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Everything posted by LanceD

  1. This is so bizarre.Do you think this is a strategy to besmirch the ideas behind AnCap similar to how our current economic system is called capitalism, even though it is far from it.
  2. Ask him how well both the Russian and American occupations of Afghanistan went. While Afghanistan is far from a Voluntaryist paradise it is an area full of people who absolutely refuse to be governed. This has led to both recent attempts at occupying the county to lead the aggressor nation into financial ruin. Militaries are only good at blowing things up and killing people. They are not good at managing populations. So while being invaded would surely suck the simple fact is, without an already installed government infrastructure to take over and as long as the anarchists continued to refuse to be governed the occupation would not go well for the occupier.
  3. Bucking the trend of forcing your children into coercion based public schools full of people and influences you have no control over is good, unless your only other option is somehow more dangerous for the child.Public schools, at least here in the US which are the only schools I would speak of, are all based on the same coercive violence. So they can be judged bad as a whole. Some may be less bad then the rest but they are all built upon the same principles. You made a non argument based on anecdotal evidence that I have no way to directly deal with.So yes you got a bunch of generalizations.
  4. You can't look to this situation now and judge whether or not Israel is defending itself. In order to make a proper moral judgment you have to go back to the beginning. To get back to the beginning is a very tangled string to unwind and it's a very difficult situation to really unravel. So maybe instead we just look at the current situation. Palestine is a cage, and not in the figurative sense that western nations are cages. It literally is a cage surrounded by walls built by neighbors. They are also under constant economic sanctions. So the people who are supposedly the aggressors live in a giant prison they can't cross physically and they can't trade across. So imagine yourself being born into a prison full of other people who were also born there. Exactly why the generations that came before you were put in said prison is unclear. The only thing we know for sure is that you are there because you were born there, and this applies to everyone else who is also in this prison. Do you think you may try and get out of this prison? And if you did when you were inevitably met by the guards throwing you back inside would you consider violent action to escape? When you committed said violent actions to escape would you describe the prison guards as acting in self defense when they kill you?
  5. It's called paternal racism/sexism/insert ism. It is as you describe the prejudice of low expectations. Media outlets grant significant coverage to white perpetrated crimes and never hesitate to describe the perpetrator. On the other side of the coin media outlets tend to ignore crimes committed by minorities and if they do have to cover them they often fail to mention the race of the perpetrator. Because after all, it's not their fault black people just don't know any better, right? It's the same reason why crimes committed by females are often excused do to any number of reasons. Because women are just so damn weak, you really can't blame some of them for cracking under the strain of life, right?! The same principles are all displayed again by glorifying the supposed achievements. George Washington Carver isn't a big deal because peanuts, he's a big deal because we are surprised a black dude figured out how to live on his own, yet this one came along and actually contributed to society?! Omg I don't even.... So yeah you're right I would say
  6. Depends. I would separate love into two distinct categories. 1. The love for others, friends, romantic relationships, parents etc 2. The love for your children, very self explanatory #2 is entirely unconditional. I love my kids no matter what forever. Anything they do that could make me "stop loving them" is either the fault of me or the person I decided to have them with. Any time my son has ever done anything that I didn't feel was good or virtuous I've been able to track that behavior back to some mistake we've made, he is exonerated from all fault. #1 Of course there are conditions! This is all on regard to relationships between adults making decisions. I have standards for how I expect to be treated and standards for how I expect those I love to behave. If those standards are not met then the love will never grow or will cease to be. The entire concept of unconditional love is a concept created by people who do not want to be held accountable for their actions. It is the same mind set as socialism applied to love. Everyone deserves their own ration of love because after all it's unconditional! So ignore their behavior, ignore how they treat you. Ignore the fact your parents abused you as a child and are unrepentant, ignore the fact that your spouse is breaking their vows. Ignore how much pain those you "love" cause you and just keep loving them. Because love is unconditional, even if you'd rather be dead then love those around you.
  7. Exceptions to a rule? You mean exceptions to your anecdotal experience. Any parent willing to investigate unschooling and buck societal trends in the interest of their children is already displaying far more care for their children then any parent that just follows the patterns of the past and crams their child in the local public school. You are making generalizations where there is not a trend to generalize. Also why wouldn't you want to be different?When society is just pumping out sociopaths, numerous adults with mental illness, drug dependencies, adults reliant of violent heirarchy and collectivist movements like nationalism, feminism, class warfare etc. Why would you not want to do anything you possibly can to be different?!Society is a wreck and there is a pile of reasons why parents who actually want to do right by there kids would be crying for help and just trying anything they can to be different, but this is no judgment on them.
  8. Explain the position and please tell me what you think unschooling is.
  9. It's difficult to tell. Our relationship with these people was not close, we were still in the phase where we get to know people before allowing more contact. From our perspective they appeared to not be all that different from my wife and I. They claimed to be authoritarian parents making the move towards more peaceful parenting. The one glaring difference is they are extremely religious. Really it's impossible for me to figure the cause. Though I see a real lack of parental bond as an issue. As we have been around them since, in large group settings where we just see them around not directly interacting, it's become easier to see how poorly behaved d dysfunctional the boys are. They exhibit a real lack of bond with their parents. With my son if I ask him to do something or not do something he generally goes along with it because I've built up credibility with him through long explanations and conversations. These other boys just out right reject the things their parents say. When we first came into contact with them we were too inexperienced to pick their problems out sooner. However we've learned a lot, mostly just through seeing how our son has adjusted to peaceful parenting.
  10. Being a peaceful parent doesn't mean letting your kid do whatever they want. It means never using arbitrary authority to enforce your will upon the child. So this often leads to children being allowed to do the things they want. However it is your responsibility as a parent to use your wisdom and better judgement to ensure your children are safe, and this often means keeping them away from particular people. Real Life Example: We had met a family through the home schooling coop we participate in. We liked the parents and our son liked their two boys. They seemed pretty okay as people so we spent some time together here and there. One day we found out that one of the boys had stuffed one of their cats in the clothes dryer and turned it on, killing the cat. Then we learned that a few years back the other boy had drowned a kitten. This information was highly troubling and we decided our son should not be exposed to children exhibiting such dangerous behavior. When our son asked us to hang out with them we told him that we weren't going to do that anymore and then explained why. He didn't exactly understand the implications of the behavior but he understands that hurting animals is bad and trusts in our judgement when we tell him we are making a decision for his best interest.
  11. That's about what I was thinking. I believe my plan will be to buy coins with Coinbase and then transfer them all out. Splitting them between my "petty cash" Bitcoin Wallet on Android and a cold storage savings account. I just don't trust anyone else to hold my money.
  12. So i'm using coinbase to buy coins. Question is, should I transfer all the coins I buy out of my Coinbase wallet and into a wallet on my phone or pc? Isn't that more secure? Don't want to get Goxed
  13. Yes but chances are you're going to have an income from a job and need to buy gas.NC has a state income tax and a very high gas tax. Why intentionally move to a place with more hurdles to jump?
  14. Why did these people choose Asheville, NC? It seems odd to me they wouldn't have started in a state with no income tax. Did the people who started this idea just happen to live there an think it up as a way to get more like minded people to live where they live? Having been to every state in the union I wasn't particularly impressed with NC and don't get the appeal.
  15. My question would be, do you have a moral responsibility to make way for the next generation? We can only support so many people on the planet, and while this number will obviously change as technology improves there will always be an upper limit. With immortality we would at some point reach this limit. So are we required to die to make room for what's next? Everything else in the universe dies, even stars, and their components parts are used to make what comes next. So is it right to circumvent this process?
  16. How is a child wanting to be close to parents a problem?Please enlighten me
  17. I've been having this debate with a very intelligent and very rational friend of mine. He's convinced morality is entirely subjective and I can't say I entirely disagree with him. His latest argument was this I could pick apart issues with his bomb maker example but then I'm just debating the validity of his example but not actually responding to the argument itself which wouldn't get us anywhere. Anyone have any thoughts?
  18. The Tweet of God is epic funny
  19. I would declare a "Shoot Fireworks, Grill Burgers and Drink Beer Day" I want my July 4th without the psychotic nationalism
  20. We tried it for a while and decided to stop it. Way too much religion Way too much extreme nationalism/collectivism Not enough of the fun outdoor stuff and survival skills. A good alternative is to get the Dangerous Book For Boys and learn the stuff together.
  21. As a parent a significant majority of the teaching you do is simply through you modeling a behavior and the child subconsciously copying it. So ask yourself, if I saw my child doing what I'm doing how would I feel? Obviously alcohol applies a bit differently here then swearing or some of the other behaviors parents tend to approve of adults doing but not kids but imagine your child grown to adulthood. Would you feel something was wrong if your 19 year old, I picked that age because it's passed adulthood ignore legal implications for this example, copied your drinking habits? Personally I don't have any off limits things or topics, just certain extreme examples of things like sex or violence that I attempt to censor and slowly back down from as he ages. So at 8 there are no exciting off limits topics, he knows the mechanics of how babies are made, what alcohol is etc. He even wanted to taste a beer once and I let him, and he thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world. So I don't think children need to be sheltered from any particular thing. I just think healthy behavior needs to be modeled and exposure to extremes needs to be managed as they age. Also coming from a family full of alcoholics, it's my perception that you have an alcohol dependency.
  22. Yeah I listened to it but the guy is still operating on the assumption that children need to be trained to comply. You just need to stop beating compliance into them. Then again it depends what someone means by "time out". If my kid is out in one if the common areas of the house sbd is infringing on others by being loud or other wise disruptive we will send him to his room, along with the explanation that he needs to be respectful of others when he is in common areas and if he wants to do certain things he needs to go do them in his own space. We don't take any of his things away or otherwise tell him what he can and can't do, we just try and make it clear when sbd where it's okay to do certain things. Is this a time out? I don't know, children test boundaries and are unable to really think things through before acting. So there has to be some method for showing them where boundaries are and encourage them to think before acting that isn't punitive and fully respects their person hood and property rights.
  23. I think your one problem is that once parents really do peaceful parenting the parenting difficulties all but stop. The only issues we ever have are directly caused by the time when we weren't peaceful parents. Once that stuff gets worked out things get pretty easy and there just isn't much worth writing about.
  24. There are no known negative effects of co sleeping at any age.
  25. People without empathy display this lack in games. People with empathy continue to have empathy in games. My kid almost cried when I killed a pig in Minecraft. He has since built a huge farm he uses to protect all the animals he can. But according to this guy I can expect the signs of sociopathy and psychopathy to manifest soon. What a joke.
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