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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. These are important concerns of mine, so I thank you for bringing them up, Nathan. Exercise is not my new addiction. I've had to be very mindful about doing it regularly. Endorphines, for some reason, do not have the same effect on me. My drive to excel with weightlifting is a desire for my mind to have complete mastery over the body. Did you listen to the video I recorded about wanting to compete in weightlifting? I've shed a lot of my addictions in the past year. I stopped playing video games which were introduced as my surrogate parents while growing up in order to quell the alienation of absentee parents. (I had the same computer Stefan bought to learn programming.) I gave up sex and romantic relationships because I have a long history of using women purely for sexual gratification. I have a couple video journals lined up addressing my sexual dysfunction. I bolded the important part of your post. You are absolutely correct. I am a hostage as well as my siblings. This is why I want nothing to do with my family in reality. The relationship in my mind is complicated enough. I understand that there is a time and place to channel my mother and father parts, but I have yet to figure out where the two children fit into it. I will have to reflect more on this. It was never my desire to set the children against my father, and their mother. I wrote my father, and explained to him, that if he didn't take a close look at his family and parenting, my brother and sister may also alienate him some day, provided he lives long enough. My father has been struggling with his health since a 1998 heart attack. It is obvious why health, wellness, and fitness are so compelling to me if you met my father. Some days, he runs out of breath climbing the stairs, yet the summer before last, he cut down a 90 ft. tree all by himself using ladders, ropes and pulleys. He's an interesting human being. I'll grant him that. That doesn't prevent him from being a completely toxic personality to me. What is harsh about my avatar? Do you think I'm expressing rage or anger in it? The wide-eyed, open-mouth facial expression is very polarizing for people, but it doesn't denote anger. It means that your mind is open to the world, and that you want to communicate, and express yourself. People will either be repulsed by it because they don't want to talk to you, or they will walk right up and start chatting with you like you are neighbors. I was doing bodybuilding poses for progress photos a few weeks back, and one of my friends suggested that I make this photo my head shot. There may be a touch of aggression in my facial expression, but that's because I was flexing my entire upper body at the time. The thought in my mind - "Get it!" Elliot Hulse has a video on it. I do these expressions in public, too. It's fun to see how people react, and you feel great doing it. P.S. It seems like Reply #4, my absent reply, is never going to pass inspection. Thank you, FDR!
  2. If the Greek citizens were actually on the hook for it the full amount (243 billion Euro), they might decide to leave the country. What does crowdsourcing the payment of government debt solve, assuming they could raise anywhere near the total owed? Let Greece be cast out of the EU. It is what needs to happen.
  3. How have humans evolved since agriculture? I am confused as to how that would be possible.
  4. I second this emotion! Philosophy saved me from procreating with a woman who did not love me. It also saved me from killing myself slowly with the bottle. Big ups! This thread is so great I had to reply twice. Oops!
  5. P.S. What they describe in the recording is kyphosis. If you stand straight up, with your hands at your sides, your thumbs should be pointing forward. If they point inward, you have a upper back and shoulder problem.
  6. I wouldn't hold your breath for the sub-forum, but I find that recording to be fascinating. I have suffered from tremendous back pain, but I've found that walking, strengthening the erector muscles in the lower back and the latisimus dorsi and rhomboids (between the shoulder blades), and not sitting down all the time contribute to a significantly better quality of life. I think it's pretty tragic that people spend thousands of dollars on specialized bed that are supposed to reduce back pain when they likely make it worse. Give me a firm cot or a spot on the floor and I'm happy.
  7. I was raised, for lack of a better word, in a monogamous family. It wasn't the best environment for my well-being, but parents have to trust in their own judgement on the structure and function of a family. If you treat your kids like second class citizens, don't be surprised when they rebel against you and cut you out of their lives later on. I'm not into polyamory, mind, but a lot of insight about the origins of the sexual nature of women can be gleaned from the research cited in that book. I own the book and have read it a couple times. Another resource on human sexuality is The Chemistry Between Us, by Larry Young.
  8. Not all of that would be true, so I would not say it. The words emotional bully, and poor negotiator should resonate with them because they accurately describe my father. His wife is a hideous, two-faced, violent person, and my mother has simply sedated herself. It is really hard being around my mother especially, because I can feel how dead she is inside. I was getting dangerously close to being dead inside and out. I'm not sure if she was asked to leave the house she still co-owns or not, but she lives alone with a Shi Tzu. I can empathize with her because I currently live alone, but I'm not 64, and I already have a year of sobriety behind me. Many wonderful events have happened within my mind, body and spirit in that year! If I go back to see them now, I know that I will relapse, fall off the wagon, or hurt somebody. I don't expect my siblings to understand all of this right now, but I had to be straight about not wanting to see them because I never want to see the three other adult family members in their lives. My brother and sister might never watch the video, but it's there if they ever find it. They might be in college by the time they watch it. Who knows? Giving them my Skype information just gives my father what he wants, another way to contact me using his kids as his agents. It was a difficult gambit, but I refuse to play with children like emotional pawns. I am better than that!
  9. This is not my motivation. My motivation is to move toward self-esteem, which I cannot have and also have a relationship with my parents or the extended family. Honestly, I don't care if my brother and sister hate me for years. Being involved in this nonsense is detrimental to my physical and mental health. You are correct. I do not have to power to grant my siblings salvation. They will have to give it to themselves, like I did. It took me a long while to accept this fact. I wanted to be the savior of my family. No dice. The reply is out there. My conscience can rest easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTbXSgBdWZA
  10. I appreciate the feedback, MMX. My siblings are 8 and 10, actually, so they are rapidly approaching the age where the shit is really going to hit the fan for them and my family. The next four to five years are going to be rough for them. The sooner that I air out the bullshit, the better. If they are curious about me then I don't see how they can miss the videos. I'm one of two people in their thirties with my family name in this country, and the other person is female and hyphenates hers. I initially used an alias online as I was afraid to speak the truth about my family, and afraid of the consequences. Anyone who searches my name can now see my story as I am afraid no longer. I'm not willing to engage with my family no matter how much my brother and sister wish to speak with me. Like I said in the reply still in limbo, I didn't ask to have siblings young enough to be my children. I hold no positive obligations towards them as they are not my children, but I can empathize with their situation because I grew up with two of the same people around me, or rather, hardly around me at all.
  11. P.S. I have a second reply still in limbo. I've already tried the emotional wall with my parents. It was drinking, and it nearly destroyed me. I can't be around them if I can't be myself. The real me only provokes my parents. The real me frightens my mother and repels her. The real me agitates my father, and sends him into a helpless rage. I also can't play the role of happy older brother to my siblings any more. It's not to punish them, but to keep me sane. I've decided that the best response is to publish a public video addressing my family. That way, my father can't edit or massage the message, or prevent others in my family from seeing or hearing it. I can already tell that he has been lying to my siblings, and spinning my absence in a such way that makes him out to be a great parent. When my brother and sister are old enough to use computers independently of my father at public school, they can easily find me and know the truth.
  12. I received a letter from my seven year old sister for the first time this week, nearly two months after I separated from my family of origin. I have made it abundantly clear to my family that I will never see or speak to them again, which obviously includes my father's mistress and her children. The children have done nothing wrong, but it is clear from my sister's letter that she is upset. She asks when I will have to money to visit home again, and wants to know why I don't visit more often. I have not been able to talk to my brother and sister about my familial separataion, but I irrationally hoped that my father would process my ostracism, admit to his shortcomings as a parent, explaining my reasons to the kids. It is now obvious that he will take his arrogance to the grave with him, so he is now using my sister as a manipulation tool in an attempt to get me to respond. Part of me saw this move coming from my father since my mother also tried to use guilt, "What do I tell the kids?" in order to have me reconsider. I told her to tell them the truth. I am very conflicted about writing back. I have nothing to gain by it, and a lot to lose.
  13. Oh, I get it. That was my goal. If she had wanted to fuck me, we probably would not have had such a great conversation, so thank baby Jesus she didn't. I was purposefully seeking to value her for her mind (and the money she was paying me), not her eggs, although my natural inclination would be to press for the eggs with gusto. If you are trying to run game on a woman, I don't think that playing patient is as damaging to your chances as trying to play therapist. Like you said, the real players know enough to not do either. If a woman comes to you, looking for you to solve her emotional problems, you have to run away because she's about to latch upon you like a parasite. I knew this in my early twenties, in theory, and experience. I've got daddy issues should be like a banshee scream that drives away all men in a three-hundred yard radius, but it takes some of us a bit of time to see this. I has taken me a lot longer to see the opposite problem. If in the future, I want to attract a woman sexually, I will know to keep my "mommy game" tendencies under wraps, but at some point, I will have to reveal my weaknesses, especially if they hold such a powerful sway over me. My goal is to minimize the effect of my parents screwed up parentage on my well-being. I am currently figuring out how to draw strength from it instead. Do you agree that this would be far more attractive than appealing to the mothering instinct? I thank you for you continued input, MMX. This has been helping me explore the ideas that I am still trying to formulate for my next wellness video, the one I was supposed to record last night. Edit: I realized that I may have confused you by making two contradicting statements. Originally, when discussing STEM women, I stated that under different circumstances, I could have met the mining engineer over coffee, but then later, I said that I wouldn't have had sex with her under any circumstance. The reason for this is because money was being exchanged from her to me, and not the other way around. If she pays me, and then also sleeps with me, that would put me in the position of a reverse-provider mate, which is roundly characterized as exploitive or parasitical when it manifests in men (because of EGGS!). No matter how sexually attractive a man is, or successful the woman is, she will have a mental block about paying a man in order to sleep with him. This is why there are so few stay-at-home fathers in the world, and why they would rather cram their brood in the daycare or public school system.
  14. I am in total agreement with your assessment, but in the moment, I could not perceive her in the mother role, as I understand it through my childhood experience. My mother is completely emotionally aloof. This woman was well tapped into her emotional needs. The drive to talk to her was magnetic. I was not running game on her, of course. There was a moment, after just meeting her, where we were talking about the health benefits of broccoli. Reportedly, it enhances testosterone levels conferring substantial benefits in men. Thank Elliot Hulse for this information. As I was saying this, her eyes drifted off to the right and down a little as if she was thinking about something verboten (probably whether or not I wanted to sleep with her), and I quickly interjected, "Oh, it's not what you're thinking about! I'm talking about using it to add more lean muscle mass." She laughed, and threw it back at me, "That's what I was thinking about. What were you thinking?" I was demonstrating to her in that moment that I was extremely uncomfortable with the subject of sex, and she could tell. She was very clever, but I didn't bite, although I could have recovered if I was trying to run game. I explained the obvious, that higher testosterone correlates with sexual drive as well as gaining lean muscle mass quickly. She looked at me with an expression on her face, as if to say, "Well, duh." I failed the shit test on purpose to dissipate any possible sexual tension because I didn't want any of that with a house guest.
  15. You are correct on every point except that I rate her as a 6-7 physically. I did say that the EGGS! alarm was going off, right? I wouldn't have had sex with her under any circumstance. I don't know if I used therapeutic language, but I was discussing Nathaniel Branden a bit, so probably. If she was mothering me, then I couldn't see it, because she's the exact opposite of my mother. Your observation is very useful to me, though. I have recently realized that I have a long history of pushing the mommy button to get attention from women. I have been working mommy-baby game (if there is such a thing) on women for years. It's useful to note that, sexually, women key off the same hormonal circuits when socializing with their mate as they do when socializing with an infant. Pets tend to have a similar attraction to women, which is why dogs and cats have quickly displaced children in the Golden Age of Fiat Currency.
  16. These are great observations! I'm eager to go into story time. I'm going to lay down a couple anecdotes about women in STEM fields. My last romantic relationship with a woman was the first caller from FDR 2733. A Ph. D. in Physics, she was probably one of the smartest people I have dated in my life, with an IQ higher than mine. However, her natural ability to use logic (math) when it came to sex and the family was largely irrelevant. I can still remember the first night we met for swing dancing. Some of the first words I recall her saying were, "Oh, you're cute!" Her eggs were all over me before I had said one word, but when I started preaching the voluntary family to her a year later, the eggs soured to my presence. I am become Stefbot. Without getting into details, there were emotional hangups within her family that she wasn't reasoned into, so therefore, we could not rely on reason to remedy them. She was going to call in with a completely different, yet related question, or so I was informed, but we broke up before she got to the front of the call queue. As a footnote, it is interesting to consider that the physicist was also doing crossfit, which raises testosterone levels in women (and men). You mentioned testosterone in early development, and that's what made me think of her. This week, I met a mining engineer who was renting out my spare room. Not only was she a remarkably easy-going, intelligent woman, but also incredibly empathic. We talked for several hours about my struggles with self-esteem, my hypercritical father and alcoholism, and she was completely rapt with attention, hanging on almost every word. Nothing that I said was boring or uninteresting to her. This is the opposite of my parents, who pretended not to hear me much of the time, unless I was doing something wrong. I don't think I've talked to any person who showed me that level of respect and empathy before. I know that our relationship was strictly business, but I had to consciously ignore the EGGS! siren going off in my hind brain. When we parted ways, she hugged me and said, "I have never learned so much in a day than as I have from you." I had the sense that if we had met under different circumstances, we could have easily enjoyed the same quality of conversation over a coffee. That's all I got regarding women in STEM fields as of now.
  17. Abel James in the best podcaster in the business as of late.His guests cover a wide variety of areas of health, wellness, and fitness. He's too fucking pretty, though. I want to get into an underground bare-knuckle boxing match with him.
  18. Women and sex != free market capitalism. What do you call it when you ask a woman out on a date and she says no? What do you call it when you buy a woman dinner and flowers and she doesn't give you access to the eggs? Do you see a lot of vendors refuse business to their customers, as long as the customers are paying? Men propose and women dispose. If a man is asking a woman out, it is generally assumed by the woman that he wants to have sex with her unless he's gay and wants a beard, or some other less obvious motivation. That video is great, but it has nothing to do with vagina unless I am missing something. Yeah, I'd love for you to speculate why there aren't more women on the FDR forums, but only if you want to do so. It is a very thought-provoking question!
  19. No, that's not what I believe. Women are the State. Women have the power to determine whether your genes are ostracized or accepted. Isn't that the ultimate manifestation of argumentation? They don't need logic at all to make a great case. If a woman decides to mate with the strongest ape, it is because that is what she (and her egg) wants. This is why cuckolding persists. I'm worried about emulation because it is not genuine insofar as motivation is concerned. The female motivation is to reproduce, first and foremost. If we take a woman who has pursued a successful career over children, because she does not wish to reproduce, would you still be able to mold her into embracing philosophy through game? I don't know the answer for certain, but I have my suspicions. Usually, the woman who has forsaken childbirth to climb the ladder will only want to mate with a man who has climbed higher than her, meaning her priority is material acquisition, and not fertility or reproduction. These two realms aren't mutually exclusive, of course.
  20. I am having trouble accepting the premise that emulation (mimicry) is a genuine expression of the self. If a woman doesn't already value philosophy, or at least logic, she will not change for the sake of advancing her understanding of a higher order concept. She's playing along so that the man will mate with her. See Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Security of the self and the family come three levels before philosophy.
  21. Arbiter is a poor choice of word, I now realize. Thank you for pointing it out here. I had realized that I was misusing the word last night. The more accepted definition of Briffault's Law is: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. Association between the woman and the man is completely voluntary, but it is 100% the final decision of the female, not the male. You may disagree, believing that familial relationships are more egalitarian post-Feminism (I'm not sure what your counter argument is.), but human civilization does not totally erase millions of years of evolution. Women are the only gatekeepers of sex because they have the eggs. Why do you think the female membership is around 5% on the forums? Philosophy ain't all that important to them! Why? What a woman says has the power of a curse. If a woman shames you, she is using the power of her eggs to put a curse on your genes, attempting to prevent you from breeding. This is some very powerful mojo, and comes out of our tribal past. Stefan talked about the insanity of the tribe and genetic ostracism in a recent show, and I found it very useful. Yes, of course not all women are like that, but the female membership and participation within the realm of philosophy is extremely low. How many of those women are trawling the meetups and message boards for intelligent sperm, meaning philosophy is of secondary importance?
  22. Thank you, Shirgall. Now, I can't help but imagine what my mother's beer gut looks like.
  23. How come you never responded to me in the thread that I linked? How am I insulting you now? As far as I can tell, you are a concern troll. Why ask me why I am playing at amateur psychologist if you don't care to hear my response, and respond to it in kind? To be clear, I happen to agree with you that the comment about therapy should have been made in private and the post MMD made was in fairly poor taste. I'm not offended, though. He also thinks you need to work out two hours a day to get abs.
  24. Considering the rampant childism that still exists in the world today, I would assume that a person who rejects the principle of non-aggression was likely violated as a child. I can certainly empathize with the sentiment that the NAP lacks "rigor" because it didn't protect me from abuse at the hands of my parents. The NAP didn't save my foreskin from being forcibly removed by doctors.
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