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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. I think you handled that perfectly! You were honest in the moment about your situation. Going into details about immorality with those briefers would've been a waste of time most likely. I think you simply speaking about your situation so truthfully might've done more to make the other recruits in the room really look into what got them there to begin with, even more so than if you went into facts about how taxation is theft. Welcome to the outside, brother.
  2. This sounds like a great idea. I have acrobat pro, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
  3. Are your concerns of making your current manager uncomfortable, or your potential new manager? or both?
  4. Isn't that the condition of love in that situation? Without the condition of the previous years of devotion, there would be no current love
  5. They sell sound dampening material that's like a rubber mat with a sticky side. Putting that on the body of the blender might reduce the noise a bit. The more expensive models probably just have the stuff on the inside of the blender motor housing.
  6. Great idea man. Sounds like the small shared space idea will be a good time to get feedback and nail down some really tasty recipes that people like. Should also give you a good idea of the product demand. Maybe try to sell it as cheap as possible to focus on getting the product out there ya know. Maybe offer blended drinks for customers concerned with losing stuff from juicing. That would require more hardware though. I'd be happy to sketch up some logos samples or graphic work if ya nail down the name and have any ideas.
  7. Brilliant! Do you have the g+ hangout name/info yet or will you have that Monday?
  8. The podcast is currently available for listening. On YouTube or on the FDRpodcasts.com site
  9. This just sounds like her parroting her parent's anxiety about her attending class but,,, Try to make sure you understand her point of view very clearly. Ask her what her thinking is behind her believing you're wasting your education by skipping classes. Try to save expressing your side of things until after you have this understanding. Me personally, I don't see why you should have to attend every class if you're still passing it. The goal is to pass the class (unfortunately not learn the material) so as long as you're accomplishing that goal it doesn't matter how you do it, (as long as it's moral)
  10. Quote Dr. Jay Giedd, who serves as chief of the National Institute of Mental Health’s Unit on Brain Imaging in the Child Psychiatry Branch, said that he didn’t think this idea “could be more wrong.” The national part there might be why "the good" doctor would be so blind. Being in the "child" psychiatry department might also limit his exposure to the effects of abuse after childhood. (he doesn't get to see the results.)
  11. It sounds like it might be a good time to make sure it's perfectly clear (that they'll have that choice) so they are fully aware that people are accountable for their actions. If I had a kid(s) I think I'd be scared if they didn't know they'll have that choice.
  12. Where would the money be coming from if you joined the navy?
  13. I posted a simple question on facebook. "How do laws make us free?" A friend of mine replied with "They fucking don't. Final answer Regis" This of course gave me the idea for the meme. So I'm picturing it as a shot of the game set with the question and answers displayed. Q: (for 1mil) "How do laws make us "free"" A: B: C: D: They fucking DON'T The problem is, it's tough to come up with succinct enough answers for AB&C that point out the evil of government. A: Steal from the majority to enforce laws of a minority. (?) Anyone got any helpful ideas for this?
  14. Facebook's a tough venue to find new "friends". If you're looking for "real life friends" meetup.com is a good spot to find other people in the world that share your interests.
  15. I was thinking more specifically about smaller goals involving self knowledge. Like, setting aside a certain amount of time each day or week or whatever to journal or meditate or whatever. I think moving out will definitely help tremendously. How much longer until you can make that happen?
  16. Sounds like a great opportunity. An IOU for a get-outta-jail card seems like a deal to me. I was re-reading your post and thought of something that might help with the overwhelming feeling of how much there is to be done. You can see that the final goal seems like a million miles away and it's daunting right? Well what I thought of was setting smaller goals that you can achieve earlier on the road to the final goal. Achieving these will give you a sense of accomplishment and help fuel the fire so to speak.
  17. Welcome to FDR. Is this an option?
  18. shirgall is in charge of the grill at the next FDR BBQ!
  19. If they don't want you shot, and just don't care or want to talk about politics, than I don't see why ya couldn't still be friends if you have other things in common. For me, it's not really about getting "statist friends" out of my life. It's about having a much more accurate perception of the relationship. I have many people in my life I could call a friend but not even a Simpsons hand finger count of close friends.
  20. Hm, test it on a few acquaintances maybe? But ask the question, to a statist, directly. "Do you want me shot?" I don't think too many would say yes, right? They're just seeing the world a bit differently and it'd also be a tall order to expect someone to, on the spot, just completely ditch what holds the world together for them in their heads. Most people mean well, brother.
  21. You made the claim "Stefan as well as many in these forums have said that if someone I am close to is NOT Anarcho-Capitalist then I should cut all social ties with him." and were asked to show how you came to this conclusion. I haven't read the entire topic, but have you done this? accomplishing this (or retracting the statement) would show that you're indeed listening and connecting with people here. Otherwise, it'll look like you're just talking at people.
  22. Weird Medicine with Doctor Steve. It's essentially a medical show where people call in/ write in questions about medical issues. Often issues they'd rather not ask their personal physician. Original, entertaining, and informative.
  23. It appears to be a bit too late as he has "unfriended", but, in my opinion, this would have been a good point to switch topics and get curious about why they think you're righteous. What do they think about "rights". The sample correspondence seemed more like a verbal duel than a conversation and duels always produce a loser, which no one likes to be. If the other person doesn't get the feeling that you understand their point of view than they won't likely be open to your criticisms of their views.
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