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Everything posted by ancapzeebo

  1. Be very picky about who you hire. The quality of your employees can make or break you. Hire people that you trust to run the business in your absence, so you can take a break once in a while. If you understand how capitalism and the free market works, you should do well
  2. I heard Stefan mention that he was doing something on Canadian politics. Could anyone (Mike) give me an update on this?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronClarey https://www.youtube.com/user/TomWoodsTV https://www.youtube.com/user/SchiffReport https://www.youtube.com/user/PrisonPlanetLive https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIveFvW-ARp_B_RckhweNJw
  4. I've heard that around 30% is a good number for rent. I pay close to 50%, however. My suggestion would be to move to the bad part of town and buy a gun
  5. I'm not a doctor and I have no experience with medications, but i'd throw them into a pit of fire.
  6. I'm almost certain that open carrying in an urban environment will get you killed in Canada.
  7. UC had to steal money in order to tell us that eating too much sugar can make you fat and unhealthy?
  8. Three party contract with the state? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope.
  9. Dang it! I wanted to say that!
  10. Yeah it's awesome, especially for PC gaming videos. Good to see FDR using it as well.
  11. Awesome. Which show is this from?
  12. Teachers are weapons.
  13. I'd like to confront Elizabeth Warren.
  14. I felt the same way up until recently. Are you new to anarcho-capitalism/philosophy?
  15. I'm sorry to hear that you have to work so closely with someone like that. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do.
  16. You have self-knowledge, they don't. Hard to connect with those people. I hope you find more rational and empathetic people in your life, brother.
  17. I make 19 grand a year and live in relative luxury. I don't buy the whole narrative of the poor anymore. I'm 24 and have no skills and still got 3 job offers in one day. ( I would make over 25k if it weren't for the state.)
  18. Probably how Ana Kasparian thinks Stef's name is spelled.
  19. At least she's honest in saying that her thoughts are coming from her heart. Definitely not from her head. Also, what kind of moral virtue is 'awareness'???? I feel like i'm drowing in irrationality.
  20. Really good argument, i'll try it out on some of the more hard-headed statists I know.
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