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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. You've had three chances to offer up empathy, kindness and understanding. Would you like to give it another shot?
  2. I'm starting out with Day Bang, as that seems to be the most relevant for me. I actually sleep at night unlike most PUAs.
  3. Are you curious about why this is so important? So far, you've made no case against my proposition (and completely missed the significance of this feminist witch hunt), nor are you supporting Roosh V. Why are you replying in the thread?
  4. How does a car owner dissuade a criminal from breaking into the vehicle when it is unattended?
  5. If you think fruit can be found in abundance in the wild, it's not Lustig that has a problem with making claims.
  6. Please tell me how a man curbs his desires and why he should do this, in your humble opinion, of course. How about challenging hate for men where and when it manifests? Are you game? Are you a man? It is clear that Roosh V. is being railroaded in hate crime fashion. If you disagree, feel free to correct me. 36 Reasons Why American Women Are Terrible to Date by Roosh V.
  7. There is a petition at Change.Org with over 83,000 signatures to get Roosh's books banned from Amazon's website. https://www.change.org/p/amazon-com-amazon-stop-selling-rooshv-daryush-valizadeh-rape-books?recruiter=49965476&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=des-lg-share_petition-no_msg&fb_ref=Default Frankly, I've grown very weary of all the man shaming in this world. I am a victim of rape, genital mutilation, gender segregation, violence, and worst of all, the lies of feminist-Marxist culture. I am a man, and I am not afraid to fight back. I will not be cowed into keeping my head down and my mouth shut! I will be buying a copy of every single one of Roosh V.'s books in a show of male solidarity. Let's fight the lies of the social justice warriors! Who is with me? Who has the bravery to stand up for your gender? WAKE UP MEN!
  8. This thought occurred to me today when a person messaged me on Facebook in order to insinuate passive-aggressively that by eating meat, I lack compassion. That's not an argument, or if it is one, I certainly don't understand how it works logically. In the moment that I was typing a reply, I realized that Stefan is absolutely right about this r/K theory of the human species. We have a subset of people who worship the state, espouse cultural Marxism, detest eating meat and those who voluntarily choose to eat it. They are the living embodiment of rabbits (r-selected), and thus, are the natural enemy of the rest of us voluntarists (K-selected). Incidentally, the only reason the modern raw vegan fad diet works is because of the hyper-availability of global food crops through taxpayer subsidized agriculture, rapid transport, and the productivity of market Capitalism to respond to consumer demand. Fifty years ago, no one could be a raw vegan. It was simply not possible to get enough calories or the right nutrients without relying on animal products to some degree. All the while, the r-selected vegans attempt to use emotional appeals disguised as ethics in order to gain more followers at the expense of the K-selected humans who are more intelligent and see that animal husbandry is the healthiest and most sustainable means of food production. On a long enough timeline, the r-selected, consuming a herbivore's diet, will slowly drain the capital from the K-selected through the gun of the state by over-stressing the already stretched socialized health care system with their resulting illnesses due to eating vegan. In conclusion, vegans are the epitome of the r-selected human, slowly killing themselves while considering it a more ethical ideology. I have to say that I've never been more proud to eat meat than I do in this moment.
  9. A very attractive bar maid once told me that she did not eat any creature with eyes or that poops. I also overheard her say that pork is toxic to humans because pigs have no sweat glands as if that was the only way animals could remove toxins from their bodies. *facepalm* She was 28 years old at the time and desperately anxious that she was still single. She had just dumped a guy that she was seeing for a couple months, and seemed very interested in me (she introduced me to her BFF). Hypergamous? Check. Social justice warrior feminist? Check. Vegan? Check. My penis absolutely wanted to meet her, but the three above characteristics are enough to get my amygdala to fire off when thinking about how lawyers with unlubed dildos would be chasing me and my wallet in the future. We can NAWALT (or NAVALT) all we want, but ethical vegans tend to also be cut from the same cloth as this social justice feminist because veganism and feminism are derived from the same political movement that started in the 1960s, which is also when government and academics started to stick their meddling fingers into national food policy. If there were hard metrics to peruse online, the correlation between feminism (and other cultural Marxists) and veganism would be strong. I'm thinking of a Pearson's Linear Corralation of .4 or greater. Thank you, philosophy, for helping me to save myself from eating a loaded shotgun after this woman was done with me. Egads! I shiver to think about how sexually attracted I was to her. Blahck!
  10. He might be doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting routine that is quite popular these days. I do it when the mood strikes me, and I am starting to get scared to lose any more body fat. I see vascularity on certain parts of my body (arms, hips, and shoulders). I never had that before. Fasting is also how the body starves and eliminates cancerous cells, so intermittent fasting is a win-win negotiation with your metabolism, and long term health. Oh, if you get the inclination to fast, drink a ton of water while you do it. As I understand it, you want your urine to be damn near to clear. Since there are no benefits to being a vegan, the only rational explanation is cultural Marxism. It's a bumper sticker, and an idiotic political statement to not eat animals and gloat about it. Save the poor! Save the whales! Save the planet! It's all part of the same mind game to exploit a victim class for political gain. How about we save the humans? We are the ones that need saving from ourselves. If you don't like the taste of animal flesh, simply don't eat it! Those of us who know better get a little tired of hearing the ethical vegans cry over slaughtered animals. An animal's loss of life is my gain of lean muscle mass. I'm on top of the food chain, so I get to eat what I please. Let's call it Human Entitlement, since that kind of language seems to jive with social justice warriors. When I die, the scavengers and microbes get to feast on me. You won't hear me complaining, and I doubt that you will kick up much protest.
  11. I'm very interested in the Vagas nerve as it leads to the gut, a part of the body that I've long had a problem with because of my former drinking habit. I've found that yoga is a really powerful tool for calming my mind. When I feel relaxed, I can hit poses. If I get agitated, I fall over or get antsy and cannot find stillness in the pose. The upshot is that my mind state dictates my performance. Excellence in athletics is largely an exercise in mind over matter, so it follows that athletic achievement or vigorous exercise improves mental acuity, and stimulates the mind. I have a bit of a related rant to share with the community that I recorded when I was in a saucy mood. I found my anger, by the way! It's so nice to have it under my control. I do not know the last time that I could be angry safely without having my internal family of anxieties barring the way towards inner peace. Perhaps it was when I was a toddler and no one would play with me, so I would throw blocks in an effort to get adult attention. I remember every detail about those blocks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl_LAx6t8uA&feature=share
  12. Since reading Nathaniel Branden's The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, I have been toying with the idea that body-mindfulness is analogous to self-knowledge, or even the same concept abstracted into two separate and arbitrary metaphysical realms. Is the mind separate from the body, or is the body separate from the mind? Does the mind exist because our bodies move, or is the causal relationship in reverse? If we have deficiencies in our movements, it means that we have a deficiency in our brain or thoughts, and vice versa. Since starting cross-fit and yoga, I've noticed that my body does not move the way that I want it to move, and my brain does not think they way that I want it to think. I don't think that this is coincidence at all. I have a feeling that many others have experienced the same phenomenon with their own mind and body. It makes sense to me that I cannot improve one without the other improving. Will strengthening the body improve the mind, and strengthening the mind improve my body? What do you think, FDR? Where and what are your deficiencies? How will you strengthen them? How does this apply to self-knowledge? Here is a great auxiliary video by Julien Pineau and Barbell Shrugged which addresses the biomechanics and physical blind spots weight lifters often encounter. My goal is to determine if improving the body will stimulate and grow the mind. My hope is that it will.
  13. Hyper-glycemia is perfectly correlated with risk for dementia. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1215740#t=articleMethods That fact alone casts so much doubt on the healthfulness of high-carb, all-fruit diets. I would be very surprised if any human could keep average glucose levels below 100 mg/dL while essentially eating sugar all the time. The only reason these unnatural diets exist is because you can buy fruits out of season any time of the year thanks to our modern global economy, which does not fit the evolution of our species. In winter, there is naturally no fruit available. Reality dictates that you must eat meat to survive and thrive. Everything else - veganism, fruitarianism, vegetarianism, breathairanism - is based solely on cultural Marxism (conveniently using animals as a prop victim class which cannot speak) and has no basis in reality, science or the multitude of empirical evidence gathered regarding human health.
  14. Expressed as a net balance, there is more debt in the world than assets to buy with the debt. Does this fact make the debt meaningless? Does increasing debt change anything?
  15. Schiff speaks with immediacy because there is no way of knowing when the U.S. Dollar will be put on the chopping block. If you wait, and try to finesse the play on the economic collapse, you will fail. Every month, we should be squirreling away more and more real money, and real assets and ditching paper assets. I've been slowly, and steadily stuffing away all sorts of kit for a rainy day. (See my Psychology of Stacking video here.) It's not a matter of "IF" but when the dollar collapses, and it will change everything in our economy and our lives. Will we be ready? Personally, I would rather that it happen to my children's children than during my own lifetime, because it will be traumatic, grueling and violent. Cannibalism will likely make a comeback. Unfortunately, I will likely still be alive when the world economic paradigm changes.
  16. Peter Schiff is making more and more sense, and China has made the first move toward killing off the U.S. Dollar. I came out of a self-imposed vacation from the forums to post this. This is important! "The shelves at WalMart will be empty." - Peter Schiff
  17. My advice is to put down the mouse. That's what I did, at least. I've been mousing extensively since I was 9 or 10, when my family got its first IBM compatible PC. I have a Logitech Wireless Touchpad T650. It was on sale at Office Max for $30, so I grabbed it. I can operate the touch pad from any surface from across the room if I want using either hand. It's brilliant and relieves a lot of stress that would otherwise bite at my tendon. This is a recent repetitive stress injury that only manifested about 22 months ago. I tried an "ergonomic mouse" but changing the hand position does not really help me attenuate the pain. I would be fascinated to hear about your Feng Shui experiment! Elliot Hulse also talks about the standing desk. It's a desk that you can lower and elevate to suit your height. Optionally, you can kneel in front of a traditional desk, but this is going to put more stress on your pelvic floor, hips, glutes and the entire lower body so be ready for soreness. I refuse to use chairs if I have a better option. Sitting down, like wearing shoes is extremely painful for me if I do it for an hour. People who are sitting all day can alleviate the effects by walking around every 15-30 minutes. The reason why this topic is important to me is because I want to win a weight lifting competition, and I need to get my body aligned, greased, and operating properly to maximize my strength, mobility and performance. Currently, I'm scouring the internet looking for my first competition, so I can fail hard. There's another movement that may be valuable to you, Mama. It's the air squat, basically a squat without any extra load other than your body weight. I'm at the point where I can sit in the bottom of the squat with my elbows on my knees for a short time and read or eat. This is also the position from which humans were designed to defecate.
  18. I often wonder if people have ever seen a wind turbine, how they are transported and built, but it's far from "green".
  19. From a fellow addict, thank you for posting this! Congratulations on identifying as an addict. It is the very first step in taking ownership over the compulsive behavior. This weekend, I'm starting my first discussion group meeting on addictions in the local area (Summit County Colorado). I've plastered my fliers all over town, and asked business owners to display them, and I'm going to kick out a promotion video for it immeditately. Unfortunately, I got rained out today.
  20. Why not both? Do twenty minutes before exercise and twenty after. Maybe one or the other works for some people. Other people might rather do cold shock like taking a dip in a mountain stream or filling up the bathtub with ice cubes. I'm still acclimating to the intensity of a dry sauna so forty or more minutes pretty much wipes me out. Last night, I slept a solid ten hours after forty in the box. It was beautiful. Tonight I did fifty, and it wasn't as stressful. I didn't do any lifting because I'm taking it easy and working on mobility exercises, mainly stretching out the upper and lower back and the hips. I believe that strengthening my back will pay dividends in my future progress and performance at the gym with the serious intensity and weight. Thanks for the article, Shirgall.
  21. Take what you want and pay for it. I assume that sauna access is cheaper than pharmaceutical injections. You would be missing out on the stressful environment of the heat shock, though. I'm not sure, but I think you have to do a polar bear plunge in a body of water in the winter, or jump from a natural hot springs into a snow-melt river. There is at least one place in Colorado that I am aware of where you can do this - Strawberry Hot Springs outside Steamboat Springs. http://strawberryhotsprings.com/lodging/
  22. Did I not already explain? Very few, if any, people will look at me when I make eye contact with them. If I catch them looking at me, they will, almost without fail, look away immediately. I have never seen the predator stare in the wild, so to speak. In one on one conversations, if someone looks away or turns away from me, I know that they wish to disengage from the conversation or are uncomfortable in some way with what I am saying. Eye contact belies interest and curiosity.
  23. Dr. Rhonda Patrick outlines the health benefits of elevating the core body temperature. I did my first 40 minute session in the sauna last night, and it was more stressful than any work out that I've done before. I'm still feeling it!
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