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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. I used to dabble with forex in highschool. There are programs out there that you can practice trade, I only used those never any real money. I started off from 250$ (you can just type in the sum you want) and over the course of a month or so I have gained and lost 5000$. It was very fun. Then I've read Black Swan by Taleb who's a professional trader himself which explained it's just gambling, Actually it's even worse, if you're good at poker you can make a lot of money because that requires some skill. Not so much with trading.
  2. Thing is about Batman, he always wins. He's the weakest superhero in the DC universe and has never lost a fight. This is his archetype, human perseverance always prevails.
  3. Gattaca There will always be people that will feel resentful towards those who are better, generally we call them communists. There are people who are content with whom they are and do not feel resentful towards the ones which were more blessed, generally we call them christians. There are people who are better and choose to indulge themselves with what life has to offer, we call these people entertainment. There are people who are better and choose to use their gifts for the betterment of mankind, we call these people heroes. There are people however that find strength through weakness, knowing your limitations makes you prepare to conquer every obstacle, generally we would call such a person Batman. Thing is about sci-fi plots they're more often than not about the present. I believe in free will and I thing we have the choice which type of person we want to become.
  4. There are degenerate leeches in all the races. If it's not a jew leeching off (talking about government here) then it will be a white leeching off. And if it's a white leeching off will you be arguing against "the white problem"? Now you get my point? I'm calling you on your consistency. I'm trying to see if there's a principle behind what you're saying or just plain prejudice. I wonder if you have the guts to say this in Northern Ireland, or Scotland, or Ukraine, or North Korea, or Pakistan, and so on. It seems to me you're the one equating the interest of nations to the interest of countries. FALSE. I'm white. I don't blame jews for anything. The germans are white. They don't blame jews for anything. Poland is white. They don't blame jews for anything. France is white. They don't blame jews for anything. Italy is... I can go on and on. Has it occurred to you that you're the one complaining about jews and you're falsely extrapolating it to the whole of the white nation? Again, you said "always" which is blatantly false. Instead of owning up to this obvious mistake you doubled down because you want to save face. My contention was with the logic of the statement not its content.
  5. I have made an illustration featuring Stefan as a Marvel-esque superhero because why not. Enjoy
  6. Did I ever say the Fed is not the initiation of force? No. You mistook my point completely. No, I don't have to justify anything regarding foreign interests because I wasn't talking about foreign interests. I was talking about jews in power. This might BLOW YOUR MIND but you can be a jew, a citizen of a country, and in a position of power in said country AT THE SAME TIME. Congratulations, you played yourself. You seem to be under the impression you answered my question. You might have answered A question, but what I asked was: 4. How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries? South Korea. Hong Kong. Never heard South Korea complain about the US. Heard Hong Kong complain about the lack of British rule. Again. I was calling you on your bullshit. You said "always". You can either retract it like a normal person would when proven wrong or dig yourself deeper. You might need a shovel, though.
  7. Well you're at an impasse which should really make you ask some fundamental questions. 1. These institutions are indeed controlled by the jewish cabal These institutions are institutions in a white majority country. We know they didn't take control of them by force so doesn't it stand to reason whites are just incompetent? 2. These institutions should be controlled by whites because they're in a white majority country. There are PLENTY of white countries out there controlled by whites, from the banks to the government to whatever. How come the white countries where the elite are jews are faring far, far better than the white countries where the elite are whites? 3. You complain about blacks vilifying whites because whites run the country. You complain about jews for running the country. So how come when blacks complain about their overlords it's illegitimate but you complaining about your overlords is legitimate? 4. How come there are no jews in communist/socialist countries? 5. Hong Kong, South Korea, South Africa, India, Canada, Australia, Austria, New Zealand. These were or are controlled by foreign interests. Are you still willing to say that being controlled by a foreign interest is always worse?
  8. So these problematic elite jews you speak of. Do they control the Fed? Congress? White House? Disney? What about the whites in power? Can they do no wrong or are all their mistakes the fault of jews?
  9. You're confusing Europe for a country. LOL. There you go at it again. I was talking about cultural marxism (PC culture) and now you're suddenly talking about some specific people which you didn't even bother to mention. Yeah, and much like the slavs all of said minorities were also part of the WHITE RACE.
  10. I'm from Europe. The migrant crisis is a French, German, British, Swedish problem. That's 4 out of 28 countries. The problem is the EU because those 4 countries seem intent on dragging the rest of the other 24 down with them. This was why Brexit happened in the first place, Germany started telling Britain what to do. Get your facts in order and your chronology straight. If you think there was a migrant crisis 4 years ago in Europe you must have literally been born yesterday. I wasn't talking about games, I was talking about how gamers exposed and crushed PC culture. Nice try on changing the subject. Communists/socialists were/are >99% white, if we don't count China and North Korea of course. But nice try on ignoring the rest of my point. Again, if you're blaming jews for communism/socialism how come communist/socialist countries got rid of their jews first then descended into communism/socialism second?
  11. I don't know exactly who said it first but you can't reason out somebody from a position they didn't reason themselves into. This is what the Alt-Right is. I have said it many times before and got a lot of flack even in this forum. They have been around for more than a decade to my knowledge, all they do is bitch about other races, and they recently got into the spotlight because of the counter culture referred to now as the Alt-Light. They claim credit for other people's work, including Stefan's work. They have no principles, just prejudice against all races except whites. They say whites deserve a white ethnostate (of which there are plenty) because they're being oppressed. Fair enough. This anti-black hatred is just a smoke screen. It's easy to scapegoat blacks because there are so many instances of blacks being violent caught on camera. But if their principle is less violence = better society, then surely they would support the least violent races like asians and jews. They don't. They say they don't want low IQ populations. Fair enough. Then you hear them talk about how problematic jews are. No principles, just rationalizations after the fact. I wouldn't worry about them because like I've said, they've been around for years and really didn't do much if anything to further their agenda whatever it may be. You're just noticing them now because they have gotten brazen due to the popularity and approval of the Alt-Light. As a general rule I try to follow, I never try to persuade people which aren't really affecting change in the real world. I don't know how well you can gauge that about a person from a social media account.
  12. Dan Pena (businessman) talked about a severance penalty, meaning a sum of money you will lose if you back up from a deal. For instance you could get a group of people for a project and each has to pay X amount of money in a pot separate to any other production costs. If someone leaves they forfeit that sum of money and the more people leave the more money the people that will see the project through will get. This is a psychological phenomenon called loss aversion. I know in Italy they changed the way they penalized traffic violations, instead of giving points to the driver each driver had a default set of points from which to subtract. A significant reduction in traffic violations was observed.
  13. If there was such a thing as accurately identifying quality people by their outwards traits we would all be living in an utopia. Like the previous poster said, low IQ does not imply bad and high IQ does not imply good. These are 2 different categories. Are you looking for intelligent people? Or are you looking for good people? These two don't exactly go hand in hand. There's nothing more dangerous than a high IQ evil person and they are the most difficult to spot.
  14. I was talking about what happened 4 years ago. Now is now. 4 years ago there was no such thing as a migrant crisis. The US military was unable to push back against marxism (PC culture) yet gamers were. You think that was an unworthy feat? Ok. Are you married to a white? Do you have white kids? Do you have a business that only hires whites? Do you sponsor in any way any whites? Do you patron white-only businesses? Are you planning on moving to a white country of which there are plenty? Are you planning of going into politics in order to push forward a white agenda? Marx might have been a jew but Germany got rid of their jews then descended into socialism much like my own country got rid of its jews and descended into communism. You either have no clue what you're talking about or I mistook your point. Funny how the guy that started the thread is also the guy that avoids the conversation and urges others to do the same. Sad ! FDR, Red Eye, Greg Gutfeld Show, Compound Media, Rebel Media, Info Wars, The Joe Rogan Podcast, The Gavin McInnis Show, Sean Hannity.
  15. Yes, Milo, one of the leading figures of gamergate, the movement that drew first blood against PC culture which eventually led to its demise. You're saying he offers no solutions? Gavin, one of the guys that created Vice and now acts like a figurehead for free speech in the alternative media and mainstream media. You're saying he also offers no solutions? Remind me again, Mr. Alt-Right... what do YOU do? How are YOU changing the world? I have never met an alt-righter that's employed and have never met an employee that's alt-right. How's that? From where I stand the alt-right are the moaners that offer no solutions. It's just the new trendy topic. The shine will wear off and the "movement" will dissolve into what every other movement based on bitching dissolves into: socialism/communism.
  16. The people have no idea who the leaders of the alt-Right movement are. The people have no idea there's even a difference between alt-Right and alt-Light. People however have heard about Milo. People however follow Milo's cues on where the movement is going. I know for a fact the alt-Right is butthurt over Milo being branded as its leader and it's wonderful. Milo IS going places, the alt-Light IS going places, and the alt-Right will be HIDING behind their laurels because they're so incompetent and they know that if they don't they'll be left far, far behind. I have never met you. You might be an actual magical fairy for all I know. You're confusing alt-Right with alt-Light. Tally up the viewcounts/subscribers of the alt-Right leaders to those of the alt-Light leaders. Again, this is what bothers me about the alt-Right. They're WEAK. I just checked, Richard Spencer has 31k subscribers on twitter (couldn't find any other outlet of his). Milo has 1.5 MILLION subscribers on facebook and youtube. Add to this the fact that he's an editor of Breitbart which is larger than the New York Times. Add to this that his book is easily selling out Hilary Clinton's book. It's Milo that has had an influence on the election. It's Milo who's being pushed forward as the face of the alt-Right by the media. AGAIN, this is what the alt-Right does. They claim influence but never bother to add said influence comes from people outside their movement. No shit. Why would I pay attention to a movement that takes credit for other's work and claim popularity when in reality they have less of an impact than MLP? If what they say has value then let that stand on itself, don't ride the coat tails of others and assume people care about what you have to say just because they have heard the term "alt-right". I love Milo. No homo.
  17. The Alt-Right is a movement that's been around for more than a decade from what I know. It does nothing, it did nothing, and it will do nothing. If they would stop circle-jerking over how white they are for a moment they might actually achieve something. But they don't. They recently got into the mainstream because the Alt-Light accidentally called themselves the same name. Yes, they're so inconsequential nobody even noticed the term "alt-right" was taken. These people are so incompetent that a gay-greek-jewish-blackophile shitposter has accidentally taken control of their whole "movement". I have also never met a person that self-identifies as alt-right and is also employed. Here's the thing. The blacks which bitch about whites achieve nothing. The whites that bitch about jews achieve nothing. The asians and jews are shit out of luck because there's no one else left to blame but themselves which is why they tend to get shit done.
  18. http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/1836/nonviolent-communication-nvc-an-introduction http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/1837/nonviolent-communication-nvc-the-roundtable-discussion-
  19. Women may rate looks lower but women are not visual creatures. There is more to a woman's affection than just looks. Look at Donald Trump. Look at Melania Trump. Case and point. I think it's a valid strategy to boycott female vanity by not interacting with them AND by cutting off their daddy-state. However MGTOW goes further and says there's no such thing as a mutually beneficial marriage, regardless of the meddling of the state. Anything that goes against biology should raise red flags for everybody.
  20. MGTOW is another marxist trick to eradicate whites. I have never seen a black MGTOW. No married man is considered to be MGTOW. No man with a girlfriend is considered MGTOW. No man with a child is considered MGTOW. MGTOW specifically targets teenagers to forgo female contact. MGTOW creates a strawman of the female character as something undesirable (sour grapes). MGTOW promotes isolation from society (ghosting). MGTOW criticize any enjoyment of female interaction as misandry. MGTOW sells itself as a male boycott to female vanity but its true intentions became clear after the "leaders" stated that there's no such thing as a good woman.
  21. Well I don't know for certain but the solution to communism/socialism has always been violence in the past. We could try marginalization. You don't have any nazi friends do you? So in the same manner you should not have any socialist/communist friends.
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