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Everything posted by gausian

  1. This video helped me understaning inflation and how the current economic system works. I hope it can help.
  2. You make very important points, thank you.
  3. Sorry if you understood it that way. It seem to me that you have a clear view of what you are looking for, i thout i understood your direction aparently i did not that's all.
  4. Thank you for sharing MMX2010. For me reading your post made me very optimistic, joyful and a sense of release, a deep breath of air entered my chest. I empathise with the difficulties you have to go throw. I've been in a similar situation for the past year, the more I tuned with my self, the clearer my relationships become. It's not easy to make the move of leaving what I believed to be relations but once I got the courage to do it, it felt like a heavy weight went off my back. The more I'm clear with myself and live by philosophical principles the brighter my life become. I would like to say to all of you who struggle, it's hard, painful, frightning but it's worth it big time. By doing this, a new space was created for new relationships, this time I choose the ones that are honest, truthful, caring and reciprocal.
  5. You're still not answaring my question, is it yes or no?If you are interested in having a conversation it would be productive to address what other say else it's just a monologue.
  6. But you have no problem using this argument against hamas?
  7. Please answer my question, is or was the IDF using palestinians as human shields?The answer should be simple, yes or no.
  8. Video number one, you can disagree with the divide idea but isn't it the reality? The point of the video as i understand it is to show the absurdity of the concept itsef. The same is for the second video, just to show how ridiculus the system is and stimulate some doubt in the mainstream concept. But that's a metter of opinion You seem to have a clear idea of what you are looking for so maybe it's best you make your choices.
  9. She is coaching parents in groups and individually. She studied Alfred Adler approach to the family relations and got a degree as a parent coacher.Her is a link to Alfred Adler on wikipedia: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_AdlerThere are schools who teach coaching parents based on his approach all over the world.
  10. Adam, What do you say to the claim that IDF was using palestinian as human shields long before Hamas did it?
  11. Adam All you do is argue from a statist position, saying you're an anarchist does not change that. You bring nation, state (statist), IDF (statist), legal system (statist), Jews (religion), supreme court (statist), and on.... Non of these are valid anarchist definitions. I suspect you are trolling and probably from the hasbara, which is the logical conclusion for why you are in this comunity forum. I open to be corrected.
  12. Welcome I wish you the best achieving your passion helping parents practice peaceful parenting. My wife is doing this for about 8 years now, it's not always easy but very rewording knowing that anoter child will have a better relation with his parents, himself, his family and the world.
  13. Hi There's one from Larken Rose: TheTinyDot This one explain the government in a humoristic way: Government explained. Look for Josie outlaw youtube channel, she's got good short videos about anarchy. Larken Rose channel is also greate.
  14. Hi Phuein, Greate initiative, i'll be happy to help you with this project. Do you want to do only FDR videos or maybe use some other material on anarchism? There's some good an short videos out there i can refer to you. Maybe we can talk it over via email or Skype? Let me know if your interested and we'll find a way to get in touch.
  15. Fblauer, What is the argument you present here? If it's to say that irrational believes drives people to do horrific things, that is not new and not specific to Islam. As long as we keep throwing facts and stories in the endless discussions about this subject we won't get very far. Peace comes from within each one of us with self knowledge, self growth and personal commitment to none aggression.
  16. Thank you Waleed, very informative. Can i share this paper?
  17. For the third time you did not answer the question.You are definitely committed to non answers.I will leave it to that.
  18. Hi Adam You did not answer my question. Do you understand and agree with the anarchist philosophy? It looks to me that you are cherry picking parts of this philosophy and using it to reinforce your belives. You maybe not religiuos but you sure know how to use biblical terminilogy to make your case.
  19. Thank you for your answers.My intrest in this discussion is not facts and history lessons.You keep arguing by facts but i'm looking at the principles and this is where i'm confused.All your arguments are bases on non anarchist philosophy and principles,You use state, religion and nation points of vue, so my question is, do you understand and agreewith the anarchist philosophy? If so, none of your arguments are valid.
  20. I dont think your argument is valid because when I give my child a property I ownI will provide some agreement to my child that shows directly me giving to him my propertie.This would be only the propetie I personnaly own, not the hole region surrounding my propertie.As far as I know only a small part of land was actualy privatly owned the rest of the land was taken by forceWith just a pretence of ownership.Isn't the nation of israel just another divide between human beeings like state, religion?
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