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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. nobody (the member) showed me this YT channel. I've been finding it very helpful in explaining philosophical topics like this. Things are often explained in both the 'pure' logical terms, which often go over my head, and in examples, which I can sometimes understand. They're all short and concise which I really appreciate. https://youtu.be/Oyf0vHpdIFs?list=PLz0n_SjOttTdtycrFYOrO9zxszamWbSimh
  2. i "struggled through it". She's not whining about her life being hard, she's trying to reach out to other young people to tell them acceptance on social media isn't the way to achieve happiness.
  3. The driver being a woman explains why the squirrel isn't an eighth of an inch thick and still on the track right now. (according to the guy)
  4. These places would be great if healthcare wasn't socially funded and meat production wasn't subsidized.
  5. By any means necessary my friend. Doesn't have to be by getting them to watch FDR videos. Just get people to start seeing the gun in the room and the benefits of peaceful parenting. Think of it as the person being a lock, and you have to find the correctly 'shaped' key. (unless the lock is rusted shut, than just move on)
  6. I'm not an expert by any means, just gonna offer potential research leads. You have a natural cannabinoid system. I think this system has a part in regulating things like mood and such. Since you were horribly subjected to amphetamines (my sincere sympathies for this Bradley) during development, I think it might be possible that some of these systems were affected and changed. For example, if you were getting exterior sources of mood regulating chemicals, the natural systems will be less productive and more dependent, and might leave you that way after development. I'm not sure if quitting anything will eventually get your body to produce these things more naturally, similar to how you would have been producing them without the drugs. That being said, there are still other reasons to quit, like it costing too much money right now and the "I'll just gradually cut my usage down" approach is extremely tough even if you have an iron will. Maybe consider switching to edibles/cooking it if you're currently smoking it. Then you'll still be getting the chemicals but the habit part changes and might be more controllable in a sense. If you go the full abstinence route, I guess just be prepared for a period of time where the lows are lower than usual because you're still in the process of trying to reset your systems. Getting through that is tough but not impossible. ---- Now, as for the main topic of the thread title, I bet if you just get a few people around you to even start thinking about 'voluntaryist peaceful living' by being engaging and talking with people, Stefan and company might call it even for now
  7. where's the contract that was signed by both entities agreeing on a payment for services?
  8. Dang you shirgall, you beat me to posting the HT of it
  9. "Don't you think..." should be a warning sign that the OP isn't here to 'discuss' the topic, only to stick to their opinion/idea. I guess we shall see.
  10. His altruism and commitment to improving the world are very inspiring. He's one of my favorite people in the world.
  11. Ah okay. So you're thinking there's a sort of slippery slope with defending others being valid it sounds like. Very possible I guess, especially depending on the situation. I just have one point of dispute with the rest of that though, regarding an over-reaction being justifiable. The prefix word 'over' is there for a reason. To indicate that it's too much. Either a defense is justified and not over-reaction, or it's not justified which then makes it considered over.
  12. the hydrogen and oxygen fuel to leave would be harvested/generated from the existing water on the planet. (assuming that's the system used) I'm thinking it would be unwise to trust your billions of dollars worth of equipment in the hands of 'criminals'. That being said, I've thought about it before. I wouldn't go if I were the only person going, but if I were a part of a larger group I'd start considering it. (assuming it's privately funded and not paid for by stolen money as McBeer points out below)
  13. Hello and welcome, Jayden. Would you care to share how you feel about politics in general, and perhaps what you think is currently the biggest political issue these days?
  14. Is this still the case? What are your thoughts on it after ruminating and getting feedback from others?
  15. Fibber (as evidenced by you responding after only one post)
  16. Fibber --------------------- (I intended for this to be a separate post but it automatically added it to the part above when I tried) If ANYONE has a peaceful parenting pamphlet, flyer, leaflet, etc. that they'd like to distribute but can't afford to make the copies, I will gladly make them for you and ship them to you. Nice laser printing too. I only need the digital file to print. Any size up to 11x17.
  17. What about insurance fraud investigation? Private investigator? Regardless, this made me very happy reading this this morning. I wish I could give you better advice than two off-the-cuff answers.
  18. How long did it take you to write all that for nothing? (j/k, vote for nobody)
  19. It could also be possible that people associate with those they can relate to. Not necessarily that who they're hanging out with determines what type of person they are. Maybe both have an affect. I'm no expert on the matter, that's for sure.
  20. Brick Wall makes statement of opinion. Brick Wall receives new information. Brick Wall dismisses new information and continues to repeat statement of opinion. Repeat as necessary until everyone figures out they're talking to a brick wall. - It's pretty clear Kaz ain't changing his mind on this. He's certain that his opinion is accurate regardless of the lack of evidence. And what are the chances that even one person with the same opinions as Kaz is going to read this entire thread in the future and change their mind. ....what a waste.
  21. Neither has what we've been trying to put forth. So why are you so sure it won't work, or so sure that it'd fail the way you've imagined in your head? Just to be clear, I would very much rather be in the system you're advocating for than what we have now, but it's still not true freedom.
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