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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. Hi Kalden, Just thought I would send you this message to say that there are other FDR members in NSW. We have a Sydney Meetup Group and have meetups fairly regularly. We are looking to have one at the end of January this year. Link to facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomainRadioSydney/ Link to Meetup Page: http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Freedomain-Radio-Meetup/ In terms of the question, my answer would be - The first aim for yourself is to become financially free from your family. Do not try and change any of your extended families behaviours. Just use that one meal a week from them to get by and start to build your own future. So you need to find a job that is going to pay for your accomodation and living expenses if you don't already have one. I'm going to assume that at 20yrs old your very confused about your up bringing and what to do with your life (as you have asked ) so you really just want to create some space for yourself between that old environment and any attachment to it. That space will then be used for your new environment (which you will have to create) in a sense creating a 'vacuum' for new experiences. If your in Sydney, I can hook you up with an entry level job within the IT field. Private message me on here if you wanted to talk more. Regards, Ivan.
  2. Hey, Welcome to the forum. There is a FDR Meetup Group in Sydney and Melbourne, so if your there come to a meetup if you can. Regards, Ivan.
  3. Dude. I moved out of home 6 weeks ago at the age of nearly 26. Best decision of my life so far. For me, I didn't realise until I moved out how much my parents are a negative drain on me. I had a intellectual knowledge that I should move out and that it would be better for me but until I actually did it, I then saw how it was more of a emotional drain. I've been back there 3 times in the last 6 weeks and I get a sick/sad feeling when I'm around the house. For me It was - how am I going to get married and have kids when I haven't taken control of all aspects of my life? Hence GTFO of parents home.
  4. Look Up. We going into space baby!
  5. Hey everyone, Just posting up a picture of the first Sydney FDR meetup. I think everyone got along really well and we had awesome conversations talking about everything and anything FDR. Special thanks to Timur for setting up the event and David, Wout, Eddie and Charles for coming! Was awesome meeting you guys. Cant wait till our next meetup next month sometime As Pictured: Woet, Charles, Eddie, Timur, Ivan, David
  6. I listened to the show for about 6 years ( the first 3 years were on/off). It was until recently that I subscribed and bought the books as I feel the best way I can contribute at the moment is through donating. As everyone above said, there are other ways to give back.
  7. I bought the previous bundle they were selling a couple years ago. I don't think you should be disheartened if that really is the order amount, you can only really live your own philosophy and if other people come along or work with it then great
  8. Anyway to download the podcast?
  9. Hi All, I would like to post up this message to see what others have to say about something which has been occurring to me in the last 7 days. Over the last weekend which happened (Easter long weekend here in Australia) I partied for 4 days straight from Thursday till Sunday. In this time a lot of things happened internally. I came to a lot of realizations about lots of areas of my life. Id like to talk about a couple and see what you guys say. The biggest problems I have in my life are the following - I'm 25.5 and have never had a GF, Only kissed one girl, Still a virgin been on no dates with girls. I can talk to girls and guys and from the outside you might think I'm an open person and am not Forever alone but I cant escalate anything with women. - Literally have nearly no money. I have a few assets still to get rid of but really bad financials atm. (not in debt thankfully) - No career prospects, working in menial jobs like factory work or low-end it jobs. I feel I have so much to catch up on and missed the last ten years of life to get all of the above sorted. The feelings that I'm getting include lots of anger, sadness, frustration, confusion, being afraid of die-ing without living, lack of understanding, feel like crying every 6 hours or so or when I think of the above, want to vomit but dont, anxiety. The reason why I realized all of these things when partying over the weekend is all of the different situations I put myself in. I for once actively went out and tried to talk to all new people. Some interactions went good, some bad. I could have escalated with certain women (to have a dance with them or whatever) but didn't I didn't take certain opportunities that I had. I didnt stand up for myself enough in tense situations with other men. I ended up the 4 days with new experiences and lots of insights into myself. I did manage to get one girls face book which was on the Sunday night right at the very end - that small interaction went great. FML Its all coming together now and all of the masturbating/porn addiction problems I've had, stuffing around with life, not taking charge of life, eating my problems away is coming back at me. What FDR has done for me is shown me the bad side of my parents, how I was treated as a child but I cant seem to get out of that situation mentally. I'm still stuffing around with life and its like I cant take it. I'm not thinking of suicide or anything but I just need to vent. Guys I'm really feel like shit in life. I think all of these feelings I'm getting now are telling me to do something about it before its too late. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I feel taken-aback every time Stef raises his voice or I can hear anger in his voice. In those moments I'm flustered and tend to put up defenses thinking that he should be more compassionate to those people. Although, every time I think about those moments and sleep on it I always realise that those moments when Stef gets angry are justified.
  11. I enjoyed the build up and questioning back and forth so in that respect it was entertaining. I found the following points come to mind when watching the video: - I know a lot of real world examples that contradicts what was in the video - No father was mentioned. - Stef just mentioned on the Peter Schiff show about how women basically get an income although it comes from the man etc. I think the exaggeration offends me the most, particularly regarding having no time for sleep. Obviously at some point the mom will sleep. The emotional hook at the end was the clincher, Far out, good way to end the video lol
  12. Hey All, Thought I would re-ignite the thread. When and where could we meetup? Anywhere Sydney CBD works for me.
  13. Hey Reina, Cool Website! Id like to make a request. I would like a shirt with the FDR logo in the middle and the rest of the shirt with the blue/white strip/star pattern thing happening. I basically want the following picture but in shirt form. Could you make something like this up? Thanks, Ivan.
  14. Cookie mining has begun. I know that making more cookies doesnt mean anything in real life BUT i want to make more....
  15. hey all. im from sydney too looks like we got 4 people in sydney atm! want to organise I meetup in sydney cbd or something?
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