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Everything posted by scarlett

  1. hey amigos! get your PDF of '¿Qué es verdad? La tiranía de la ilusión'
  2. Putting forward a theory about the cause of your feelings being in the other person is not the same as blame. If the other person dislikes that, you already know they are not into self knowledge, and you can disengage. A lot of people mistake RTR with some sort of "thou shalt not blame", as if the option of disengaging was not there and the relationship was holy.... Of course a lot of our feelings are genuine responses to attacks, and RTR is just a way to find out the source of these things - which can be a choice the other person makes. I remember reading On truth and Stefs mother saying "of course I listen to you", which is another way to say "you do not exist" or "I am not interested in the truth"...........
  3. holaaa!! Is this now finished? Where is it?? I can help with the proofreading. I did some for the translation of UPB, which is here: http://moraluniversal.com/el-libro/ Enhorabuenaaa! Lets make this work available fto the spanish-speaking people!
  4. Well said! People just don't think about these things outside their family matrix. They don't want to let go of this idea of an overarching power they are helpless about, all adorned with fire and scary music...
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