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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. I'm 40 and have never been in therapy.
  2. Hello folks. I'm going to attempt to address share some of my issues here that have affected my life. Hopefully I can get the point accorss and recieve some valuable feedback about them. I am the youngest son with one older brother and my parents are still married. I have serious issues with each family member, most importatnly my Mother. She has always be there for me at an emotional distance, but I have never felt much of any love from her. To me, she is the epotime of the state. The cold hand rocking the cradle. One of my earliest memories was being dropped off at the hospital when I was 3 years old to get my tonsiles removed. DROPPED THE FUCK OFF. Who the hell does that to their 3 year old son? Fast forward, I get married and we end up in a situation where we sold our house, but the bank lender told us after the fact we would not be approved for a loan to buy the other house. (self-employment BS). So me, my wife and our baby were not going to be able to buy the house we had planned on. Ok, when I dropped that news on her... she suggested that I ask my in-laws to help. NEVER offering us anything, a place to stay. Nothing. This cut me pretty bad, as they have a large house and are fairly well off. It caused serious issues and a huge fight, which has since been smoothed over. My in-laws did co-sign for us to be able to buy the house. And a couple years later I was able to get their name off the mortgage so it's all on us now. Fast forward again, we are looking to downsize. I causaully talk to the parents about my plans, and she makes it clear "Where are you going to stay if you sell your house?" It's like I'm a step child. Or someone who is begging her for shelter. (I never did.) My Father is a silent order follower, as is my brother when it comes to tipping the apple cart with Mother. I have little respect for them, but my Dad has and will go out of his way for me... only far enough that he can get away with it from Mother. My brother is the first born golden child, who does no wrong and lives the perfect American life. Salute the vets, go to Disney world. I've always been the black sheep and get treated as such. There's is such a utter and complete lack of love in my life since I can remember. My Dad has shown some, but like a scared prisoner, only shows it privately when he is allowed to. The man has no balls, as he values his material life over anything else, like his wife. When I was 15, I walked in on him fooling around with some lady. He came home crying to me the next day and said he would tell Mom, but would have to leave. He needed to be a fucking man. I didn't want my family broken up, so I said nothing - and he got away with it. FUCK being put in the position. Now for the good, I am SO grateful for my wife, family and her Mom and step Dad, who has been like a real Dad. They are amazing, selfless people. I admire them so much. My wife's real Dad disowned her when she was about 10yrs old. She has adjusted well considereing. I tell her at least she does not have to deal with him anymore where as I do. Thank you for reading this far. I realize this is one side of the story, as I am not perfect. I've fallen from their tree and am a product of it. But I look forward to your responses, as this does affect my life and how I treat my parents and brother in return. I'm bitter.
  3. Thank you for the responses. Last week we had some long talks. I married my wife for the person she is 1st, and not because her looks 2nd. My feelings against her are not because of her, but because of who I am. My parents, IMO were and still are abusive, with my Mom being the worst offender. I do not want a divorce. I love my wife a lot, we have talked it out. Neither of us are perfect, but we are good for each other. We are both working on our issues, but if I need to take up Stefs valubale time, it will be because of my upbringing, not because of my marriage. I'll start another thread about that, and will look forward to your replies.
  4. No, we don't ever have time to speak. We just argue and both hate it. It's more than a lack of sexual attraction. It's emotional attraction. At this point I am just fighting natural law, trying to make something work that isn't there.
  5. I didn't know this was such a heavily moderated section.. perhaps a mod can move this topic to a more appropriate forum for ease of discussion?
  6. Hello all, I need some important advice on my situation. I've been married for 10 years to my wife, we have 2 kids in grade school.. life on the surface is fairly good in the 'normal', American Beauty sense. Perhaps its my mid life, but lately I'm just not happy, propbably because I haven't been honest with myself. I married my wife because she was my 'best friend'.. I don't know if that's love or not. I can't say that there is 'love' attraction. I've never felt it, and getting older, it's starting to sink in. I deserve someone I'm attracted to in a sexual and loving sense. Is that clear or no? I'm not sure where to go with all of this. I had a dream last night I met a wonderful girl and it brought to the surface feelings that I'd like to have, being attracted and in love with someone. Right now I've just conceded my life to my kids, to make theirs as great as can be. But something inside is telling me inside, they are seeing what love is supposed to be like, where you want to be with your spouse, instead of it just being a 'partnership'. I welcome any adivce at this point.
  7. There comes a time in life where you just don't fit in. I guess that could explain us all here someway or another. I've been listening to Stef a long time but its only recently that I'm really hearing what he is saying. It all clicks and that is truely a wonderful thing. So glad to be amoung you all.
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