I agree and share the same sentiments with Anuojat above. Good for you for recognizing the elephant in the room and looking for alternatives and fixes. However, a friend once told me that it is impossible to "fix" a system founded on violence. Making the police virtuous is about as likely as infiltrating the KKK and trying to turn it against racism.
Now, that doesn't mean all is lost. You have invested a considerable amount of time in pursuing your career, and its unreasonable to suggest you change that on a dime. I'd recommend you spend the next 3-5 years on developing a niche skill, or perhaps a new theory on providing security altogether, (I suggest reading de Molinari's work on this), then shifting to some sort of consulting based work. In the current system that's all you can do when the career you want to work in is monopolized by the state. The problem with the consulting world though, is that it usually operates under the bounds of quite constraining and unreasonable regulations, making it a pseudo-private bitch-helper of police. So you're kind of back to square one, but a little further detached.
Another option could just be to say fuck it, float under the radar and provide for your family the best way you can. We are all struggling through this together and you wouldn't want to put yourself through undue/ premature hardship.