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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. We're talking about narcissistic sociopaths, not fetish flavors. I like ropes. If you attract sociopaths, then guess what? You are one. There is no way a sociopath can carry on a normal relationship with a normal person for very long. It would be too exhausting, and eventually, the narcissist would give off the obvious tells, which have been described here and elsewhere in detail. Ignore the signs at your own peril. This is such an obvious tell for me that I am dealing with a sociopath. If someone has to drink to excess just to socialize with me, I will stay very far away. I have self-medicated for two decades just to be able to handle being around others while pretending to be someone else. I had a conversation with a woman the other night and I described my alcoholism as killing myself literally and figuratively at the same time. The end result would have eventually been death, but it was my true self that did not want to continue living because he was forced into hiding for twenty years. Now, he's back and pissed as hell. She thought the description was very illustrative and powerful. I now have hope that there are actually sane women out there that can overcome ingrained narcissistic tendencies. We philosophers have to keep dispensing with the self-knowledge bombs until there are no sociopaths left breeding.
  2. I'd like to point out that the most effective manipulators with the above motivation are women with fresh eggs. Therefore, if Mahayana would like a crash course in dealing with sociopaths, then I'd suggest dating as a heterosexual man.
  3. I manspread on PT and take up all the space I want where I go. I've laid down on the bus on numerous occasions, and no one dares object. I also eyeball fuck and communicate with anyone that I wish. Rape culture and micro-aggression feminist nonsense is one fantastic and gigantic cultural Marxist shit test, and men are failing it horribly. Forget the haters. The only way to win is not to play.
  4. What claim am I making, and how is it similar to the author of this video? I'm not sure if I can experience true empathy. I never really learned it as a child. I was taught to manipulate to get what I desire.
  5. The Change.org petition is almost nearly at 223,000 signatures. I'm halfway through Day Bang. I'm sick in bed so I plan on finishing it today.
  6. I am thirty-six years old. I first watched The Story of Your Enslavement in January 2014, after seeing a Murray N. Rothbard speech. This video is worth watching regularly. It also describes one of the points against the position of ethical veganism, otherwise known as Marxism with Animals.
  7. Here is the relevant review thread: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43281-in-the-realm-of-hungry-ghosts-by-gabor-mat%C3%A9/?hl=%2Bthe+%2Brealm+%2Bhungry+%2Bghosts Speaking of shamanic healing traditions, a woman turned me on to this book, published May 2015, just the other day: http://www.amazon.com/One-Spirit-Medicine-Ultimate-Wellness/dp/1401947301/ref=sr_1_80?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1442736606&sr=1-80&keywords=shamanic+healing I lean somewhat to the anarcho-primitivist side of voluntarism, so ancient wisdom fascinates me, even if it sounds like mysticism. I roll my eyes every time I meet a numerologist or an astrologist, however.
  8. I would not take anything a woman says very seriously. It's her actions that tell the real story.
  9. You are quickly becoming my favorite FDR member for your no-nonsense insights. Please never stop posting here. I am quickly learning that people carry on in life with very large blindspots because that is, in fact, what they desire and choose to do. It's like driving drunk, texting while driving, or fornicating without a glove. Before long, there will be a very terrible accident.
  10. I fit the description of a sociopathic narcissist, except that I have become self-aware, and now accept my identity. I can now use my unique qualities to champion the forces of virtue. Formerly, I used my charms and wit to victimize others, and ultimately, myself, but no more! I am learning more and more that like attracts like, and opposites repel. Paula Abdul had it backward.
  11. I don't want to assume. Are you speaking of male victims refusing to speak out against circumcision? There is a reason why men do not do this. They do not wish to appear weak and sexually defective and impotent to the eggs around them. As I speak with more and more women about this topic in my private life, I have noticed a pattern. Women get frightened or threatened when a man dares to play the victim card, and is vocal about it. I was explaining the significance of my mutilation and the repercussions it has had on my sex life to my neighbor, and was repeatedly told that my experience was not like other circumcised men, and therefore I must be an unusual case. Something else must be causing my sexual dysfunction, she thought. I'm so glad that this woman had a daughter and not a son! I told her that my experience does not lie. I have erectile dysfunction, and trouble enjoying vaginal intercourse, and that this was caused by having 80% of my nerve endings removed from my penis as a baby. I've had these problems all my life, and they are only getting worse with age. None of my relationships have made it past 20 months. What chance do I have to keep a woman interested enough to want to have a loving and stable family with me? It's not very likely, and I am making peace with this reality. The script is coming along slowly but surely, and the camera came in today. I played around with it for a few hours, and I now have nearly all the functions down without the aid of a manual since it did not come with one. I will post a Google Document in this thread for people peruse the script and suggest changes. Since I'm crowd-sourcing this video production endeavor, I thought that I would go whole hog and get the philosophy-minded working on my side. Great idea, eh?
  12. On a scale of 1-10, what are we talking about attractiveness-wise? How often is sex forthcoming, especially since the birth of your daughter? Does she ever withhold sex from you? It sounds as if she is providing sex and eggs for a law degree. Is this accurate? What legal specialty is she moving toward? As the breadwinner, consider sheltering assets from your wife as soon as possible. Most likely, this marriage will not have a happy ending from the manner in which you describe it.
  13. I could not agree with you more strongly on this. The overwhelming majority of women I have known are needy emotional vampires. If you show them strength, they are intimidated and repelled, fearing that you will abandon them at some point for another woman of better feminine qualities. Women confident in their femininity (few and far between) see male strength and are biologically compelled to investigate more closely. If you show a man strength of personality and character, he typically honors it with respect. I can identify with that parental dynamic to some extent. My parents still pretend to this day to love and honor each other (and me), yet my mother moved out within six months of the divorce in 2012 so that my father could marry his mistress to keep her and her children in the States.
  14. Mr. Molyneux's description of old school Irish women applies doubly so for modern men, post-feminism. As a fine specimen of manhood, I walk around town meeting and greeting everyone I see. A couple days back, I walked past what I could only call a hippy hipster, and his eyes would not leave the ground as he walked past me. We even exchanged hellos, and he could not make eye contact with me or lift his head. What the hell is wrong with men these days?
  15. It's all designed to be a circus media sideshow intentionally. Trump is meant to be offensive to liberals so Hilary's campaign is a slam dunk and we can have a woman behind the desk in the Oval Office getting head from her female interns. Ask yourself what Trump gets out of all this. He supposed to be greasing the wheels of politics, not vying for the highest office in the land. Trump exists outside of politics, and that's his place. He must be getting some sort of financial benefit or deal out of running for president because he's never going to win it.
  16. The North Koreans are unburdened by electromagnetic interference.
  17. I don't understand the relevance of your assertion. What are you trying to argue? I actually wrote that you can't have health without fitness, at least not for very long. Please go back and read my reply. You presented a picture of a female bodybuilder, without any contextual information about her. Just by looking at her body, I can determine that she clearly uses anabolic steroids. There is no way that amount of muscle growth is possible naturally on a woman. Why are you using this as an example of fitness? It's obscene! It would be like injecting a man in the penis with growth hormone until his schlong is three feet long and calling him virile. Do you know what routine steroid injections do to a woman? Do you mind showing me where you found the picture? I threw my two cents in about the urination issue. It doesn't sound like a big problem to me and I've never slipped in a wet spot at the gym, even with all the young, virile ladies afoot. Chalk it up to nerves or sexual arousal from the elevated natural testosterone produced by the female's adrenals through regular exercise. Some women urinate/ejaculate when they orgasm. Is that a health problem? I dated a woman who went to crossfit three times a week for over a year, and she had an exceedingly high sex drive. She raped me when I started refusing sex. I would think that you of all people would acknowledge the strong correlation between obesity and diabetes. For practical purposes, inherited genetics are nearly meaningless if a person's diet is high in inflammatory vegetable oils, grains, and sugars. A healthy person would never become fat in the first place unless we're talking about tribal Inuit natives storing up calories for the winter months. Normal people from modern civilization don't do this. They get fat from years of eating processed industrial ag garbage. I know because I did it, and I'm never going back.
  18. Many plus reps to my third voluntarist contributor to the cause of Universal Genital Integrity for children. I am 12% into the goal of $500! My hope is that together we can end this plague on a child's sexual autonomy before my first is born.
  19. Frosty, again, this is powerful information to have, and it is heartening that you are sharing it here. It demonstrates courage, a muscle that must be frequently flexed to develop properly. I free admit that I know better than to get sexual involved with certain women. I knew the red flags, and ignored them to get my dick wet. I wagered many times that the cost of obtaining access to eggs was not too high, and made many miscalculations after becoming "Sprung on the Cat" as Sir Mixalot once pronounced. This is not uncommon in the manosphere. Men knowingly and intentionally do all sorts of stupid shit to attract the eggs, like buying used German cars. I am particularly concerned about the constant moving, the foster care and your father's suicide attempt. Suicide attempts are cries for attention. Real suicides do not leave a survivor. Your father was suffering and your mother contributed to it, rather than seeking a mutual resolution. Married men don't off themselves or think about suicide unless their spouse is extremely toxic or the man is strung up by the toes in family court by the former spouse. How many other men did you mother date during your childhood? If you didn't like moving, why did she do it so often? Did you tell her how you felt, and what was her response? Get down to the bottom of what she was doing while you and your siblings were in foster care.
  20. This is a fallacy. Cancer is a symptom of metabolic disorder. You cannot be healthy and get cancer. Pointing at one female outlier who obviously uses anabolic steroids and is a bodybuilder to suggest that women who do crossift-like exercise are not healthy is a shady tactic to pull on a philosophy forum. I would like you to demonstrate how a person maintains health without fitness before continuing to make assertions in this thread. Thanks so much!
  21. I wish you a fruitful search! Please let me know what you find out, and if you would like to chat with me, I'm jonathan.stembal on Skype. Currently, I'm shopping around for a sex therapist, as I am also a sex and porn addict on top of being a genitally mutilated alcoholic. It's horrendously difficult living in my body, but I am becoming more alive by the day. All signs are pointing to Alcoholics Anonymous for me as I live in a Colorado mountain resort town with many churches and no sex shops or strip clubs. I have a very large hurdle to overcome with regard to the first three steps which require the addict to submit, relinquish autonomy, and put faith into a God-like entity. One of my current action items is to speak with the group coordinator at the Lutheran church near me to see if I will be a good fit, as I will never put my faith in God, but I wish to sit in on the meetings and contribute. At the very least, I want to volunteer and give what I can to help others in the community no matter what they hold as beliefs (Against Me argument excepted). If they want me silenced or thrown in jail for my assertiveness, then I'm out. There is also the Secular Organizations for Sobriety (S.O.S), a decentralized and non-dogmatic approach to addictions and compulsive behavior. http://sossobriety.org/home.html It is possible that there will be no meetings in your local area (that is the case here in Summit County), so you can also write Jim, the founder, and he will mail you instructional materials describing how to start a new group for free. It took him about five to six weeks to mail it to me. My long term goal is to start a non-religious discussion group on addictions where I live. My first attempt at having a meeting this summer was a total failure, but that is to be expected. Starting and running this group is going to be a ton of work, and I need to locate and enlist my allies in this endeavor. They are out there, somewhere. I know this because I am.
  22. Here's the other thread to which I referred with some other assorted Dr. Patrick Youtube links for you to peruse. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/44597-vitamin-d-health-and-human-longevity-with-dr-rhonda-patrick/ Rhonda's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/FoundMyFitness I'm totally internet stalking her right now.
  23. UPDATE The camera has been ordered. I will have it by Saturday, Sept. 19th. Today, I'm working on the script. The goal is to keep the video under 5 minutes, but pack the greatest punch with the message. Concise, concrete, and convincing are the adjectives to which I aim. If you'd like to offer any input, or are just curious, I'll read it over Skype upon request.
  24. I cannot recall if I replied already and the post in still in mod purgatory, or whether I intended to reply later. The topic is so important that I will reply again, if I feel like it. Thank you for taking the time to discuss the family history a bit, Frosty. More on that later... Most importantly, we, as philosophically-minded folks, have to practice what we preach. I find myself thinking about decisions that I could have made differently in my own past, and I am resolving to make more informed choices in the future, especially with regard to the fairer sex. Unfortunately, women do not generally follow examples set my men. Men are expected to be responsible and provide the roses, dinners, drinks and condoms until such a time when the woman wants a child. Then, if the male provider is not forthcoming, she will initiate alternative measures. When a woman tries to get you to not use rubbers because she's already on the Pill, she is fishing for a semen provider. I have a sense that this is how most marriages begin. Oh, honey, I'm pregnant! Isn't it a wonderful surprise? With hope, we can create a community of ruthlessly honest women through the spread of philosophy. I've been set up for the accidental pregnancy more times than I can count on one hand, but luckily, I was never snared by the violence of the Matriarchal Matrix, which is fortuitous because I'm too pretty for prison. Back to you mother... What does her family narrative sound like? Did your father really leave her, or was he driven away? Why did she move, twice? I am highly skeptical of the story you present because it prompts many more questions than it answers. I have a sneaking suspicion that women often intentionally mate with men that they know they will have to oust from the family in the future. They also know that they can pull the victim card later to charm another man into helping them out. This is why the feminist message is so vicious and brutal. We are attempting to shut down the efficiency of modern hypergamy by educating the clueless men out there about it. These are some of the topics that men need to begin to discuss openly in public with each other.
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