154 -
Days Won
Everything posted by algernon
You would make $5150 (plus your original bet back).
I just wanted to point out, the odds are pretty significant for all of you guys to go make some pretty serious money right now. 1 Donald Trump wins Election +515 2 Hillary Clinton wins Election -730 If I had the faith you guys do this would now be the time, never has the payout been this high on Trump.
Anthony T. Podesta, commonly known as Tony Podesta, is an American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group. Podesta has lobbied for a variety of groups, including Bank of America, BP, and Egypt in addition to political campaigns such as Ted Kennedy, George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, and Bill Clinton. Summary of the "Spirit Cooking" ritual and wikileaks links - http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-05/spirit-cooking-wikileaks-publishes-most-bizarre-podesta-email-yet More into the life of "Tony" Podesta - http://linkis.com/archive.is/Cgetu The Podesta wikileak emails have a lot of strange food references, this has been circulating around as the decoding of it - "hotdog" boy "pizza" girl "cheese" little girl "pasta" little boy "Ice cream" male prostitute "walnut or nuts" person of color "map" semen "sauce" orgy Good bit of information compiled on the above. http://wearechange.org/internet-fire-speculation-podesta-emails-contain-code-child-sex/ Here are some direct wikileaks links - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/10037 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613
http://www.gainesvillecoins.com/ http://www.apmex.com/ I like the Buffalo 1oz pieces Gainesville Coins sell, they mint it and it has the lowest spot price of any 1oz piece I've found. Sometimes Apmex will have their Apmex branded coins on sale which are comparable to Gainesville Buffaloes. Apmex also sells some nice Sunshine Mint 1oz pieces. If you go with American Eagles you will pay a spot premium, sometimes $3 over spot. Whereas the Buffaloes or Apmex coin might be 79c over spot. To get the lowest advertised spot price you have to buy a minimum, it's usually on a sliding scale. You also have to pay with a check or bank wire. Credit card purchases add quite a bit to the spot price. There is no registration required nor price controls. I know someone who purchased $30,000 using a bank wire and they sent a box UPS'ed to their house (signature required).
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States
algernon replied to lrios's topic in Current Events
I'm always one to appreciate a well reasoned argument, especially for someone whose first post is "gone". I would like to point out we also thought the same thing during the initial investigation, because her crimes, when held to the same standard as everyone else that they've put in prison, would have landed her in jail but it didn't... After seeing building #7 collapse at free fall speed due to an "office fire", which has never happened before, or since to a steel building, and people bought that... Then Obamacare held up by the supreme court as constitutional because the government has the authority to "levy taxes" and the "fine" is considered a tax... And of course the last "won't recommend indictment" by the FBI... I'm following the trends here and saying nothing will come of this, and she will be elected president in a mere 4 days. We shall see.- 1 reply
- 1
- Hillary Clinton Takeover
- coup détat
(and 3 more)
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Clinton Sex Crimes with Children?!
algernon replied to Dylan Lawrence Moore's topic in Current Events
Article might not have any merit, doesn't really matter though. It's pretty well established there are child sex rings in high level politics. Weren't some people killed in the UK for attempting to expose this stuff? You have some well documented "conspiracies" about things like Bohemian Grove, where they have politicians/presidents go and perform compromising acts, homosexual/underage, while recording it for blackmail later. Here's a video by Mark Dice explaining it briefly, with a quote from Nixon - You also have the Breitbart story - http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/ “They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said. -
I don't understand your question or statement.
I'm assuming you're referring to online debates elsewhere than the present? Regarding the time it takes you to make the original argument, and the quick response therein, is the response well thought out? Why aren't you able to answer the arguments that might help sway the observers? Being ganged up on in online debates is pretty normal, especially if you're rational - considering I would say the majority are irrational. Try having a real life debate on spanking with people from the South. I was at a party one time with about 15 'friends', I brought up the topic of spanking. It started out as a 1 on 1 debate and soon enough everyone had joined in like sharks after a bloody piece of meat. It is somewhat of an odd situation debating 15 different people at once, as I'm making reasoned arguments and the focus shifts from one to another, spouting out their preconceived ideas - "WHAT IF THEY RUN INTO THE ROAD!?". The biggest thing I'd say regarding debating ignorant people, once you spend enough time doing it you can debate 99% of them quite effectively and quickly, none of them have original ideas "But without government, who would build the roads?". It's almost comical because it's like they have a script, yet they aren't even aware of it. I've heard the same argument so many times it's hard to keep from laughing at this point. Do you read and type quickly? I've found that extremely beneficial in online arguments, if you can let the ideas flow and type it as you think of them it makes it significantly easier. How much time do you spend absorbing the information you're trying to debate? If it's something you know vaguely about, and have to go and look up the facts it might be best to let those arguments go, and focus on the ones you know off of the top of your head. In my opinion you should only try and correct others to help observers come to the truth, and do so as time permits. I deleted Facebook about four years ago because I was finding myself spending too much time debating ignorant people. I literally couldn't log in without feeling compelled to offer the truth, spending hours on these topics. Maybe something was lost out there by me discontinuing the discourse, but I have other more important things to do.
I agree with you, and even though my term was technically incorrect, less government, just like a little pregnant, is a phrase most people understand. Less involvement, less regulations, less taxes, or whatever it might be which equals less burden.
"Hillary isn't corrupt or criminal", to which you reply...?
algernon replied to zoomharp's topic in Current Events
Yes that's true, and when people try to argue that with me they don't get anywhere, because I don't support any politician or political office, I agree whoever they are using is generally corrupt as well. Of course if it's just something made up I'll debate it, just like if someone were to make up things about Hillary - the truth matters, so I cannot let untruths stand. A lot of people get on this whole team thing, R vs D, and when one brings up the transgressions of the other they have to defend their team, when you're not on a team it's a whole lot easier to have the discussion. -
The best indicator of the future, is the past. I've pointed out in multiple instances of voting being ineffective at transitioning towards less state control, and more personal freedom. One thing that multiple people pointed out was that 'BREXIT' happened based on a vote, and that was an example of less government happening through a vote. My argument has always been the Brexit referendum was always just an advisory vote and held no legal standing, and I had serious doubts of it actually happening. And then I see this today - http://www.smh.com.au/world/britains-high-court-deals-blow-to-uk-brexit-hopes-20161103-gshn7w.html When we have an election like Obama/Romney the outcome is not relevant, because the 'choices' are the same. If Trump is truly a wild card, that stands to reduce the state power to a significant degree, he will not be allowed to achieve that.
That's nice, so did you vote down my post and not even participate in the poll? What's the deal with people voting stuff down?
Who do you think will win on Nov 8? This is not who you WANT to win. I am just curious who everyone thinks is going to win. Of course R leaning people will say Trump is going to blow it out of the water, and the D's will say Hillary is ahead. What is the opinion of the audience here, who do you think will win?
Dakota Access Pipeline - Why the protests? Is the water threat real
algernon replied to htufail's topic in Current Events
Looks like the Pipeline employees are infiltrating the protests and causing violence. Sound familiar? -
"Hillary isn't corrupt or criminal", to which you reply...?
algernon replied to zoomharp's topic in Current Events
I think in real world terms, the Clinton Foundation is more important to focus on than her emails. Sure the whole email thing should have landed her in prison, if the standards were universal for application of the law. But the Clinton foundation shows a true example of corruption often found in 3rd world countries, at an exponentially greater level. Then of course you could look at Haiti, and what the Clinton/Bush crime family has been doing to that country. -
Perhaps that is the problem with a lot of the arguments here, everyone assumes we all bow down to the king equally. I know many people like to use deterministic language "You don't pay taxes, you GO TO JAIL!". Which does nothing but to further enhance the power of the state, because they rule from fear and not from action. There is not equal slavery amongst all of us here, people who wish to put forth the effort and due diligence will be left alone. Case in point, Michael Badnarik - http://www.constitutionpreservation.org/sites/default/files/files-misc/Secret_to_Sovereignty_teaser.pdf Michael is not a philosopher, and he's not even an Anarchist, he's fine with the state existing as it's original form kept in check by the Constitution. There are some obvious logical flaws with that line of thinking, but I would assuredly say he is less enslaved than most. Yes, freedom is NOT free, because there are evil people that want to enslave you, but people with the right amount of determination and intelligence absolutely can fight the powers of the state, while using the rules of the government against itself and win. If we're going to sit here and talk about government, wasting time and energy talking about praying voting for the next savoir president, why not talk about Common Law, Jurisdiction, courts of record and suing over jurisdiction? Not just suing the government body that transgresses, but suing the actual individual for lack of jurisdiction. Do you know how you keep the city ordnance person at bay? When they come to ticket you for lack of permit you sue them personally. You can do this, you can win, all of the current laws exist on the books for the people subject to those laws, and the people subject to those laws are those who subject them self to it. You can legally fight the system, within the system if you so choose.. See, all of this is too difficult to learn, it takes time, you have to represent yourself in court when the slave masters come around and try to enslave you, it takes actual work, it is magnitudes easier to bow down, complain about it, and pull that lever for the next master, hoping he will just partially set you free.
I'm really sorry to hear about the abortion, of course women are always given support and thought about when they either lose a baby, or choose to terminate the pregnancy, but rarely does anyone think of the father. Regarding your mother - unfortunately choosing to not consciously think about trauma does not make the issue go away or heal it, the trauma will express itself in another way. Yes I agree, pursuing these FOO questions is important, becoming aware of how you were broken is the first step in fixing it, hopefully the book will give you some good ideas and avenues to pursue. I would definitely say the most immediate and actionable thing you should focus on is becoming financially independent, you are currently in a position of weakness and you will not be able to confront these issues until you are self sufficient.
Hi Johnny, There is a lot of pretty serious stuff there. One of the best books I've ever read is The Body Keeps The Score - https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477367568&sr=8-1&keywords=the+body+keeps+the+score I know me posting a link to a book isn't the answer you were looking for, but I cannot stress enough how beneficial I think it would be to your situation. There are a few things I'd like to point out - You do not "get rid" of a baby. I don't even know what that means, did she put the baby up for adoption, or did she abort it? That's very trivial language to a serious situation. "At first you demonized your mother", but you no longer do? Good people do not get involved with damaged people, have kids with them, and allow their kids to be traumatized by them. If your father wanted to be in a destructive relationship and never have kids that's one thing, but having kids and not protecting them is completely different. Would I be a good parent if my child was standing at the edge of a cliff and I did nothing to stop them from falling? As a parent I can tell you I would stop at nothing to prevent them from coming to such serious harm. Supportive of you.. financially? Your diagnoses at the hospital is complete BS, read the book, you'll understand. You stating you have a good relationship with your parents I find extremely hard to believe based on the information you've presented. You also said you don't want to "bash anyone", why do you think you said that?
If WW begins and your gov wants you to fight Russians. What will you do?
algernon replied to A4E's topic in Current Events
I have seen a lot about Chile being a good place as you described, and it sounds good on paper, obviously the barrier to entry is extremely high, and not achievable for most people. My bigger concern would be a foreigner in a place that will experience some sort of negative impact from any war the US is involved with, especially when the dollar collapses. Joel Salatin, a pretty well known farmer, came from Venezuela with his parents in the early 60s when he was a kid. His parents moved there to start a large farm and were becoming very successful. During the political turmoil and economic crisis the government/locals stole their farm and they were lucky to escape alive. They were white people that didn't belong, it wasn't "their" country and they had no right to the land, the politicians/police would not protect them and they lost everything. They came back to the states aboard a cargo ship with nothing left. I know a lot of people advocate escaping to foreign countries that are less likely to receive the impact, my concern, as I'm sure most people have heard Stef talk about, would be the inability to integrate into the foreign culture, and any negative impact they receive from the USD collapsing will likely be directed towards foreigners in their land, especially those that came from the country that caused their suffering. A better approach might be living in a community that is small, where neighbors help each other, and you can create your own support network at home. Of course if nukes start flying all bets are off. As to the question on the original topic, I would personally defend myself, and my family from any aggressors. I might not make it out alive, but I'd rather defend myself from the actual enemy instead of the created one. -
If WW begins and your gov wants you to fight Russians. What will you do?
algernon replied to A4E's topic in Current Events
Aviet, how exactly do you propose a middle income family moving to Chile? -
Men's right activist interview Karen Straughan
algernon replied to Kikker's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
No, as opposed to people actually being equal. For some reason a lot of people have this notion that everyone is actually equal. -
Men's right activist interview Karen Straughan
algernon replied to Kikker's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Did you mean the equal treatment of people? -
No I'm sorry, Brexit has not happened, maybe we can revisit this subject if it does, but at this point it was only a non binding advisory referendum, it was not a legally binding vote that will actually force them to leave. Let me put it to you like this, why is Cannabis becoming legalized in so many places across the US? People do not respect that law, and use it anyway. Once the system loses legitimacy it cannot continue in that regard. Why do so many people take plea bargains instead of jury trials? If everyone exercised their right to a jury of their peers the justice system would collapse over night, 97% of people never see a jury, they plea bargain because the stakes are so high "Go to jail for a year, or risk the trial and we'll put you in prison for 50!" There are plenty of ways to educate people, to legally cause the system to collapse. Go educate people on jury nullification, make them realize their legal right to decide what laws are just. What happened if everyone in your town rejected a certain law as moral, say drug laws, and everyone knew about jury nullification? It would be impossible to ever put anyone in a cage due to that law, they ask for jury trial, and only one person out of 12 has to decide it's unjust. I used to get out of jury summons, now I would love to serve on a jury, I want to be selected. No victim, no crime, pretty easy to decide the outcome. The majority of people have to decide they want to be free and they can be, it just takes education. Voting for your freedom is the opposite of being free. I do not think voting is initiation of force, because only the person with the gun is responsible for initiation of force. If every gun holder with a badge decided to quit, the politicians would not be able to initiate any force, they certainly wouldn't do it them self. Hillary would just be a mean old grandmother in her mansion that no one comes to visit.
I would imagine LDS, or Mormons are world wide, but I am not sure. If there is an LDS presence in your area, check and see if they have their food storage centers. Here in the states on certain days of the week they allow the public to come and purchase food supplies from their centers. They sell 10# (the big ones) cans of 25 year shelf stable items for their cost. It's just the basics like Wheat, Sugar, Dried Carrots, Dried Apples, Powdered Milk, Ride, Noodles, etc. The way they are packaged they should last indefinitely.
How do you define work? Brexit has not happened. The slaves are not going to vote them self off the plantation. You either have to get every slave to conceptualize that they are are free and no one has the legitimate authority to rule them, or no one will be free. Voting for a slightly better master will not help this cause.