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Everything posted by Withanametocome

  1. Not just "any", but hundreds of quality podcasts you may find here (be patient, it takes a while to load): http://www.br-online.de/podcast/radiowissen/cast.xml I recommend using cltr+f there to mine the topics you may be the most interested in.
  2. If it's properly structured it's not a rambling, methinks. Anyway: welcome! And if I were you I would keep in mind, while talking to your family, that it took you ca. 500 podcasts to mould the idea of raising these issues with them and that, thus, they may need some digestion time as well. And if I were you I would also keep in mind, after having approached them, that it took you ca. 500 podcasts to realize the importance of these ideas and that, thus, your family shan't either take forever to (re)make their minds. And be sincere with yourself if the replies you get aren't the ones you'd wish for: we all want the tumor to receed but that doesn't always happen. Goedenacht!
  3. 吃过饭了吗? I am, alas, no longer in Beijing! But I am still happy that I read your message: many Beijingers could for sure benefit of your initiative, so may I clap in admiration loud enough for you to hear it there!
  4. Nick, I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope you get to a place where you feel better. I only want the best for you.You might consider talking to your therapist about cycles of abuse and narcissistic personality disorders I am always here for you. and I can tell you all of this straightfaced because I am not your mom, that is, I did not allow the trauma to happen.
  5. [i AM IN NO IMMEDIATE DANGER, AT ALL!] Hello again, Pat, You quoted me true about the bullet and gun thing, although worringly partially methinks. Allow me the full phrase: "If I ever thought there was no possibility of me getting the life I want, then I have a plan B: buying a bullet and hiring a gun. Out of respect for me and whoever could see me, I won't grow up to be a frustrated oldfart." Now, you are spot on about the relative danger of my situation, which I only in part succeeded to transmit to you: if you, Pat, have an accident and need to lay hospital-bound for several months, then you have your wife (and probably more people!) that will take care of you all recovery long. I don't: I am one accident away from being fucked up, and I guess that's one of the reasons why I am so much in a hurry. Our encounter was a reminder of the scores I have yet to improve in intimacy with those initially reluctant through that way with me. So, in a certain sense, you made me a better. And yes, 'twas ok for me, the rest of the night. Bien à toi!
  6. Hello! Yes, it's been a while since I finished it. I sent it to Mike and he told me he would find proofreaders, but I ignore if that has happened as of today, so if you are interested (for which I thank you many times!), just send him an email and ask him if he still searching. Take care! P.S.: Förresten, är du svenska?
  7. I have sent you a PM, Pat!
  8. Yes please! I would love nothing more than that!
  9. Another victim of the Old Russian Witch's Voodoo... Welcome aboard! Regarding social anxiety, I am happy if you are happy with your therapy, still I hope you also know that every effective treatment always starts with the GTFO pill: no serious doctor would pretend to cure, say, PTSD, while the battle's still going on.
  10. I remember you; I've heard the beginning of the call again: you say first you've had trouble with self-esteem and THEN that you have been involved in an act that you can't even speak about. You are ashamed of what has happened to you. But you know this is not like choosing the wrong dress for the promo, Casey: what happened to you, you couldn't have possibly prevented it. If the couple would have wanted to go medieval in your ass, you couldn't have prevented it either. And this is easily understood by the fact that the only ones in the world that could have taught you to identify potential rapists failed blatantly to do so. Yet the parents know about it. The mother knows the day you were crying and yet she still threw you off in daycare. And the father knows the day in which he should have been close to you while you were playing, so that you didn't end up hurting yourself. Parents fucking know how lazy they are every day, because they get the cues of having failed to protect and, willingly, neglectfully, immorally slack them away. And to do a proper, multi-generational, slacking job requires you to feel responsible for what they should have been, lest you mouth out their irresponsibility in a family meeting! And this is why you feel bad about your childhood: the horror to which you were submitted it's greater than the one you remember, and you know it: if you thought hard about it, you would come up with ways in which your parents were even more inhuman than what they look like in a paper or a .jpg now. And maybe you still want to think that there is a kernel of truth in the 'we love you' of your rapists, because wouldn't it be nice for rapists to be at least a little capable of love and of genuinely finding good things in you? The truth is other: they were out to fucking get you. And you have survived, Casey. The abuse that your rapists probably suffered (and with which they tried to shit-stained you) and the abuse that your parents probably suffered (so that they can't recognize rapists from non-rapists) ends with you because you have been courageous enough to speak THE HORROR rather than telling 'we love you' to a drugged teenager. And to show now, to those who feel that shit is impossible to overcome, that bonding and love work, turns 'we did the best we could' into 'we are child molesters, and negligent'. I once was talking to the average irresponsible family. I was feeling uncomfortable thinking about the question that I was going to ask to the father: it was going to reveal that he was an ape. I suddenly had the best of ideas: I imagined him with red-gorging eyes and knife in hand, running quickly at me trying to kill me. And I didn't feel fear or discomfort (because I run faster than him!). At that moment I knew that the discomfort wasn't mine and went ahead and dispelled it: 'but you spend more time watching football than with your kids, don't you?' And as soon as I ended the question, I knew whose discomfort I was feeling, and as soon as I knew that, I realized that NEVER again I was going to feel the discomfort of petty, unambitious, irresponsible people. Much less of rapists.
  11. Ich erinnere mich, an deinen Call!Damit, ich bin froh, dass du jenen dankst, dass um dich haben gekümmert, aber du bist jene, die der Kampf der Sucht persönlich konfrontiert, also ein dickes Lob an dich!Und ich verstehe auch, was du meinst: die "Reinigung" zu tun, das ist schmerzhaft! Aber es wäre noch schmerzhafter und schwieriger -wenn nicht unmöglich- später im Leben.Also, ja, rede uns bitte über das "stuff that matters", entweder hier oder beim PM: zumindest sind wir nicht Videospiel-Süchtige!
  12. Hello! I'll be landing in Beijing next Friday and, out of over 20 million inhabitants, I know zero. The company I am going to work with will take care of lodging from the start, which means that I am not asking for your sofa, but still, if you think you are worth knowing and chatting with, I will be most pleased to find that out!
  13. I don't have stats, but I would say Aesop has (nominative aside!) much more flection and hepax legomena than Caesar and, certainly, the Vulgate. And yes, Cicero's speeches are top-notch verbal abuse (ie, 'complicated sentences'), although the bulk of his work remains correspondence, as nice and dandy for starters as Caesar's.
  14. I see. Well, since you mentioned the Cambridge course, there is a videos series that deals with (and complements) that one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if4XZVFTK5A Also, from the same guy, 'Learning Latin with Virgil', which is great if you do it with a notebook by your side and write down the Latin sentences while pronouncing them out loud WITHOUT looking at the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfxK6fC2v6c But I gather from the earlier part of your message that you are more advanced than that already. So, there is another channel that deals with intermediate grammar and Catullus' work (pronounced in the most elegant manner, no Late-Medieval Filo-Italian quacking): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC30yV4OSzNd_uDJ9c1OFXBg Other than that, and if you want to get some serious traction, I would get some Latin audios of works you are already familiar with (the Gospels, Caesar, Cicero...) and listen to them regularly while pronouncing them at the same time: you will internalize the patterns, absorb a lot of vocabulary and succeed in your literary life*! *This last step is not yet guaranteed by the FDIC.
  15. Of course, all the girls are talking about it! Here's the podcast: http://areena.yle.fi/radio/2178991 And here the glossaries: http://oppiminen.yle.fi/kielet-kulttuurit-piilotetut/latina/nuntii-latini?ref=leiki-op Sure: while taunting in the dark anything you find somehow helps.
  16. Because it's no fun that most people who begin learning a language fail somewhere along the way; still I thought it's worth having in mind, specially if you want to be among those who walk the whole way through. Dunno, sorry, I don't pay attention to them, for I am too busy learning languages. Assimil has a recent 'Latin sans peine' (written by Isabelle Ducos-Filippi) that has an etymology fetish, and which I overall recommend (although I can't attest to the English version, since I haven't read that one...). Then there is always the Wiktionary, with <17.000 entrances in this list: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:English_terms_derived_from_Latin ...that I bet will keep you entertained for a noon or two. And Tuft's Perseus as well, with word statistics, morphology and classical usage examples. Also, the Vatican Radio has a program with the former Papal Latinist, Cardinal Reginald Forster, so badass. Youtube's 'Worlds of the World' has as well some nice etymological explanations, just search for the Latinates and grab the popcorn. Additionally, asking in the NOVA ROMA forum and joining the community doesn't hurt either. And I still feel like I am forgetting something important... In a few days I will have access to my Latin resources' stash, and I could then search more closely if you wish me to. Regards, Withanametocome
  17. 'Just for fun' is the paradigm of failed language learning. Plus, a language that has Virgil, Ovid, Plautus, Catullus, and many other illustrious us-ended names, you want to learn 'just for fun'? Why would you want to learn it for? I will gladly give you advice, but to do so properly I think important that you share your goals with Latin with us! Regards.
  18. My take would have been something like: [sUBJECT] is [OBJECT], how could I help? Of course, if you want me to expand on any specific issue, I will gladly do so. It seemed to me, as you confirmed in your last message, that you don't normally talk about these things and you hadn't yet mapped the whole situation, and I tell ya bro, it was bugging me all the way through because you mentioned you had a girlfriend, didn't you? I don't remotely think you can pull this one out (ie, saving the girls from abuse) if you don't have an adamantium-solid support structure behind you, girlfriend and all. But I guess you already agree with me on that one, since you came here in search of help He's not just rednecky. "You know I love you, when you're ready, I’ll be here" is abuse at a Ph.D. level, because he knows you don't currently have the courage to speak your mind in front of him and that you aren't getting yourself 'ready'. (And why does he know that? Because you are still talking to him as if he didn't hit his daughters.) Do you have a 'HMTD', (a 'Happy Moment of the Day')? Like getting back home, putting the slippers on and begin telling your girlfriend what's happened at work? Or massaging your head like a boss while you are shampooing it under hot water? Well, your father has a HMTD too: the moment in which he tortures his two underage daughters, and he will fucking fight for that Satan-given right beyond any reason you want to bring to him. If you are planning to get your sisters it will be, I guess, to show them (clear as nipples in a wet-t-shirt party) how parenting it's meant to be done. If you are planning on doing all this out of bad conscience (ie, the bad conscience your father inflicted on you, which he to this day enjoys), I can't ensure you any satisfaction for the ordeal. Would you try to do all that if the girls weren't your sisters? I think it of the utmost importance for you to be sincere with that. Lastly, and since you have properly addressed (ie, killed) my former suggestions, the only thing I can come up with is: do Rita and Rotten (he's called like that, isn't he?) latch on to SOMETHING? Do they have any ideals that could be used to -at least- improve your daughter's livelihood if presented in a certain manner? (Like making a case AGAINST spanking based on the teachings of Jesus... I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes beasts are stopped with a whistle.) Do they have any living idols or role models? If that wasn't the case, I don't think everything is lost forever: even if no alternatives popped up now, when the girls are older you will have many more possibilities. Fare well my friend!
  19. [First -this is almost irrelevant, but I find it more appropriate to comment at the beginning than elsewhere-: I think you could have summarized your situation much more, and were it not your first message, I wouldn't have read the whole text. But I went all through it since first posters tend to have a very important reason to write, and you are no exception!] I welcome and admire your compassion towards your siblings. With a past like yours, caring about two non-nubile human beings is a very rare gift. Now, you don't parade that gift -in my opinion- in front of sadists like your father, because you are only telling him that you can still be hurt. Furthermore, none of that shit is of your making: you can accept the tremendous effort that solving the issue may take, of course, but I hope you know by now that you aren't more obliged to do so just because that man sticked it in your mother's pussy. And, sadly, I cannot come up with easy solutions either... I don't even know the US law, but if you could demonstrate in court the abuse your sisters are suffering (you have at least one of them as witness and willing to talk, don't you?), could you get custody? I know this, if at all possible, will be super risky for the girls if the custody is not finally granted, so please speak to someone who knows more than me about it if you want to pursue that route. Another possibility, less risky for the girls, would be to take them for a long vacation, and when the vacation is about to end, speak to your father more or less like 'I think they are both doing really well here! I haven't asked them yet, so I don't know if they will even want, but how do you think about them staying for a long period, like one academic year? I think it would be good for them to develop their social skills and bla bla bla...' This way, if your father rejects it, at least it won't necessarily have repercussions on your sisters. That's all I can think for now. I wouldn't keep talking it 'openly' with your father, since he has just shown over and over that he's a sadist and will probably even get an extra kick of torturing their daughters if he knows that he's hurting you as well. As a feminist would say: don't empower him! (Alternatively, you could just secuestrate your sisters and leave a punching bag as a replacement: the bugger won't notice it, I guess.) And please lets us know what happens: I hate reading contemporary stories about fucked up chilhoods that should belong to the Cretacic (if not earlier), but it's within our reach to try and straighten some of them.
  20. Ich war einer Deutsche Reise irgendwie in jenen Tagen planen und so vielleicht könnte ich zum Frankfurt in diesem Zeitpunkt gelingen, obwohl ich frage mich, ob es gibt Unterkunft für mich da, da ich in Frankfurt ausschließlich für die meet-up daranbekommen würde.Vielen Dank im Voraus (und entschuldigst du mein Deutsch, ich muss noch lange mit ihm laufen!)Weiter so!
  21. If your family sees that you have cut yourself they would either ignore it or treat it in a light that you don't like, which won't add intimacy to the relationship (quite the contrary!). I've cut myself (I still have the scars in my arms) and exercised, and I totally prefer the latter. And what is more: I once knew a very (very!) pretty girl who had cuts in her arms: I didn't raise the issue because at the time I was more into fucking her than having difficult conversations. Still, I tell you this because, 5 years later I realized that what I did was awful, called the girl back, apologized and began having an actual relationship with her, which is to say (according to my experience): 1) you won't see it if you don't want to see it, even if the bare, scarred arms are around you everyday and 2) if you actually have empathy, or end up having it, even after years of separation, those people are one phone call away, so that if you aren't being contacted/helped is not because you are invisible to them or very hard to talk to, but just because they don't want to fucking see. If you wanna be sensible and talk about feelings, I'm 100% there with you, but you are going to have to (bisexually) man up and push your way into somewhere where you can do so: I know it's very hard and strenuous, and you will feel alone all the time until you arrive to the desired destination, but still it's easier than trying to make your family treat you like a human.
  22. Good that you say so, because I was absolotely going to ask there. The podcast you quote is an example of what I said that the average listener doesn't want: <35 minutes of conjectures focused on psycho-social aspects from someone that hasn't read a word of the Gospels (for, as far as I know, Stef doesn't know Greek, and not that he should learn it: I think it is a better use of his time to do videos about circumcision and breastfeeding).
  23. To synthesize mainstream scholarship regarding Jesus, so that whoever is interested in the character (let's say, half of the world population) doesn't have to get a Neo-Testamentarian Degree in order to learn proper historical research and Exegesis in this respect. Hmm that is weird, but you certainly know better than I how things work here, so I'll attempt it.
  24. Apparently there are no good short video introductions to the most famous of all characters; there are a ton of academic lectures that speak for 1 hour about a single Bible verse, but those aren't very practical for the average curious guy, and of course the 'Jesus is your saviour' videos that don't help either. On the other hand, I have devoted hundreds of hours to study world religions and Jesus in particular, so I could fit mainstream scholarship in a 10 minutes compact video presenting the historical Jesus, his environment, what came to be of his history afterwards... And in fact, I have already written a script, so whoever likes drawing, or animation, and feels curious can just ask me for it: I'll hand it over and we'll see if we can take the collaboration up to a the next YouTube hit. Regards, Withanametocome
  25. By the end of the day I will have half the translation behind my back already. Thanks for the corrections and suggestions: you are all more apt than I to spot some improvable things, so please keep going! Cheers.
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