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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. I'm working on a meme and I was curious...
  2. Such groups are the very ones that need a denormalizing voice the most. You'll not change everyone's mind but you might at least get one of the other moms thinking which is well worth the 5 minutes it takes to make such a vital opinion be heard.
  3. Disclaimer: I'm not trying to say any previous advice is wrong. If you're rationalizing that you should feel like you shouldn't have to apologize because both of you should apologize, you're only equaling out the equation before any apologizing happens. (this may or may not work to resolve the feelings you have about feeling like you've harmed someone else) Another way to satisfy the equation is to do what you initially posted about and send her a hand-written letter apologizing without expectations. This approach wouldn't complete the equation until she returned your letter also apologizing, but it does at least factor her own emotions and experiences into it. So essentially, it's about whether you want to assume how she feels, or know how she feels. There were two people involved in the relationship so it makes sense to have two people involved in determining the 'variables of the equation'.
  4. I actually am in a somewhat similar situation but scaled down a good bit. I'm making good (not 6 digits good but decent) money right now but am working towards leaving the steady income gig to get into sculpting glass. I fortunately have the luxury of being able to work on the ideal career as I'm still at my current job but it sounds like this would be less of an option for you given how much time the current job takes up. Sure you're current job is satisfying and all that, but if you're reasoning to stay would be because it's satisfying, and you're other venture would be more satisfying, than it's more obvious which path you should take. So unless you have some other reasoning behind staying in the yolk of 'the board', drop that shit like two hot rocks as soon as reasonably possible. Just make sure that the market demand is on par with the amount of effort you'll need to put in.
  5. Well, technically you're littering on his property. I personally would not want people leaving flyers for their services anywhere on my property either. This then leaves a positive obligation on my end to eventually handle this piece of paper and recycle it.
  6. Maybe try dipping your toes in the water by reducing the amount of income you use to that which you think would be available to you if you were to try the venture, and just save the rest of it. This will at least tell you if you're comfortable with such a pay cut. (though since the work load would still be so great, it might skew this perception)
  7. Hi Andrew, welcome to the forums. You can say/ask pretty much anything ya want as long as you're not being rude. The search function in the upper right should help ya find any posts about locating a good therapist. See ya around
  8. I just designed a new (at least I think it's new) style of glass annealing kiln. I would like to share the design open-source style but I'm concerned a patent troll might patent the design and keep everyone else from being able to use it. If anyone here that has some experience getting something patented and could point me to a good person/site/thing to get some info on this I would greatly appreciate it. Getting a provisional patent to get started seemed easy enough from the little bit of researching I did yesterday but I would like to get some experienced advice as well on this. Thanks!
  9. You gave a perfect example yourself. "...I assume a ton of negative..." I'm not saying you should spend any time you don't want to spend on asking people questions about themselves. I'm also not arguing that you're somehow "wrong" for doing it. I'm just giving an example of how not asking questions and going with your presuppositions is an example of closed-mindedness.
  10. My point isn't about whether or not saying "I'm christian" means anything. Of course it does.
  11. I'm not seeing how you're disproving that assuming something will improve your understanding of someone.
  12. Any time we pre-suppose things, or project our beliefs onto what someone is saying to us, it closes off our ability to fully understand what someone is saying to us. As an example, (which often happens here) when someone tells you "I'm a christian". ANY pre-supposing or projection on your part as to what it means for them to be a christian, will potentially be preventing you from understanding them. It essentially, "closes off" your ability to accurately understand what they're attempting to communicate to you. So maybe we should have a "clean mind", free from any projections or suppositions if we want to be able to understand people better. And by understand, I DO NOT mean agree with.
  13. The project sounds great, and more info on it would be even better I've heard of some related but not necessarily similar operations. Micro-Loans like the ones organized at http://www.kiva.org/ are an example if anyone's interested in this kinda thing.
  14. You (not literally you, of course) agree to not transfer the ticket when you buy it. If you want to be moral, stick to doing what you agree to do.
  15. Your thought experiment is merely a framework to place someone in your perspective of the situation with which you have limited second hand context. Sure, I didn't add "..but only try to be there for her and help as long as she's not manipulating you" because I made the assumption she either already knew that, or fine people like yourself would make that crystal clear. I was only expressing a potential. You can not claim my advice is certainly harmful and your willingness to do so is another example of something that tells me I shouldn't waste my time with thought experiments to see things your way.
  16. You have a happy and healthy friend to gain here.
  17. http://roll20.net/ (thanks to nobody (the member))
  18. Interesting article I found that's saying the Dope's sex abuse commission 'shook their finger' at what he said about spanking. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/popes-sex-abuse-commission-alarmed-spanking-comment-28797475
  19. Don't 'shoulds' only work when there's an 'if'? You should be virtuous if you want to have virtuous people around you. As an example. (act like you want, and pay for it)
  20. For reference, It was this thread https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43289-helping-me-getting-through-a-desperate-situation/ Could you elaborate on what you were trying to say with the "So, ummm, yeah." part?
  21. Okay so it's pretty clear there's enough players that are willing to play. So, if someone wants to DM and is willing to set up a campaign, just say what game version you'd like to use as well as any notes on character creation i guess, pick up the definite players, and then the respective parties involved can work out a time.
  22. This is a BS non-answer but... However much satisfies your needs the most. The common percentages are good based on setting aside money for other things like retirement and other savings. When you're "getting out of a situation" that clearly changes your immediate priorities, and monies that might've been set aside for savings could go towards getting a place on your own so you have the alone time you're desiring.
  23. Okay. Just checking for assumptions again. As for the general topic, I think "christians" is too broad of a term to say that christianity is bad. You could say, a christian that thinks his own personal experiences are valid for all other people in the world, is 'bad', but to apply any qualifier to "christianity" other than "a set of people claiming to be a christian" is out of place.
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