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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. that's only $101 for each board member for a $1mil commercial. not bad actually.
  2. You're scrutinizing NAP to pretty much a physics level. I think the "two headed horse exception" of violating NAP and forcably preventing a child from burning their hand on a stove doesn't necessarily invalidate it. (just because a horse can be born with 2 heads doesn't invalidate the concept of a horse) 270: Perfection is the Enemy of Virtue at least that's how I see it.
  3. Whose actions show that they have an aggressive personality? I'd say both of theirs. I wasn't attempting to defend the homicide by pointing out that TM didn't call for help. I was only trying to point out that if he noticed someone was following him, he should have attempted to flee the follower and call someone to help. From the evidence I've heard, that's not what he did. I'll admit I didn't focus on minutia and follow this case too closely. Did they prove in court that TM was agressing against GZ?
  4. Just 1 wrong doesn't make a right. Why didn't TM call for help?
  5. What would you tell your kids to do if someone is following them in a vehicle?
  6. ...and relabeled them to a third category of 'Total Bullshit'?
  7. So because we don't understand how someone can have a memory of a square on a card, there's reason to believe something other than matter (and energy) must be what's allowing you to retain that memory?
  8. They don't have to bang their heads or be cannon fodder now. They could play tennis, or golf, or swimming, or basketball. Related podcasts: 20. The State and Sports 35. Race and The State (part 1) 150. Racism and The Free Market
  9. Money isn't the only thing that allows you to have comparative lifestyles.
  10. Podcasts 143. Foreign Aid Part 1 and 144. Foreign Aid Part 2
  11. Were you qouting me or the member I was quoting? I was trying to make the same point as your last sentence. As long as everyone is free to chose who they go with, you can opt-out of using a mafiaesque DRO.
  12. Great advice Bradford. Jiminy check out podcasts 184,185, and 192. Make sure you're thinking of what your parents are feeling as well as telling them of your feelings.
  13. The guy in the video says they shifted their focus to the demand side. I wond where they shifted from and what they were doing to prevent the cause.
  14. If your DRO is acting like the mafia you're free to switch to a different one, and if enough people feel the same way, the mafia like DRO will no longer be profitable and have to close. Just remember, everyone is FREE. No one has to use one DRO over another.
  15. Very inspiring ThoughtTerrorist. Don't expect the seed of curiosity about a morally consistent premise to bloom as soon as you plant it, but if done correctly, it will work eventually where there is potential. So even if we don't directly see positive feedback from approaching negative and misguided YouTubers with empathy it might just take them a while to see the truth. Also, I just listened to podcast #192 "Curiosity and Personal Relationships" and it might help shed some light on how/why the thread took a bit of a turn for a bit.
  16. I'm just saying don't go at it from the "wether you like it or not" angle.
  17. This type of statement to someone sets up a premise that you're the one calling the shots and it's not a mutualy equal interaction. The mother would then only say something along the lines of "shut the fuck up and mind your own business." which will definitely not improve the situation for the child.
  18. Personally I'd wait until the situation was "peaceful" and later explain to her that it could be possible to have her child not have to be forced to do stuff through such discipline. Mayhaps buy her the Peaceful Parenting book?
  19. I'm going to go with what seems to be the default answer for such woes which is shitty parenting. If you're taught logic and empathy as a child you'll know it's bad to litter even if it inconvenciences you to have to place the litter in the trash. If you're taught not to litter because your parents and/or the state say so, you'll just litter whenever your parents or the state 'aren't looking' because you don't want to be inconvenienced to properly dispose of your shit.
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