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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. Why not work on building your company (or whatever else you want to do) while slowly letting the job you have now die out. Spend more time on your own projects and less time at your job (let them demote you, cut your salary and so on, point is you'll still have a paycheck rather than quitting upfront). If you decide you're not cut out to make your own company then you can always pick up the slack and get where you left off on your current job.
  2. Wuzzums


    Maybe he's in a state on nature, maybe he wasn't exposed to the information... maybe! I want to believe!
  3. There's a book called Thinking, Fast and Slow that talks about two systems, which can be inferred to be the conscious and the subconscious mind. At first he argues that there's no real difference between the two systems because the two systems don't exist separate to one another. There's only the human mind fullstop, but because it's easier for us to grasp the concepts of it having 2 parts he solely makes the distinction for clarity's sake. Kinda like a song. There are high notes in a song, and low notes in a song. But the high notes by themselves don't sound like the song, and the low notes by themselves don't sound like the song either. Both need to be played in order for the song to exist.
  4. There's this legend about Henry Ford (mind you it's probably not true) that in order to increase productivity he visited scrapyards and looked at every Ford model car in there. He noticed that in all cars the ignition coil was still usable. He went back to his factory and redesigned the coil so it would give out after considerable use. The idea was that it should become obsolete in the same timeframe as all the other parts. Thus productivity is increased because the energy that would go into making a better coil is not wasted. This is exactly how biology works. This is why when people grow old, it's one organ failure after another in a relative short intervals. So a device is only as good as its most faulty part. I only owned PCs but if I'm not mistaken if some part fails in a Mac it cannot be replaced by the user. But with a PC you can replace whatever, it's less a device and more of a collection of devices. I have PCs that are more than a decade old and they still work. I suggest you switch to PCs, it's cheaper to buy new RAM rather than a whole new computer.
  5. We would evolve to have a hand-vagina, and hand-penis respectively. But most importantly, why are we talking about this in the first place?
  6. Older article but still, never a dull moment in a statist society: Sweden's Ice Hotel told to get fire alarms
  7. Yes, it is the truth. It is the truth about perspective. The camera changes angle. The "rock" is actually a very large stone formation but far away so a small change in camera angle up close translates to a large change in angle far away. The large stone in the background is behind the large stone in the foreground. Got to bed.
  8. "Marcia Kester Doyle Blogger, Menopausal Mother"
  9. Another explanation would be that because humans originated from Africa, the individuals smart enough to value opportunity in distant lands were the ones to emigrate and populate the rest of the planet whilst the individuals prone to tribalism and scared of the unknown stayed behind. Also, we know that the agricultural revolution significantly increased the quality of life for people compared to hunter gatherers. So people in more temperate climates were pushed to adopt agriculture more because of the shifting weather. Whereas nearer the equator the weather is more constant and the chances of a hunter gatherer to find food is the same in the summer as it is in winter. A higher level of living leads to a more comfortable living which leads to more time spent on matters of the mind.
  10. It's not using the initiation of force so I don't think they're immoral acts per se but they are condoning immoral behavior. Not immoral but the very next thing to it. In a society where killing people is deemed acceptable I don't know how will making those two things illegal solve anything.
  11. Is that the plot of the next Saw movie?
  12. My main entertainment comes from watching scathing reviews of shitty movies. Check out this review of Nymphomaniac, it will ease off the pain of having wasted your time on the actual movie.
  13. Yep, that's definitely how crazy people talk. It's called a word salad, and it can be a symptom of schizophrenia or other mental disorders. It's characterized by seemingly correct phrases that lack any logical meaning. Kinda like postmodernism (he he), except in a word salad certain words are repeated over and over again. For instance different iterations of the word "nation" are repeated 16 times, at about 3 times per phrase. On a side note, in the Wikipedia entry for "word salad" in the "See also" section they put a link Deepak Chopra's wikipage. Made my day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad
  14. I would like to take this opportunity because it's high time we have a moment of silence for TED Talks. Thank you.
  15. Something tells me Stefan has been waiting for this question ever since FDR started...
  16. Yes, all threads are public. Like almost anything else you post on the internet. What's the point of a conversation about freedom and non-aggression to not be public?
  17. The best psychological thriller that I have ever seen is Funny Games. I only saw the 2007 US remake, but both that and the 1997 original have the same director and I heard the US version is a shot for shot remake. There's also the prequel to Silence of The Lambs called Red Dragon, which is a remake of Manhunter. Also Oldboy is one of the best movies ever made.There are a bunch of amazing Korean movies, to name a few: Saving The Green Planet. The Chaser and I Saw The Devil.
  18. I'm still stuck at the premise. If peaceful parenting cannot be done with gun control, this implies that I can only do peaceful parenting if I own a gun, or am for gun ownership at the very least. Assuming that's the case, why would singing some songs stop gun control? I'm assuming you're not planning to convey a peaceful parenting message through the lyrics because that would not be called an alternative to peaceful parenting.
  19. I was asking because of phrases like this here: You know what will happen to the rest of the world if they take away the 2nd amendment? Business as usual. Well, we will suffer a severe shortage of Michael Bay movies, sure... but we'll manage. I noticed there's this US-centric propaganda that's really subtle. Its Hollywood based culture has infected all of the world to the point where the US as a whole has a celebrity status. But it's just famous for only being famous, kinda like the Kardashians. Mostly people turn their attention to the US not because there's something important going on there, but because they wanna look at what new drama is unfolding. The government taking away your guns has no more tangible affect on me and my life than does Paris Hilton's love affairs. It's the same with sports. The US has these specific sporting events that are sold as if the whole world is watching. And if the whole world is watching then it must be important, right? No, it's just some sport. With that off my chest I'm confused about the method of peaceful revolution you're proposing. You talk about gun control at first then jump to worldwide karaoke as being the solution. What's the middle ground?
  20. Personally I know of no memorable female character that wasn't written by a man. That article is just horrible, it has the slimy feel of social justice warrior all over it. It can't possibly do with the fact that maybe those male writers got there by merit or that female writers simply have no interest in the subject matter, no, the producers want to ignore "the female perspective" specifically.
  21. People learn to love the cage they're in. If you watched the movie The Shawshank Redemption (minor spoiler ahead) there's this one inmate that's been in prison for most of his life and he is set free when he's in his 70's. He became institutionalized and the outside world was foreign and scary to him. Ultimately he opted for suicide because he could not get back in prison (he didn't want to commit any crimes) and he could not live in the free world. Those types of people have invested way too much into living in a cage in order to find an alternative. You talking about a better world to them sounds like "come to me to this magical place where you have to earn your worth and all the skills you accumulated prior have no value". It's like preaching democracy to a monarch. Nobody finds a lesser offer tempting, even though that's how they perceive that offer. Sam Harris has this great analogy, albeit only using the religion angle, but the state is just another religion: The Fireplace Delusion
  22. Check out "The Red Queen: Sex and Evolution of The Human Nature" by Matt Ridley. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Red_Queen:_Sex_and_the_Evolution_of_Human_Nature It goes in length describing mating habits of peacocks. The parallels with your basic human mating are evident. It even gives an evolutionary explication to why women sleep with assholes (and get pregnant by them) but choose to marry resource plentiful males.
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