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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. Sammy running away from discourse by calling the opposition racist. What an original tactic coming from a filthy leftist scumbag. What was that saying about how people who live in glass houses should not throw stones...? The way I define racism is by judging the individual by the actions of the masses. This implies that racism is a lack of basic mathematical knowledge. A failure in understanding the difference between groups and individuals. Like for instance I have a group of 100 numbers, and I know that 50% of these numbers are higher than the number 17 Me saying that at least 50% of the numbers in the group are larger than 17 is a true statement. Me saying that the number X, which is part of the group, is 50% larger than the number 17 makes no sense whatsoever. Do you agree with my statements?
  2. I declare myself the winner, then. Praise Allah.
  3. So I shouldn't vote, i.e. force my will onto others (your words), but I should let others force their will onto me. You are delusional. I cannot hold my behavior to a higher moral standard than the behavior of others towards me. I recommend you read UPB by Stefan Molyneux, it's free.
  4. Hey, Google... pretty nice domain name you've got there, shame if someone were to... appropriate it. 4chan launches operation "Google"
  5. No shit. I'm not interested in talking about some other subject other than the one I started with you. Because I am interested in the "why". I am bothered by you hiding your reasons behind rationale rather than coming out and saying how you honestly feel. Countless times I and many others here have explained to you why we support Trump yet you never addressed the reasons once. Nobody here is having a discussion on whether or not voting is immoral on a philosophical level, except for you. Guess what, taxation is equally immoral (if not more so). Where are all your posts and articles on how people paying taxes are fueling the oppressive system? I am not going to have a discussion with you on what labels apply to what. I was merely using those terms as generalization. Also see the "no true scotsman" fallacy. Intellectual babble on a discourse nobody is having except you. I'll humor you, though. Yes, people can own you, once you have initiated force and taken a life you relinquished self ownership of yourself and are subject to the whims of others (see UPB). Yes, a vote makes a difference. Back in my university years there had to be at some point some administrative changes, 101 people turned up to vote. It was a 50/50 tie so they decided to redo the vote. I was the 101st guy and didn't cast a vote in the first round. Whether or not voting makes a difference IN POLITICS is debatable, in the free market it's the only thing that matters. The United States are not imaginary, they might not exist as a tangible object but they are not imaginary. The fact that I know god is imaginary does not enable me to walk through church walls or make me impervious to decapitations, praise Allah. Did it ever occur to you that people don't "try" to tackle your points because you're exhibiting the same behavior when they bring up their arguments? Speaking only for myself, of course.
  6. He's great. Humor is our greatest weapon and he's lethal.
  7. Let me rephrase my question: Why are you, an atheist, preaching to a room of atheists that god does not exist therefore they shouldn't go to christmas parties? Why are you, an anarchist/libertarian, so bothered with what other people do with their lives?
  8. And where exactly should I allocate my resources to better the world?
  9. Why is convincing a group mainly formed of anarchists and libertarians (from all over the world) not to vote in this particular US election so important to you?
  10. Do you agree there is a clear distinction between leadership and subjugation? That's subjugation veiled as leadership. A cultural marxist trick.
  11. False, otherwise you wouldn't be making threads or writing lengthy articles. leadership =/= subjugation
  12. You destroyed your own argument. History has plenty of leaders who helped millions of people. It may be true the vast majority did only harm but I feel compelled to point out the common "not all" argument. And by the way, do you believe Trump is a psychopath or do you think he's a psychopath because you don't like him? But how are you compromising your principles by voting against the people who want to destroy everything you stand for? I'm sorry to be so blunt but to my ears this is exactly like saying you're not willing to do anything to the man that raped your wife because you're against violence.
  13. I never assumed politicians are honest, which is why I care so much about Trump getting elected. (after Trump gets elected and builds a wall I expect a personal apology from you) Are you a US citizen by any chance? I think you are by the way you talk about understanding the stakes. I'm from an ex-socialist state and you have no idea what you're dealing against. Almost 3 decades have passed since the fall of communism in my country and it's still prevalent in every aspect of life. Socialism/communism is not an ideology, it's a disease. It poisons the mind and turns neighbours, families and friends against each other. It spreads in the host body exactly like cancer, feeding off of it until the host dies, however unlike cancer it's also capable of spreading from person to person. There is no cure and history has taught us the only viable treatment is complete extermination. Are you up to the task? I'm not and I know you're not too. So why are you so content with just sitting by and watching your world burn? Explain to me how you not voting leads to your preferred Trump presidency.
  14. I feel what you're saying but I'm doing the exact opposite. I'm going full-Trump, mainly because it's more entertaining this way, partly because you can't really back off on a bet. His performance was lacking, sure, but Trump works in mysterious ways. He has a plan for us all and it's going to be yuge.
  15. Voting means I'm selling you into slavery. Not voting means someone else is selling you into slavery. There is no third option. So who do you trust more? Would you rather have me sell you into slavery or a fat pink haired gender fluid cretin sell you into slavery?
  16. Sam Harris is losing a lot of credibility fast. He says that it simply does not follow that a multi-billionaire has any knowledge about the economy or that Trump is the most incompetent politician ever while accusing him of speaking to the masses in terms they understand. Doublethink of the highest order. We all know here that when blatant idiocy like this is displayed by an otherwise intelligent individual it's not due to a lack of logic but a lack of self-knowledge. I think Sam's emotional response to Trump has to do with the fact that he's an academic. It's all about class. He's from the academic class, he rarely talks with any hoi poloi, you only get to speak to him if you're either famous or have a degree. Most of Sam's time is spent explaining his statements to his fellow aristocrats lest they ostracize him. He laments this in most of his podcasts. He has a degree in neuroscience. What is a neuroscience degree? All you need to know is that it's not recognized as a valid document on most of the globe. It's just a title that gets him into "the club". His high IQ is literally the only thing holding him back from going full-academic which is why so many things he says are true and triggering to his friends. Sam likes his club, he wants to stay in it, he cannot lower his IQ to the required level but maybe he can raise theirs to his level. Now here comes a guy like Trump, a genius whose ridiculously competent in every domain he's interested in BUT he's the enemy. Trump doesn't care about degrees or titles or clubs. Trump is an indication that everything Sam has always wanted to achieve amounts to a massive waste of time. The simple fact that people listen to Trump and not Sam on a global scale costs him sleep. "How can people follow Trump and not me? I have all these degrees, how come people don't know I'm the guy they should listen to?" This whole thing is another example of how no sane person will ever argue against their paycheck. I'm curious if the FDR crew ever attempted to get Sam on? I know Sam commented how he knows of no conversations going on like the ones he has on his podcast even though FDR has been around for a decade. There is no way he hasn't heard of Stefan which leads me to believe he's only interested in conversations only if degrees/credentials are involved. So if you guys haven't tried to contact him maybe you should first start out by listing all of Stefan's degrees and achievements then making your offer.
  17. In my native language "culturist" means "bodybuilder" so even if I agree with everything you say I would never call myself a culturist because it raises too many off topic questions. Branding is very important, a lot of followers of any movement just to for it because it sounds cool even though they don't understand anything about anything. That aside, how do you find south Korea? I've seen a ton of SK movies and the impression I got from them is that SK is an americanized version of Japan.
  18. Already been done before. The postmodernism generator creates whole dissertation papers in a fraction of a second, all you need to do is hit "Refresh".
  19. While ISIS is raping and decapitating children the west is worrying about what public bathrooms should transgendered people use.
  20. Judging is not immoral. A person that did wrong and has not been touched by grace suffers nothing from being judges because he is incapable to. A person that did wrong and has been touched by grace will suffer from being judged and rightfully so. In not judging in either cases all I am achieving is harm to myself perhaps even others. Where there is choice there is responsibility. Judgement is another form of choice. Rejecting the act of judgement therefore is equal to running away from responsibility.
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