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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave#Heating_and_power_application Non-ionizing implies harmless. Actually it's less harmful than sunlight. In order to produce lasting effects, radiation has to interact with matter in such a way that the energy transmitted permanently alters the chemistry of target substance (i.e. it changes atoms and breaks molecular chains). Microwaves are too weak to do that.
  2. Lots of ought's from is'. As Richard Dawkins once said: "I would rather spread memes than genes, anyway". So yeah, as a human animal, I do not accept gene propagation as my highest goal in life.
  3. I don't think you have any sort of obligation in all of this, and it's my impression your friend might be trying to give you one. He came to you with what he did, he made it perfectly clear he's not gonna tell his concubine, and he basically warned you he'll suffer a great deal if word ever comes out. He wanted the relief of coming clean to someone, and he's trying to recruit you in his dishonesty. If you did go along with it, what happens if he does it again? What happens if it's discovered? Second time around you'll look complicit in the whole affair, that's because you will be. You purposely kept valuable information hidden and condoned such behavior because, I assume, you still want to be friends with him. Like I said, you have no obligation and he's forcing one on you by giving you sensible information. If it was me I would make it perfectly clear to him that I do not abide his behavior and what he said to me in confidence will not remain as such. I will say that I will not go around telling everybody about his one night stand, but I will tell anyone that asks me directly about it, especially if it's the woman he's tricking. Furthermore, because I value honesty I cannot be associated with dishonest people. Again, the last bit would just be my reaction in this situation. Personally I would cut a friendship like that off in a second. If he's able to do that to the person he's most invested in, where do I stand in his hierarchy by being just some friend?
  4. I recommend "The Psychopath Test" by Jon Ronson (amazing read, a bit on the humorous side, it's a first person account of a journey to find out what a psychopath is) and "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout (this is more technical book with amazing insights).
  5. The question can be rephrased to a more succinct and easily answerable question: Are we responsible for our own actions?
  6. I had a strong reaction after reading this and debated with myself whether I should call you out on it or not. And I am. On a biological level, that statement is false. On a personal level, are you really saying you want to be with someone you're not attracted to physically? Wouldn't the virtues you desire make her also physically attractive to you? And thus wouldn't the virtues ultimately make her petty?
  7. Keep in mind people are a lot more inclined to give money to beggar children than adults. She's not begging to take care of children, she had children in order to get more money by begging. Giving people like her money is tantamount to throwing children out in the streets. Furthermore, giving money to the children of people like her is like literally supporting child labor. Whatever you do, do not offer these people money, do not subsidize their behavior. I'm romanian, and this issue is endemic here. I'm betting the woman in question was of gypsy descent. Their community works as follows: children, pregnant women and old people beg, teenagers and adults steal. They're actually very open about this.
  8. I have a question. As a human animal, why would mass extinction and natural habitat destruction concern me in the slightest?
  9. So we have the premises: 1)Forcing someone to do something without consent is immoral. 2)Murder by definition is killing someone without their consent, thus immoral. 3)Forcing someone not to murder is immoral, this implies that leaving someone alone to freely murder is moral. =>Thus murder is both moral and immoral at the same time. This does not make logical sense so it cannot be the case. So we're back at the beginning. Because the conclusion is wrong then it means there's something wrong with one or more of the premises. We have: 1 is true => 2 is true => 3 is false. 1 is false => 2 is false => Forcing someone not to murder is moral => leaving someone alone to freely murder is immoral => murder is again both immoral and moral at the same time, thus 3 is also false. Either way you look at it 3 still falls. Murder as a concept cannot be moral regardless. If I accept that it's moral to force someone to do something against their will, then I accept that murder is moral. If I accept murder it invalidates the whole concept of murder. I cannot want to be murdered by someone, this would just be suicide by proxy, far from murder. This whole thing can be resolved by realizing that all rules are universal, meaning any rule you apply to yourself can be applied to me also. Thus if you break the rule "it is immoral to force someone to do something against their will" I can also break that rule. If someone decides to murder you, then they have given you permission to force them to not murder you, i.e. self-defense. Have you read UPB? Deals with these questions and more in a way more clear manner.
  10. You said she went to therapy which may mean that she developed more self knowledge than you. From what you said she did try to make you catch up but you dismissed it so I wouldn't fault her on that. If it's true, if she is indeed ahead of you in emotional development then there's a silver lining. If she's looking for a relationship she'll obviously look for mate with the same degree of self knowledge as her. Doubt there's many of those on Okcupid. Second, if you want to get her back then you have to start doing some self work, focus on yourself entirely. If you grow enough maybe she'll consider you as candidate again and if not, then you have all that newly acquired self knowledge to fall back on. It's a win win.
  11. "Fear" and "respect" are two different concepts with two different definitions. Saying something like "you cannot have respect without fear" is akin to saying "you cannot have forests because the inner-city speed limit is 30 mph". Such phrases do not warrant any credence, and I would argue they betray a hidden agenda.
  12. "Why are these people trying to kill these other people?" "Because...virus? "Already been done." "Because... anarchy?" "Roll with that." I think it's less about them killing each other because of anarchy, and more about them killing each other because of bad storytelling.
  13. I always thought they were a clever way of describing the gender given at birth by referencing chemistry. Cis/Trans being ways a molecule can be configured in a 3D perspective. There are guidelines for determining sex at birth since it's not always clear, and cases where a mismatch happens aren't exactly rare. Thus transgender means the person doesn't have the sex their birth certificate says they have, just a technicality. But most people use it as if it's a new kind of gender to be acknowledged and valued before anything else...
  14. I know. Argument I was trying to make was that smallpox could still exist if some guy decided to exert his right to choose and we just all went along with it.
  15. I have nothing against forcing the only person non-imunized against smallpox to get vaccinated. They're literally threatening the lives of everyone around them. If they do choose however not to get vaccinated (for any disease) then they should tell every person they come in contact with about it. Any less and it's criminal neglect, like having sex without telling your partner(s) that you're HIV+.
  16. So Manhood Academy is a site where people that have trouble getting in a relationship seek the advice of self-proclaimed anonymous relationships gurus... I don't even... Something tells me the admins are the kind of people that brag on and on that they banged infinity chicks already by the age of 5.
  17. Ok, then just don't accept it. I still fail to see where the disagreement is when we both agree that milk is quite useful and I don't work in milk marketing.
  18. Correction: it is harmful to the majority of the adult population. And milk is marketed to children mostly, which IS healthy to them thus it is correctly marketed as such. And it is also healthy to the adults that can digest it. Again, if it is harmful to you then why consume it even if it is healthy for others? Furthermore why are we suddenly talking about marketing? You already agreed that milk is not useless (which is what this whole thread was about) but your're against milk now because it is not marketed properly. Well, what is marketed properly anyway?
  19. Of course it's not "ok". Neither is it ok to sell alcohol or smokes, but it's not as if they're making you consume these products. The uselessness of a product is not an argument against its production as long as there is choice in consuming it.
  20. People can consume whatever they want, it's their business. Whether a product is pure poison is not relevant if the information isn't hidden. Which it isn't. It's not the milk company's job to educate people about their product, they have to do the strenuous job of reading the label themselves.
  21. I misspoke, and no to the second question. I was trying to say that the majority's preference isn't an argument against the existence of a product.
  22. Children have to learn how to navigate the world from others. If they turn out bad, then they learned it from somewhere. If they learned it from their parents, then they have bad parents. If they didn't learn it from their parents then they must've learned it from someone else. If that's the case, why was that someone in the child's life in the first place? If the parents let that someone leave a negative mark on the child then you can't say those parents are good parents. Catch-22.
  23. I often find it useful how people phrase their questions when asking for favors. If they flat out ask for a favor pointing out you have nothing to gain from it or anything, then I'd say they're not manipulative. If they ask for a favor and suddenly all these obligations you didn't agree to pop out of nowhere, then I would say they're being manipulative. The former is presented as a choice, the latter as a command.
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