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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. We just need to stop giving people free stuff.
  2. The existence of a church does not signify that god is real. I get that. But is religion real? Even though it is based on a falsehood? And if not, then why build a church? And what makes such a building a church? Thus with governments: why build a prison? And why do, and how can prisons exist if there is no actual authority? If a prisoner accepts the premises that you suggest, is that prisoner then free? Or is he still subject to that authority (illegitinate as it may be) and unable to leave the prison?
  3. Cool man. I'll just not pay my taxes and when the cops show up to arrest me, I will explain that their power isn't real.
  4. If only we could stop our own government from its marauding.
  5. Hello Philosophers, My name is Joe and I have been listening to Freedomain Radio since 2011 when I first heard "The Story Of Your Enslavement". After that I listened to Stef's opinions on Harry potter and Star Wars and I was hooked. I currently live in Kansas and travel a lot for my job. I only just now saw the "Introduce Yourself" forum, otherwise I would have posted an introduction sooner. I look forward to many pholosophical discussions with you all.
  6. Unless girl wants to take viable steps for maintaining her own self-defense, then girl will be at the mercy of the government law-enforcement system. I suggest that girl keeps badgering the law. There's an adage that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". So be a squeaky wheel... or take unorthodox steps toward her own defense.
  7. I wouldn't say that trump was a "step in the right direction", more like "he's a smaller step towards ruin than Hillary was." I do hope he does the right thing, but that right there is the problem. I have no choice but to hope. I have no power amd the government has all the power and we are now back to the days of monarchy where everybody hopes that they get a "good king."
  8. If you have a decent damily who treats you well, then maybe you should try to maintain those relationships? Perhaps you could talk with them about how your ideologies differ? But if they are genuinely virtuous and honest people, I would try to maintain loving and respectful relationships with them. Good luck.
  9. To quote Stefan: "So how hot is she? On a scale of one to ten."
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