivated by immediate gratification because it was the only thing I felt capable of achieving in order to gain intense short term, but fleeting happiness. I had this sense that there was definite limits on the possibilities of whatever I could ever hope to achieve, and that definitley hurt my motivation and still does. I've since learned that I do have more control over this than I thought thanks to this wonderful technology called the internet Helping folks attempt to climb out of learned helplessness one at a time. Nowadays I feel like it's harder to be motivated toward things that are not real or lasting in the reward area. I think when I give of myself to others in some way that makes me feel valuable is motivating, but this works best on a voluntary basis as most of us know on this site. I feel like it's eazier to point out the things that take away my motivation, but I currently lack the dicipline to address this stuff daily. I tend to fall off the focus wagon lol!
  18. Yes, I had that feeling also when i first heard the estrogen based parasites video. I had to remind myself that even if I'am guilty of some of the things in the video, it has had alot to do with not understanding my motivation, my upbringing, media conditioning, so I can forgive myself for some of it now. The fact that you are even questioning yourself is a good sign. It means you are able to consider the effects of your actions.
  19. There was a podcast recently about the power of language and I would like to get better at using the power of language. I mean I know reading teaches you a ton of new words and how to use them in the right context. I just want to learn more about specific ways to practice this skill. Thanks
  20. I totally apologize for posting the course, i meant to only post the info and pay site to the course. Shoot
  21. http://www.spartanlifecoach.com/
  22. http://sparkster.hubpages.com/hub/Psychological-Murder
  23. I recently ended an attachment with a guy, but this time I'm finally seeing things that I wasn't aware of before. Thanks to many helpful youtube videos and articles on things like narcissistic abuse, addiction, attachment. I still have not figured out why i'm so sensitive and have what feels like excessive emotion, yet at the same time I feel like I'm totally disconnected. I often don't feel inspired or good unless I get validation, attention, and intimacy from another person. When I'am by myself its like there's a huge black hole and I don't really experience happiness and motivation. I guess I was hoping that I could make the connection myself by learning about all this stuff and trying to heal myself but I'm not able to do it. I was wondering if anybody has some insight on this subject. Thanks
  24. Kevin I liked your video. When you got to the part where you assumed that women didn't enjoy sex, it kinda made me think about my past. Because when I first started to become sexually active at 16, I had no idea that probably alot of guys assumed that women arent suppose to like sex. Here I was an out of control dysfunctional promiscuous teenager, but I thought most guys did think or know that women enjoy sex just as much as men do. Anyway I just thought I would share that lol!
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