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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. I don't know. If I were him I would try to find someone in a similar position and ask them. Though to be fair he did also ask for a podcast with a similar topic (which I couldn't find) so maybe his approach wasn't as foolheartedly as I initially thought.
  2. If OP is gonna consider any advice at all it should be from someone that is or was in a similar situation. You wouldn't ask a deli guy whether or not you should go to lawschool now would you?
  3. Because you can't give advice on some relationship which you have very little information on, don't know the people involved, nor have had any similar experiences. This is his first post meaning he wants advice from complete strangers which makes him a fool, or he's looking for approval for the decision he already made which makes it pointless, or he's trolling. It's one thing to ask someone who has proven themselves for advice such as Stefan, it's another thing to ask some random people who might in turn be trolling.
  4. Why are you asking internet people what you should do with your life and whom you should date?
  5. Ever since I was a kid Putin was my favorite world leader until Trump came along. I may not like Russia but I do like him though for different reasons than yours. The guy is basically mini Lex Luthor with a sense of humor. As someone who lives outside of Russia, how could you possibly not like him? I was wondering about Oliver Stone's last question about Putin stepping down as head of state. I don't think that will ever, ever happen. Russia had a glorious past which was destroyed by communism. From a major world power (even culturally) it became the bud of jokes. Putin gave back Russia its dignity. In what other country do the people wear the face of their political leader on their shirts as if he's some rockstar? What other political candidate could possibly compete with that? Not to mention that I cannot think of a single instance in all his years as ruler where he fucked up or did something embarrassing. The american left hails Obama as some stable, well balanced leader and accuse Putin of being a dictator. All this while Putin's approval ratings were twice as big, literally twice as big as Obama's. Another thing. I have noticed that for 2 years or so Putin's pretending he doesn't speak English. He speaks english. I remember this meeting he had with Obama in the Kremlin and Putin didn't bother hiring a translator for Obama. Putin said he would act as translator. Obama went into a minute long speech about platitudes and whatnot and Putin just translated it as (paraphrasing): "President Obama just said a bunch of nonsense trying to convince me of this or that." Or the epic dog prank he played on Merkel. Good times. Or him breaking a world record because he was too bored to listen to Japan's president. Come to think of it he did it again during the last interview. When he brings Oliver Stone a cup of coffee and flat out tells him he didn't add any sugar in it, knowing fully well how Stone takes his coffee. His torture methods during the KGB era must've been pretty unconventional.
  6. I'll bite. What do you find so magnetizing about Putin?
  7. No idea but if you don't play the game you'll never win, nor lose. I was perfectly content with not playing until I saw what happens to a society when men stop caring about their women (case and point Sweden). So we're in a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. To use a line from the greatest tv show ever made: "You're lethally fucking middled." However humans are a species that strive when fighting against something so...
  8. Napoleon wasn't short, he was 5'7" or 5'8" which at the time was above average. Putin is 5'5" or 5'6". Nevertheless I think this whole "beware short guys" thing comes from the fact that height and leadership go hand in hand. Biological instinct, the bigger guy is probably stronger than you therefore you should show him respect. Most if not all managers and CEO's are tall. It's just a mindset issue, when you have to look up at someone it's pretty difficult to tell yourself you've got authority over him. Short people who are in charge are probably vicious/conniving not because they're short per se but because they have to overcompensate for the lack of unearned authority that comes with tallness. Also you're at a strategic advantage when you're short and nobody considers you a threat. People always call foul on the blow they don't see coming.
  9. How dare you? I was not passive-aggressive. I was flat-out aggressive if not down right insulting. Never, ever accuse me of passivity ever again.
  10. You quoted me saying: That is a contradiction. Don't talk to me in the 3rd person as if you're taking the pulpit or something. I know you're shook and looking for validation from others but I'm the only one here on this thread that's reading your responses to that wonderful man, Wuzzums.
  11. No. Flat out lie. Aggression and competitiveness are not polar opposites therefore you're wrong in saying it's a contradiction. The rest of the statement is gibberish. You bring up social context and desire and opportunity in a statement about the effects of testosterone only to fog up my clear statement. I don't care about transgenders. This is a conversation about men and women, not the exceptions. And are you stating that women/men with Morris Syndrome do not get aroused? They do. When you give me such an excellent clear-cut example that proves my point I know you're not bs-ing when you say you "can't see any basis for claiming that T does not increase libido". It's not. What the hell are you talking about? You talk as if you're not from this planet. From time in memoriam, in every single species on this goddamn planet, not a single one looked at their opposite gendered sibling (OR PARENT, OR OFFSPING) and felt aroused. (Except for the sick and disturbed ones that were/are quickly weeded out of the gene pool, of course).
  12. See: Don't forget to read my post with at least some intellectual honesty. Show me how it's done.
  13. You said: The guy in the in the most successful pornography book (or just book) ever written aimed at women is a billionaire. Testosterone does not make you horny. Arousal makes men have higher testosterone levels. Testosterone increases aggressiveness, competitiveness, strength, and size, roughly speaking. All these traits are what is required to excel in a dominance hierarchy. Women arouse men which turns them into these resource gathering machines. Funny how that works. If women do not want resources from men how come men have been positively selected by women over hundreds of thousands of years to find pleasure in getting resources for women? Also a high libido has a negative selection effect on attractiveness. The hornier the guy the prettier he thinks the woman is.
  14. Using quotation marks does not an argument make. I have already addressed your "relative to what" clearly in my previous post.
  15. You need a common denominator and like you said, women seek resource, men seek looks. These 2 are not the same. Thus a man seeking an attractive female is not equivalent to a woman seeking a richer man. Male attractiveness for a woman doesn't carry the same amount of weight as female attractiveness for a man. Female resources for a man doesn't carry the same amount of weight as male resources do for a woman. A man in his 40s will never ever trade his wife for a 20 year old that's more attractive than him AND richer than him. If the 20 year old is more attractive than his wife and/or not richer than him then he will probably make the switch. This is not to say he's mating UP the dominance hierarchy. The 20 year old being somewhere in between his wife and him in the dominance hierarchy. Hypergamy refers to trading up to oneself, not trading up compared to another female. There are several reasons why men cannot be hypergamous. (a) Women are hypergamous. They will never trade down therefore a man who IS willing to marry a hot rich 20 year old won't be able to because the 20 year old won't want to date him. (b) Men were bred to b the dominant one in the human species and most other species. Therefore a man who cannot dominate his woman, so to speak, will feel emasculated. It's true when they say that men fear strong women. The roles are reversed and the man will revert to being the child-like one. Little boys may love their mother but they also fear her. Keep in mind when I say "dominate" I'm referring to any human endeavor that a man is better at than his woman. A female MMA fighter might marry a wimpy tech nerd IF the nerd is smarter than her and has more resources. She may have the strength but he has the power. Btw, I just made an interesting connection that strengthens my point. There's the adage than men insult each other without meaning it and women compliment each other without meaning it, right. This is also true with the relationships between men and women. Men make backhanded compliments all the time to women. Same with backhanded insults. This lowers the woman status (artificially) and implicitly raises the man's status (artificially). The man is happy because the higher he is in a dominance hierarchy the greater the odds of the woman staying with him AND the woman is also happy because the higher the man is in a dominance hierarchy the greater her desire to stay with him. It's a win/win. Same thing with a woman that compliments her mate.
  16. Men aren't hypergamous because both sexes cannot possibly be hypergamous at the same time. Men breed across and DOWN (hypogamy) in the dominance hierarchy. Women breed across and UP (hypergamy) in the dominance hierarchy. This is not a theory. It's human biology.
  17. I don't think Hitler even targeted the jews directly. I saw this speech where he was clearly talking about jews but never once used the word. He just paused as if to leave a blank space in which the audience could put their own prejudices. Great manipulation technique. The way you start a forest fire is not by lighting a match but by pouring gasoline on some embers.
  18. F**k you ! I am not equal to a child murderer. However I am a very, very open minded person. If you do wish to be treated equally to those losers then I'll oblige: go burn in a fire with all of those proto-humans, that way all of us good people can finally live in peace.
  19. 2 years. It took me about 1 year to listen to them all back when there were only 2000+. I recommend the experience. I don't think Stefan remembers it himself but he did predict the 2008 financial crisis just by using facts and basic logic. It's a case study in how guided you can be in life just by having clear principles and sticking by them.
  20. Women care about status and money as men care about looks. Conversely, women care about looks as much as men care about personality.
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