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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. I threw a bunch of junk into a pot and kept it cooking for a day or so, and it tasted magnificent. Julia Child ain't got shit on me. Buffalo Chili Stew with spaghetti squash, butter, garlic, onion, spices, chard and kale stems:
  2. How can you be so certain what his motivation is? Perhaps he wants to live a long and healthy life, and the constant furtive glances he gets from women is the icing on the cake of being a fit man? The podcaster is displeased with the vocal bandwagon shaming of fitness, when he knows that women naturally prefer healthy and fit men. Biologically, men prefer to mate with fertile women just as women prefer to mate with virile men. However, since women dictate all the conditions of the family, if they don't want to start families with the fitter men, they will praise the opposite - "the real man" - while covertly mating with the more desirable ones. What if a man claimed that he liked Rosanne Barr because she's more realistic looking than Taylor Swift? If anyone even listened to the message, they would die of laughter. Everyone knows that men adore the young and pretty girls for their fertility. This is why strip clubs exists. Gyms exist, too. Are you saying that making healthy and active lifestyle choices isn't a foundational and perspective altering discovery, like pursuing philosophy and self-knowledge is? All of the Americans that lost their health care insurance plan under ACA would probably object. Not only do people that make foundational choices based on their future health get reamed in the wallet by Obamacare and pay for the irresponsibility of the willfully sick and ignorant, they get shamed for their relative healthiness in the media, and in the eyes of women. How much time, effort and resources does it take to have the healthy physique of the Bro Science Life podcaster? How much time, effort and resources are being sucked into the morally hazardous black hole of Obamacare? Which of the above costs more? Keep in mind that preventable diseases account for at least 80% of all illness and 90% of health care costs. http://www.preventdisease.com/worksite_wellness/health_stats.shtml
  3. How much time, effort, and resources do you think it takes to have a physique like the Bro Science Life podcaster? Please explain how his displeasure is different than investing in philosophy, self-knowledge, and virtue only to find out that the value of this decision is eroded by the existence of a state that extracts resources from the most honorable and productive by force, and gives much of it to single mothers.
  4. Did you know that men pay women and women pay women just to cuddle? http://uk.businessinsider.com/professional-cuddle-store-cuddle-up-to-me-2014-11?r=US Why is it that men will pay women for what is essentially a long horizontal hug, but not the reverse? I needed sex and intimacy as a crutch for an oxytocin deficiency in my childhood. I was not breastfed. I was not held. I was left alone to weep by myself in my crib. Holding a person and being held feels like the sweetest ecstasy to me. Intercourse is the inevitable result of two people who cuddle long enough because they start to feel the hormonal effects, and misconstrue those feelings for love. Straight men often cuddle with each other because they know the other man is not going to bill for the time. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/01/straight-men-cuddle-guys-study_n_5241953.html Of course, this HufPo article attempts to paint the trend as progressive and new due to rampant trad-con homophobia in older generations, except that cuddling is not sex, otherwise Samantha Hess's business would have to be shut down. They completely ignore the most obvious motive. These men were not held by their mothers, so they hold each other, sensing that deficit in the other. They don't, however, eventually fuck each other unless they are both secretly gay. This is a "no-strings attached" male oxytocin exchange.
  5. You can't strike out if you keep hitting foul balls. The use of irony is brilliant! I enjoyed the pizza burrito/shotgun skit. I used to do that during my freshman year in college and gained the "freshman fifteen" with beer to wash it down, of course. I don't believe his conclusion about women is correct, however. He is so close to seeing it. Women aren't idolizing the "dad bod" in an attempt to make themselves feel better or superior than men. That does not explain the reason why. Women who don't deny their natural instincts are repulsed by the flabby, and turned on by the toned. It's hardwired into our genes. Just as men are attracted to the natural features of female fertility, the eggs will seek to swap spit with the male signs of virility - height, low body fat, significant hair growth, healthy skin glow, and prominent muscles. However, women also know that the more virile the male, the more able he is pursue sex with multiple women, or "trade up" when her eggs go sour. This throws a wrench into the plans of women who want to settle down and raise a family. While she won't think too hard about boning the stud, she knows that she may have to settle for a lesser mate, who is willing to stick around and provide for her family. Perhaps she can cuckold her "dad bod" husband into helping pass along the genetic product of her union with the studly male. Personal anecdote: When I was still dating her, my ex had a picture of Rich Froning as her background on her laptop. Was this the man she really wanted? Was she turning off the lights and imaging that she was screwing him? She told me I was "hot" when she first met me. Why wasn't there a shirtless picture of me on her laptop? Perhaps it was the absence of a biblical tattoo? I wonder. As a footnote, the prevalence of fit-shaming in the media - the "dad bod craze" being the latest incarnation - is an attempt to camouflage Briffault's Law, hypergamy, and women's desire for virile men. Consider the name of the podcast, Bro Science, which is in itself a crack at the modern science of nutrition, health and fitness. Women are saying they do not want to date men like Rich Froning because they are desperate to reproduce with men like Rich Froning! They don't want their merely mortal husbands to find out. It would prompt a conversation that they do not wish to have, except with their gossiping girlfriends during a girl's night out.
  6. The only way you can have a practical expectation of privacy is if you chat with people alone face-to-face, barring any high-tech snooping devices. There is a legal protection from having your mail read since it is a federal crime to open mail not addressed to you, but I wouldn't consider it practical, as it's not too hard to open an envelope, or the addressee to show the correspondence to another person. Whether it's passive or active hacking, snooping, or data mining, it does not matter. Nothing on a network connected to the internet will ever have an expectation or certainty of privacy. This is the side-effect of living in the information age. There are no secrets, at least not for long. One the whole, this is a positive development, because it means evil people cannot hide their misdeeds without the tacit consent of nearly everyone else in the world with an internet connection, and the will to liberate data.
  7. I appreciate the feedback, Lens! Neonatal circumcision has bothered me since I was a teenager, so it is a very personal topic for me. It needs views in order to educate and inform. My first circumcision video, while much shorter and less personal, received 42 views and 1 upvote. This one has 17 views in 12 hours, and 2 downvotes. Perhaps some of the picture memes or the mention of Briffault's Law rubbed people the wrong way. Quelle surprise!
  8. No, I don't think it is a violation because individuals voluntarily decide to put that information on the internet (for the most part). The notion of privacy on the internet is a complete farce. Read any privacy agreement, and you will understand to what extent you actually have the opposite of privacy. Whatever knowledge or information you do not wish people to have, keep it off the network. This is why I find it abhorrent that people upload pictures and video clips of their kids to Facebook. You are exposing your child to the entire world without their consent.
  9. My personal experience struggling with the persistent wound of forcible genital mutilation, and my heartfelt advice to new and expecting mothers. While I will never know what it feels like to have an intact penis, I can offer to others the many negative side effects of having my foreskin removed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCMuZaXLi00
  10. This was my own parents solution. Some years before I was born, my parents moved into a three-bedroom house. No, they didn't sleep in separate rooms. They had planned on having two children, but the second child was never born. When I was seven, they moved into yet a larger house with four bedrooms, and filled the closets of the other rooms with old clothes. When not in school, I spent my childhood up until age nine with a middle-aged female nanny in her home. She was disinterested in me or my desires other than feeding me and forcing me to take naps in the middle of the afternoon. I played outside in the yard, watched television, or played with toys, generally by myself. I had a distinct feeling of being a burden, or an unwanted problem. Instead of buying a home much too large for them, it would pay them greater dividends with their children to expand as needed, perhaps keeping one parent at home, at least on a part time basis. Someone could be hired to help out part time that actually has enthusiasm for other people's children. Perhaps when your friends' future children become adults, they will appreciate that they could grow up so close instead of feeling like an unwanted step-child.
  11. Scale does not matter. You are still supporting the violence of the state by voting. Case in point: the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in Colorado. There were two state-wide voter referendums to tax the sale of marijuana (an excise tax and an extra point of sales tax). Both of them passed, and if you want to buy state licensed marijuana, you will pay up to 40% sin tax on it, thus funding the power of the state, ostensibly the public school system. Where is my choice to not pay a tax if I wish to consume marijuana? If I start growing my own weed and selling the excess tax-free to my friends and neighbors, men with guns will kick down my door and shoot me dead, or arrest me. The scale of tyranny does not matter. It's the involuntary nature that counts.
  12. Thank you for the link. It appears to support my statement that money, i.e. gold and silver have inherent or natural value, based on their physical properties. Fiat currency has no intrinsic or natural quality that gives it value, yet it functions as a means of exchange for the moment. Is that a question or a response? Again, why should anyone care if no interest is being made on hoarded cash, or any other asset? What if I own a boat and it just sits in the marina unused 99% of the time? Is that also a hoarded asset? I'm not leasing it out to tourists, thus making it productive. Is there something wrong with this behavior? If I have a spare room, am I hoarding it if I don't rent it out on AirBnB? I'm missing out on some money, to be sure, but I have the ability to use the asset any time I wish. You brought up the Keynesian paradox, Mr. Rosado. Why don't you explain why it's relevant to the thread instead of trying to label me as ignorant, close-minded, and dogmatic? I don't see how it is relevant to the thread or any statement I have made, but you seem to insist it is while simultaneously attempting to shame me for it. Please, explain it to me in your own words.
  13. I never thought too closely about this movie, but it scared the shit out of me, gave me nightmares, and I was an adult when I watched it. I figure that the structure of the ship and the explosive charges are to provide a satisfying resolution to the film more than anything. It's hard to see Weir as an ethical character. Wasn't the whole crew expendable in his eyes? It's been a while since I've seen Event Horizon. I much prefer the 2007 movie, Sunshine, which is a more modern update of Event Horizon in the same sci-fi horror suspense genre.
  14. I've signed up! EndingTheUsurpation I have no idea what my ranking would be, probably mediocre or 900-1000. It took me four tries to beat the 1200+ computer opponent.
  15. I know I started the thread, but please share your foodstuffs. Don't be shy! Here's what I fixed up last night, a meal fit for a king! Buffalo ribs baked in butter, and power rabbit food - pan-fried garlic, red & green kale, and rainbow chard in olive oil and the usual suspects (spices). Veggies were on sale this week! I know there are some vegans on the forums, so I hope that there's something here for everyone, not just the avid meat-eaters.
  16. It's near the beginning of the third call with Josh, regarding sex robots, about fifteen minutes in. There is no timestamp, unfortunately. The most frightening aspect of the rinser lifestyle is that men, who are not achieving actual sexual gratification, are going to pay for these women to upkeep themselves surgically once they hit the wall in order to keep the charade going. If this trend continues, we're going to end up with an army of zombie geisha girls who don't put out.
  17. The secondary reason Libertarians should not vote is because we don't want an advocate for liberty in the White House when the dollar collapses. I could see Rand Paul being the one set up to catch the financial hot potato, so that everyone in the media will claim, "This is what happens when you vote for liberty!" totally forgetting that each administration since Wilson, excepting Coolidge and Harding, has tacked on more to the national debt. http://useconomy.about.com/od/usdebtanddeficit/p/US-Debt-by-President.htm Adam Kokesh's 2020 campaign for president is likewise foolhardy. He explained that he will run on a platform of dissolving the federal government from the inside, so what he is really saying is that he wants a job that he thinks is completely unnecessary. If his gambit actually worked, which it won't, there would be a large segment of the population howling for the blood of anyone appearing conservative. I realize that I'm making an appeal to future consequences, but there is already a very solid foundation to the argument that voting endorses state violence. SM & AK debate queued up to the campaign plug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df0SFAlwuMMt=1:38:00 I am of the opinion that the Libertarians are the biggest organized threat to attaining freedom and liberty, not the Democrats or Republicans, or Socialists. Great video!
  18. I am humbled by how few letters of the virtue alphabet I know well. I've got a lot of ground to cover!
  19. Who is telling whom what they should do other than the abusive parent? Pointing out child abuse isn't telling people what to do. Only the abusive parent would construe it that way, hence the title of the thread. Almost everyone else in the situation, including the child, will sigh with relief, and think, "I wish I had been brave enough to say what that person said."
  20. You can't reason a parent out of beliefs that they were not reasoned into. The reason to speak up to abusive parents is so the child being abused knows that someone else cares enough to speak up. It provides them with courage and hope. They will have normalized the maltreatment in the interest of childhood survival, but they will know that as soon as they can fight back or move away, they can end the abuse, and you helped empower them by standing up to their parents years earlier.
  21. How do we know if this one-in-twenty statistic is valid or not without paternity tests? Women do not know for certain who the father of their child is if they've had romantic encounters with multiple men over a short span of time.
  22. I'm not certain exactly what you mean by irrational female emotions, although I could imagine based on my experience in relationships with women. The fact that you acknowledge that you have emotions that you need to express is very important. Very often, I have seen women frame emotions as accusations (You are making me feel bad!) and refusing to take ownership over them. (My period is making me crazy!) As long as you aren't doing either of the above, I'm not sure how you are being manipulative. By virtue of taking the time to write this on FDR, you are demonstrating ownership over yourself and your feelings. What does the man say about it?
  23. I stumbled upon this video a few months ago when it was newly posted. It came up in the Suggestions For You... No thanks!
  24. I'm curious about the reasons why your parents want you to go to public school after eight years of private school. Do you want to go to the public high school? Have you talked to them about self-directed study with tutors as needed? At home, you could probably get your high school equivalency in two years, and hit college or the job market by 16-17. I'm trying to imagine what my life would have been like if I had not had to face the abject terrors of public school. I might have not been drugged by a psychologist (and my parents) at age 15, and subsequently not self-medicated with alcohol, cocaine, psychedelics, and marijuana for the next twenty years of my life. My parents did not factor those kinds of potential heavy tolls into their cost-benefit calculation. Who am I fooling? They didn't consider my benefit at all; they wanted me manageable.
  25. Aye, I have read the G. Edward Griffin book. It's a great read. It doesn't feel as long as it is. It's too bad the hardcover costs so much. I had to request it on inter-library loan, so I could have something solid in my hands. The 61.6 trillion figure combines all American debt, household, business, state, federal, local, and financial, as the tool-tip at the top of the page explains. The national debt is 18.2 trillion, higher than the GDP. However, neither figure includes all the unfunded liabilities such as Social Security, Medicare, and government/municipal pensions. Those are listed at the very bottom, which amount to 96.1 trillion. If you include total US debt and liabilities, the average American citizen born today is on the hook for repaying at least $1 million dollars during their lifetime, in other words, a very high improbability. Something has to give! This is a critical part of the reason why many 24-38 year old people are not having children. How can you provide full-time parental care and homeschooling when families are under the simultaneous yoke of debt and tax burdens? You want to be very well squared away financially to raise children responsibly and peacefully.
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