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Everything posted by Gavitor

  1. What makes trump unprecedented is that not only is he bringing up genuine problems with the country and concerns the average citizen has but he is also using the medias tactics against them to propel himself forward. As far as America falling, If I understand them correctly the issue is not so much America falling but western values falling. America is still closest to those values despite straying so far from them. Basically they understand that if you replace America with Americastan the world has a high chance of regressing back to a dark ages type scenario. Essentially if Trump becomes president and actually accomplishes anything its possible he can buy a few more generations giving people a chance to raise more anarchists and eventually have the state become obsolete in peoples minds. I however have absolutely NO faith in the system whatsoever and don't trust anyone with that kind of power. As far as what Stef says, he said in a recent video that you should be thinking for yourself. Not just blindly accepting what he says. Considering its been known for a while that elections can be rigged and the electoral college has final say I don't get why you have any faith that your vote means a damn thing. As a reminder America is not an out right democracy, Its a democratic republic where you pick someone else to vote for you. Honestly I'd like Trump to win out of curiosity if he is actually able to get anything done. Even if trump is anything close to the savior some make him out to be I don't think he can join the mafia and turn them into a charity. On the bright side he has done a lot of good just running because he is showing everyone who isn't 100% stuck in their ways that the media is completely full of shit and is nothing more than a propaganda machine. If you have faith in the system and accept someone else as your ruler then by all means vote. I however have not been given a compelling reason as to why I should accept someone as my ruler.
  2. Yes they have And so have some of your click baity titles Either way the content is still fantastic, keep up the great work guys.
  3. No he is not a statist. As to him changing his position his timing couldn't be better. Here is what he said before which still hold true in my opinion. Here is why he thinks Trump is different. Personally I don't vote because I don't accept the idea of rulers and even if Trump is the savior people believe him to be I have no faith whatsoever that you can join the mafia and turn it into a charity.
  4. So If I understand correctly you vote because you believe it will somehow change reality? I still don't understand why you want someone to be your ruler. I guess everyone forgot this (perhaps some of you haven't seen it).
  5. As an anarchist why would I vote for someone to be my ruler when I don't accept the premise that someone can be my ruler?
  6. If we really want to argue immorality, because abstinence is a valid choice for preventing the life of the child choosing to get pregnant and then choosing to kill said child would be immoral. You are not only killing an innocent person but you are also trying to avoid the consequences of your decisions by doing so. Why is it ok to end someone else's life because you made a bad choice and want to avoid the consequences?
  7. You haven't pointed out how will is predetermined in humans, you just assert that it is. Choices aren't binary, you literally have millions of choices at any given time. You can't argue for both because arguing that everything is determined means that free will is nothing more than an illusion. Also being indifferent is compatible with free will because being indifferent is also a choice... What are you talking about? How exactly is it necessary for life? and how does that make it predetermined? How did you come to the conclusion that evolution is predetermined? How does obeying the laws of physics and cause and affect make something predetermined? What does any of that to do with preferences not being compatible with determinism?
  8. I never understood why people who believe in determinism spend their time trying to convince people who are "determined" to believe otherwise... This statement makes no sense... First of all there is an element of surprise that exists in the universe, hence why you cannot accurately predict the future. That element of surprise facilitates choice. If people are just doing as programmed how do you explain suicide? People go against their biological programming all the time. What happens when AI IGNORES its programming and disobeys a directive? What does it mean to want? Also people don't all want the same thing. Why can't you will what you will? Surely a weaker will can be overtaken/replaced by a stronger one.
  9. Interesting conversation... I'm curious if a child is stillborn or there is a miscarriage do the parents have a funeral? I look at it the same way I look at ending the life of someone who is suffering. If I know that the child is going to suffer due to having shitty parents is it wrong to spare that child a life of misery? However if the option to give that child up for adoption to parents who want and will care for that child I think that is the better choice. There are lots of unwanted children that are already born, what are people doing to save them? I see it as an act of mercy because I think its pretty fucked up to force a child to have parents who think its ok to kill said child in the first place.
  10. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. You are free to do as you please, just remember that every action has a reaction otherwise known as a consequence...
  11. I never mentioned whether they were intertwined or not. I simply noticed that abortion became the focus of discussion. No it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all.
  12. How did this go from being about right and responsibilities to a debate about abortion? Regardless the answer to the original post is simple, take the gun out of the room and let people suffer the natural consequences of their actions.
  13. How bout the government suppliment the wage, IE add 10-15$ to everyone's wages. oh wait that'd basically negate taxes lol
  14. I could easily ask you the same question...
  15. You didn't answer my question...
  16. You do not have to enter into a business arrangement to survive... You can grow your own food or mooch off your parents. Alternatively you can also start your own business or create products to sell. You completely failed to answer my question So if I give you money to perform a task using something I own, how is that exploitative?
  17. Have you tried asking them? Are you saving for something? If not whats wrong with spending it on something you want/enjoy? perhaps those things aren't of value to you.
  18. I fail to see how hierarchies dont exist in communism. Also in both communism and capitalism everyone starts out with nothing and relies on their parents. In capitalism there is an unlimited number of ways to get resources. So I don't see how its in any way exploitative. So if I give you money to perform a task using something I own, how is that exploitative?
  19. If someone "disagrees" that you own your body and feels its ok to use your body as they see fit, including but not limited to taking parts for their use what would you do/ how would you react? You would just be ok with that?
  20. How do you feel about eating insects? Are animals aware of their own interests? What about plants that eat insects/animals? How do you determine if an organism is aware of its own self interest and doesn't just act on impulse or instinct?
  21. Oh boy what a fun topic... I'll answer your question. I use my psychic powers to save everyone from dying. Or if you prefer god intervenes striking everyone involved with lightning. Regardless of the answer one thing will always be the same. Time has been wasted.
  22. The problem with mixing animals with morality is how do you hold an animal morally accountable? I agree that we shouldn't torture sentient beings, But I still don't see how killing them or eating them is wrong especially since most carnivores would have no problem doing the same to us. Is it wrong for an animal to eat a human? If so why? Is killing an animal for food unhealthy behavior? Your question presumes that it is. Why do you think it is and what is unhealthy about it?
  23. What constitutes necessity? Also If killing something is Immoral simply because it is alive and healthy then it would also be immoral to kill plants since they too are alive. Lets not forget all the bacteria and viruses as well... The difference between humans and pretty much all other life on this planet is our capacity and ability to reason. Morality is a product of reason, since animals lack the capacity to ever be able to reason morality does not apply to them. That doesn't mean we can't empathize with them or treat them in a humane manner. I think its more important to get humans to stop abusing other humans before we worry about how humans treat other animals. Once humans can treat each other well, I'm sure animal cruelty and abuse will fade away as a natural consequence.
  24. If we are to discuss the morality of eating animals the number eaten is hardly relevant. If the animals were raised and killed in a humane manner IE without suffering (which is better than the way they'd die if eaten by your typical carnivore) would it still be immoral to eat them? If so why?
  25. He should tell those mean lions to stop "victimizing" those poor gazelle...
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