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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. Wuzzums


    I have a friend that told me one of his coworkers said that the trouble with Trump is that after him, elected officials will actually have to keep by their promises. It's no surprise to me that Reason, which backed Gary Johnson (LOL !) is still way behind the rest of us. The God Emperor changed the rules of the game forever. Every other politician will forever be compared to him by his fans or critics. The whole world is watching and learning and realizing what can be achieved.
  2. I have facts. Trump is doing all the things he said he would do during the campaign and his 100 days plan. Iran was never mentioned therefore Iran will not be attacked.
  3. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/49094-my-issue-with-the-untruth-about-jeff-sessions/?p=446625 There's the post. There's the evidence (some of it). Concede or negate.
  4. You said it's not an argument that gay marriage leads to a slippery slope leading to the promotion of pedophilia. You showed no evidence. I showed clear evidence to the contrary. You can either concede or pretend the evidence doesn't exist. Your move.
  5. Not an argument. I have clearly addressed this in a reply.
  6. That video was not just for you exclusively. Surely you see how we (or at the very least I) see your post as nothing more than concern trolling when you don't even donate. Take it as a life certainty that you will always be met with staunch opposition when you make demands but offer nothing in return. Time and time again it was explained that this is a fight for gaining control of the narrative, or pushing back against the false narrative or however you wanna describe it. The drug war is important, yes. That is a fight for another day. Now we are fighting the MSM. If we don't win this fight we'll never get to fight against the drug war. Capisci? "You head off trouble down the road once you've dealt with the trouble on it."
  7. Found this clip that does seem to be compelling to me: https://www.facebook.com/1770946429820305/videos/1820992804815667/
  8. Wuzzums

    How to read?

    Audio books. Reading, as in the actual action of looking at text, is a very archaic form of communication and counter-productive to our nature. Learning how to read is as an arduous process as is learning how to draw, or play an instrument, diet, and so on. Silent reading is a phenomenon only centuries old if I'm not mistaken. People used to have to read out loud in order for them to comprehend what words were written. The spacing between words is also artificial because there is no such thing in human speech. If you look at the audiogram of someone talking it's basically impossible to distinguish by looking where one word begins and ends. We didn't evolve to hear sounds with our eyes. Given the same text, the brain has to work a lot more to understand it by reading it than by listening to it. Audiobooks are far more efficient, you don't have to sit down and focus all your brain power on them, you don't have to make periodic pauses, you don't have to liner on phrases you didn't understand because you read them wrong, etc. I got into audiobooks about 10 years ago, and it wasn't an easy process, but now I can't consume books any other way. In fact I have had a period when I would "read" 2 books per week. I don't anymore because I kinda ran out. I don't worry myself with how much of the book I remember after reading it because not all books are worth remembering. I trust my brain to sort out from the barrage of information I give it what is interesting and useful to me and not to waste precious brainspace with pointless data. I know some people sell reading as a mark of intelligence. It's no more a mark of intelligence as is watching movies/documentaries.
  9. It's ugly because he's lying or it's ugly because he actually believes a falsehood?
  10. I didn't say you are a leftist nor did I say I was pro war on drugs. Mhm. I'm not debating ethics with you, I'm arguing over real life consequences: http://archive.is/qh5kk https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/2204177/virtuous-paedophile-is-not-ashamed-of-being-sexually-attracted-to-children-as-young-as-three-because-he-doesnt-act-on-his-desires/ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2610776/outrage-as-school-set-maths-homework-asking-them-to-solve-problem-based-around-a-girl-being-sexually-abused/ I don't know what that phrase means because you just used two interchangeable terms as being different. This sort of confusion you have over your principles is an excellent way for the enemy to exploit your views for their own agenda. So again, you don't want Jeff Sessions because you disagree with his VIEWS on the war on drugs. Fair enough. Do you have any friends or acquaintances that do not share your views on drugs? Do you think FDR should disassociate with anyone that doesn't share your views on the war on drugs? Do you also think lawyers should follow their own personal views instead of the law? Make your case then. Don't just moan at people to behave the way you want them to for the sake of your "beliefs". I'm waiting.
  11. I agree with the debt explanation. Either they let a bunch of people in and they assimilate and relieve the debt. Or they let a bunch of people in and they don't assimilate which will lead to conflict, then war, which in turn will relieve the debt. The leaders are collectivists mostly and like the scum they are their end goal is communism. Individuality, culture, religion, the family, commerce, education, these are all bulwarks against the cancer. They need to be destroyed in order to enforce communism successfully. It's always the people/communities/countries that hold those values sacred that are attacked and blamed for everything that goes wrong. The US media started blaming Russia (ex-communist country) for seemingly everything and now the EU started doing the same. Hollywood is slowly turning itself over to the communist chinese and not a peep from anyone. Remember when North Korea was at the forefront of the media sold as some massive threat that will inevitable lead to a major war? What happened there is what I wanna know. What happened with Greece was a major wake-up call for the europeans that maybe the EU is not such a great idea. So this whole migrant crisis might just be a slight of hand, pay attention to this bit and ignore us leaders in Brussels while we take away your sovereignty and make you wholly dependent to the state.
  12. You seem the kind of guy that only looks 1 foot ahead of him. This is about the big picture. This is the battle the left has been playing for decades and people like you (and once upon a time me also) don't see it. Take gay marriage for instance. Conservatives have always argued it will lead to a slippery slope therefore marriage should always be between a man and woman. Liberals have argued the moral stance saying it's a human right and the government should have no say in that matter. And where are we now? Yep, the left is strongly pushing for pedophilia and child rape to be not only accepted but also virtuous in doing so. This is what you're doing. You're arguing the moral stance which will lead to the barring of a worthwhile candidate in the fight against collectivism.
  13. The opposition wants you and you and your kin to be poor and weak and pathetic. Make no mistake, we are in a war and in a war the most important thing is winning.
  14. You can't say "conversation over" by replying. You clearly continued it.
  15. You want me to respond and not be passive aggressive (like a woman) while not responding to my question by being passive aggressive (like a woman). Have you met my friend irony? You should. "Counter balance to male nature" is a non-answer because you neither defined male nature nor explained what a counter balance to male nature would be.
  16. https://i.imgur.com/8wsVrzw.png A person interested in a conversation would actively engage in the topic and not be dismissive about questions on clarification of their point. I asked a simple question, you gave a dismissive answer. Therefore you're venting. So YES. YES, it WAS AN ARGUMENT.
  17. You don't wanna talk. You just want to vent out your sexual frustration. Fine.
  18. Blame Hollywood and video games for tricking you on what the female nature is. MGTOW's fell for the same sort of propaganda that feminists did and do. You might not "go back" at this point but men have been accepting this reality and willingly choosing it for literally hundreds of thousands of years. I was expecting a market crash or something far into the near future for this sort of thinking to take hold but apparently fear is quite the powerful incentive.
  19. Did Trump just fix gender relations? What's going on? I can't even keep up with all this winning.
  20. The turnout is HUGE. Literally HUGE !!
  21. A product that nobody wants will not get made and if it does get made then nobody will know of it which is tantamount to non-existence.
  22. The final objective standard for art is time. There have been Beyonce-level famous artists during Freddie Mercury's lifetime, Mozart's lifetime, DaVinci's lifetime, and so on. Why is this important to you, though? What would a highly accurate objective standard for art achieve? Will it result in more superior art being made? No. Will it result in less crappy art being made? No. Unless of course your aim is to make people enjoy certain things and not enjoy others at gunpoint. Then I would imagine you could make quite the profit under the guise of "providing a service". As a side note Trump in his book said how much he loved modern art. He said it's an homage to salesmanship because you really have to be phenomenally good at it in order to sell that crap.
  23. Stock trading or forex are not investing. Both are based on a zero-sum game so they don't create anything, just move money around.
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