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Everything posted by Melesina

  1. Hi, Matt! Thanks for mentioning it in your thread. If you mean the Community tab on the FDR board, Michael takes care of those updates.
  2. Giving this art project a bump. Check it out at http://fdrart.deviantart.com/gallery/. If anyone's interested in joining, it would be great to see your artwork! It can be painting, photography, sculpture; any form your expression of art takes. Request to join the group on the deviantart site or contact Wesley, Carl Bartelt, sagiquarius, or myself.
  3. Thanks for the shout out for the site, Matt! It's a work in progress and hopefully it will help. If anyone has an FDR Meetup Group they'd like added to the list, send me a message and I'll get it added!
  4. I put together a list of the FDR Meetup Groups that I know about, along with links to their sites. It can be found at FDR Meetup Groups Worldwide. If you know of an FDR Meetup Group that you'd like added to the list, leave a comment on this thread or send me a message.
  5. Giving this post a bump as the original post has been updated to reflect the changes in the discontinuation of the Meetup Everywhere platform. Info and links are provided to other options and a new ongoing project to be a replacement for the platform. Read more about the project in the article, "Replacement for the Discontinued Freedomain Radio Meetup Everywhere Platform". If you're interested in being an active FDR Meetup Organizer, check out the Freedomain Radio Meetup Organizer group on facebook. If you're already an Organizer and have a group page you want featured on the Freedomain Radio Meetup Worldwide web site, comment here or email me at [email protected].
  6. The next FDR Chicago Meetup is scheduled for Saturday, November 8th, 2014. The Meetup will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Village Tavern & Grill, 291 South Schmale Road, Carol Stream IL. For more info about the venue, visit http://www.villagetavernandgrill.com/#!home-carol-stream/c1nfh.
  7. Meetup is discontinuing the "Meetup Everywhere" platform effective December 1, 2014. Meetup's official statement explains: "In order to focus our resources on making it as easy as possible to help connect people with the community organizations they’ll love, Meetup will be discontinuing Meetup Everywhere on December 1, 2014.On that date, all communities on Meetup Everywhere will go offline. If you represent a local organization that has a Meetup Everywhere page, read on to learn more about what you can do to keep your community going." In order to continue to have a Meetup group, organizers will need to visit Meetup.com and set up an account (which costs a monthly fee). To find out more details, visit http://help.meetup.com/customer/portal/articles/1726205.
  8. Meetup is discontinuing the "Meetup Everywhere" platform effective December 1, 2014. Meetup's official statement explains: "In order to focus our resources on making it as easy as possible to help connect people with the community organizations they’ll love, Meetup will be discontinuing Meetup Everywhere on December 1, 2014.On that date, all communities on Meetup Everywhere will go offline. If you represent a local organization that has a Meetup Everywhere page, read on to learn more about what you can do to keep your community going." In order to continue to have a Meetup group, organizers will need to visit Meetup.com and set up an account (which costs a monthly fee). To find out more details, visit http://help.meetup.com/customer/portal/articles/1726205.
  9. The next FDR Chicago Meetup is scheduled for Saturday, September 20th, 2014. We'll be meeting at 2:00 p.m. at Headquarter's Beercade located at 2833 N. Sheffield Avenue, Chicago. The venue is known for their nostalgic arcade games and offers 37 vintage arcade games and several pinball games as well.
  10. Hi Boohickey11. What area of the world do you live in? I didn't see mention of it in your post. If you can let me know, I'd be happy to check and see if there's an FDR Meetup group in your area. Or you can check online at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/.
  11. Hi babuzhis. Welcome to the FDR community. I'm not sure how active the FDR Meetup group is for Vilnius these days; however, here's a link to their page: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Vilnius-LT/. Some of the members have facebook links and perhaps you could contact them and see if they're still in the area.
  12. It's time for the next FDR Chicago Meetup. Details and RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Chicago-IL/1182192/.
  13. More details about the Edmonton FDR Meetup group can be found here: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Edmonton/ Giving your post a bump, Nigel, since your Meetup is tonight.
  14. It was great meeting you on Saturday, Anjin-san! I'm glad you were able to make it! Had a great Chicago FDR Meetup on Saturday, August 2nd, with 9 in attendance! If you're interested in attending future Chicago FDR Meetups, watch here in the Meet 'n Greet category for postings or check out http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Chicago-IL/ for the latest schedule of events.
  15. Today's the day for the next Chicago FDR Meetup! The details are in the post above. RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Chicago-IL/1182182/. See you there!
  16. Metra runs two lines near the venue; the Union Pacific North Line (UP-N) and the Union Pacific Northwest Line (UP-NW), both of which stop at the Clybourn Station at 2001 N. Ashland Ave. which is 1.95 miles from Cassava's. Here's a Metra link with the details: Metra System Map: Clyborn Station. Hope that helps and look forward to meeting you, too!
  17. Though there may not be anyone specifically in Denver from this thread (https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/36349-russian-speakers/?hl=russia#entry335804), it might be worth a read and to leave a post in the thread to inquire.
  18. Hi Nigel. It's great that you're working to organize Meetups in your area! A couple of articles on this site you might find helpful: FDR Meetup Connects Us With Others Tips for Starting & Organizing FDR Meetups As Jack mentioned above (thank you Jack!), there's also a Freedomain Radio Meetup Organizers' group on facebook. If you'd be interested in joining, let me know what town in which you're organizing Meetups and request to join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDRMeetupOrganizers/. And as Wes mentioned (thank you Wes!), there's also the site at freedomainradiomeetup.com that provides articles written by other organizers, where they share their experiences and tips for organizing Meetups, that you might find useful. Look forward to hearing from you! Melesina
  19. Hi Ricardo and welcome to the FDR community. There's an FDR Meetup community in Boston as well. You can find out more at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Boston-MA/.
  20. Hi Andrew and welcome to the FDR community. There's also an FDR Meetup community in Huntington Beach. You can find out more at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Huntington-Beach-CA/.
  21. The next FDR Chicago Meetup is this Saturday, August 2nd, at 2:00 p.m. We'll be meeting at Cassava, 3338 N. Clark St., Chicago. If you plan to attend, please RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Chicago-IL/1182182/, so we'll know how many tables/seats we need to reserve. Look forward to seeing everyone!
  22. For more information about upcoming Freedomain Radio Meetups, visit http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/.
  23. There are two different Meetup platforms and they are explained in more detail on this post: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/40419-fdr-meetup-connects-us-with-others/ As Pat shared, the official FDR Meetup site can be found at FDR Meetup Everywhere.
  24. [Due to the discontinued Meetup Everywhere platform, this article has been updated. - Feb. 5, 2015] Tips for Starting & Organizing FDR Meetups If you're one of the members of the FDR community who are interested in meeting fellow philosophers in the area in which you live, you may be wondering where to find each other. Up until December 1, 2014, the place to begin checking was on the site at http://www.meetup.com/freedomain-radio; however, since then, the Meetup Everywhere platform was discontinued by Meetup.com. Since then, if you're looking to find and meet FDR members who reside within a geographical area close enough to meet face-to-face, take time to check for FDR Meetup groups in your area. Try searching on the Meet n Greet Section of the forum here on the FDR Board, Meetup, or Facebook. In the meantime, if you don't find a group already out there and are interested in starting one, here are some suggestions to help in starting and organizing an FDR Meetup group: Momentum is key when starting your Meetup group. New members are just as enthusiastic and excited as you are about meeting others. Make sure you've got a Meetup scheduled. Take the initiative to schedule a definitive date, time, and location for the Meetup. Though posting the "does anyone want to meet" type of comments can establish interest should someone respond, results show that these types of posts can linger for weeks, or even months, before a Meetup gets planned, if at all. Choose and post a date and location; if someone is interested in meeting, they can choose to make the commitment to attend or not. Follow-through with your own commitment to attend an event you've scheduled. If nobody else RSVP's, be there anyway, even if only for an hour. It does happen that people attend without ever RSVP'ing. For first-time Meetups, choose a suitable venue. When people are meeting for the first time and getting to know one another, choose a venue where people can easily converse and hear one another, without distracting noise in the vicinity. Conversations should be able to be had without having to shout over loud music or bowling pins. Also, in the beginning, choose a venue where people can easily leave when they're ready (unlike a hike and they're in the middle of the woods). Include info about the venue; address, link to the venue's web site, anything that will help attendees to foresee the setting and become familiar with where it's being held. If the venue is in a metro area, provide info about the parking and/or transportation options (nearest and cheapest parking garage, nearest train station, cost and availability of street parking, etc.). People will come in by car, train, bike, and most recently, even by plane (which is awesome!). Include an explanation in the description stating the specific goal or activity for the scheduled Meetup (meeting for coffee or a meal, hiking, etc.). This helps people know what they need to bring (money/credit card, comfortable shoes for walking, water, etc.). If it's an outdoor event, include rain/shine instructions. Promote the Meetup using social media such as posting in the Meet 'n Greet section of the FDR forum, create a group on facebook, establish an account for your group on Meetup.com, etc. Reach out individually to the people who are already members of FDR in your area by searching on the FDR forum. Do a search on the FDR forum for your city and/or state in both the Forums and Members drop-downs and contact those you find via PM (private message). In your message, introduce yourself and let them know you have a Meetup planned and where to find out more about it. If having the Meetup at a venue with a host/hostess, let them know you are expecting the arrival of others who may ask about a Meetup. If possible, seat yourself where you can see the entryway, so that way you can watch for people as they arrive and who may be inquiring about a Meetup and/or are clearly looking for the group. Place an item on the table or in the vicinity or on your person that can help identify the Meetup. Of course, after the group has met several times and everyone knows each other, this wouldn't be necessary; however, keep in mind that new people may attend that have not RSVP'd and will be looking for the group. Use a table card or put a label on your shirt with the Meetup or FDR logo on it, stand up a copy of the RTR or UPB book on the table, or whatever method you feel would be most effective for the venue in which you're meeting. Some may be comfortable with posting and exchanging their contact information on a group's site; however, keep in mind that if a group's site is set to public that the information posted is viewable by the public. With that in mind, if you wish to keep your contact information private, consider another means of communication to exchange information. Consider taking a group photo during the Meetup. This should be determined by the organizer as to whether it would be appropriate for the group. If it is, consider sharing the photo on the group's facebook page or other social media, but be certain that you have everyone's permission to post it online before doing so. Photos give a reality to the group; one that tells others, we're real, we're getting together, and we welcome you to join us. After the Meetup, leave feedback on the social media where you promoted it, to let others know the Meetup was held and people attended. This helps to confirm to others that the Meetup actually took place and the group is active. Schedule the next Meetup and keep the momentum going. It gives potential members a very compelling reason to join by showing there's activity and it gives current members something cool to look forward to! For those of you who decide to take an active role as an FDR Meetup Organizer, there is a Freedomain Radio Meetup Organizers group on facebook and we welcome your participation. The goal of the group is to provide a forum for those who are active in organizing Freedomain Radio Meetups and to help each other as we develop and promote FDR Meetups in our local communities.
  25. It's picnic time! The Chicago FDR Meetup 1st Annual Picnic is this Saturday, July 19th, at noon! For details, visit http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Chicago-IL/1162322/. Look forward to seeing everyone!
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