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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. Could you please share your definition of the "nature of man"?
  2. Thanks for the link but that was for calculating through an orifice. Here's the tl;dr backstory. I have a glassblowing torch that I'm trying to feed from a set of regulators mounted right by the torch. It requires 2 sets each of oxygen and propane gases; one for an inner stage/smaller flame, and another set for an outer flame. The torch manufacturer spec's it as needing a total oxygen flow rate of 32 liters/min at 8psi. That gets split by the two stages into 12 and 21 l/m with the pressure remaining the same. I'm trying to use the smallest diameter hose possible (3/16") for flexibility purposes and I was looking to verify the hose size and length as being able to accommodate that flow rate.
  3. Okay all you smartypantseses out there. I've been trying to figure this out on my own for a while now but I've just about reached the limit of time I'm willing to spend on figuring this out so I'm outsourcing. I need to determine the amount of pure O2 flow, compressed at 8psi (0.5515bar), in liters/minute through a 3ft/1M length of rubber tube with a 3/16"(4.7625) ID. $5 in BTC for the first person to get me the number. (more if you help me make an excel file with a built in calculator so I can play with the length and diameter variables)
  4. The lack of a "State" isn't necessary for people to embrace voluntary relationships. Peaceful parenting however is, I think. How are children in Nigeria raised?
  5. I haven't read the whole article, but I did notice that those aren't "steps" to forgiveness, they're listed as "Apology Languages".
  6. I don't have a good answer to this but I think the same reasoning for asking the question would apply to being immoral. Why be immoral? Is one of the two the 'default position'? What I initially thought of when reading the topic was that if you have "enough" empathy, this isn't even a question to ask. As if it were internally obvious or something.
  7. Can you switch back to Confucious mode with that? I need clarification on grasping universal principles of science and how the people that would 'grasp' such principles would be identified, and how they would go about the taking of the abused children.
  8. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're okay with people that appreciate "high art" being the ones to determine when your children should be taken from you. Is that accurate?
  9. Again, to directly answer your question, I don't know. My question remains.
  10. Dear group of individuals that can't reply as a group, What's your deal?
  11. I enjoyed hearing about Philosophy from this wonderful Southern (US) accent. YouTube Video Playlists. The first two are videos in which he discusses particular philosophers through time. I believe most or all are Western. Rick Roderick: Self Under Seige - 20th Century Philosophy Rick Roderick: Philosophy and Human Values Rick Roderick: Nietzsche and the Post Modern Condition
  12. I've not gotten to much of Sam's content so my opinion's not well founded but I think Sam is big on "intentions". If the polluter's intentions were good, there's no point at which it's wrong, even if it is aggression, I guess. My criticisms of Harris aside, I think this topic is a lot "bigger" than most people consider it to be. An example I thought of. Let's say a company owns a highway. Seems like the company that owns the land would be responsible for the pollutants from the people/cars on it. So that highway company would be keen to limit the amount of polluting vehicles it lets use its road before its neighbors can start to "have a claim".
  13. Who gets to determine what is and isn't "high culture"? Is it decided by "the nation"?
  14. Can you please word that in a way that I can understand? (dumb it way down, plz)
  15. Donnadogsoth, I'll start by directly answering your question. I don't know. Based on how you think a free society would operate, what would be your answer to this question, and why?
  16. Yes, but... = I don't care what you just said, here's what I think. It's favored by word weasels because it still contains the word yes even though what they're actually saying is "No, you're wrong" Probably to maintain some sort of facade of good discourse. Its use is an abhorrent, non-empathetic practice indeed.
  17. You're going with a really tough argument than as it goes against the definition of prediction. I'm not trying to dispute what you're trying to get across, just to be clear. It's not a great idea to be unrealistically optimistic about that great new business idea you just came up with and plan on investing all your retirement savings on getting started. There's also that whole biology thing going on as well which has an influence on your optimism/pessimism.
  18. Gravity Lite both tastes great, and is less filling. Yes, both at the same time, so don't get caught up in a dichotomy about it.
  19. A great topic. Makes me wonder if I've ever met someone that has changed from type to another. We can also get a bit more detailed and go into the difference between optimism/realism/pessimism when considering the past, present, and future. When thinking of the future, realism isn't an option though.
  20. I knew just from this line that I wasn't really gonna care for Puck's input. "oh, i thought you were better than that" BS approach to connection, I'll pass.
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