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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. How about you try it out and see how it works for you. Meet your skepticism headlong with experiential data.
  2. I took a little swim this morning. Would anyone care to come up and join me for some fun and frostbite? https://youtu.be/B-si9ubugRM
  3. Tyr, I am honored to be considered your friend. Your words are appreciated! I am sorry that your sister had internalized the parental abuse which you received. It surmise that is cognitive dissonance. She vehemently opposed circumcision on moral grounds, but when confronted with the knowledge that her own brother was violated in this manner, she was unwilling to challenge the idea that she was raised by virtuous parents. Genital mutilation is an indicator of a deeper hatred of children. I don't think it can be fully explained by simple economic incentives created by government programs. Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act definitely do not help the situation, though. Please read my script, and give me notes! It is now in it's final draft, but I'm still willing to tweak it a little bit before I memorize it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_9UygzCwj_bMJIpN3WRaMjZ2VpERcddaWn2slw50ulA/edit?usp=sharing
  4. P.S. Bruce, and Mello: Next time you start a Health and Wellness thread in the Self-Knowledge sub-forum, can you preface it with the heading [H&W] so that the other interested parties can identify which threads are relevant to health and wellness? We will only need to do this until I convince Michael to create the sub-forum, per my request in the General Feedback section.
  5. Have you watched Alisa Vitti on Youtube? She has a book called Woman Code, which describes how she uses food to balance sex hormones, and how she cured her PCOS. Since meeting my ex-girlfriend, I am convinced that spending half of the month emotionally out of sorts is not natural for the female body. She did pull the feminine hormone card on me several times, but by and large, her temperament was very stable. Of course, when I began to challenge her emotional biases with philosophic principles, her emotional eruptions became much more frequent and more severe. As for testosterone, I have been doing a bit of personal experimentation with hormone enhancement. Among other things, I have been taking DHEA supplements. I also exercise 2-3 days a week, and use caffeine and hyper-thermic conditioning to promote the release of extra testosterone from the adrenals, and IGF-1 for brain and muscle growth. Testosterone is vital for the female hormonal balance as, although levels are usually one-tenth of the average male. If you have debilitating emotional swings, I suggest that you take up weight lifting, or some other vigorous exercise like hot vinyasa yoga, which I also do. There are more women at my cross-fit gym than men. There is probably a very good reason for this. Perhaps women find hormonal balance in frequent vigorous exercise more than men do. Good luck ironing out the hormonal and emotional vacillations!
  6. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Interviews Wim Hof, who endorses natural approaches to health and wellness, including hyperventilation and cold shock therapy. I'm going to swim in the Dillon reservoir tomorrow morning, and hopefully not drown. What are your thoughts on the presentation, FDR?
  7. Hello! My name is Jonathan David Stembal. I welcomed philosophy into my life nearly two years ago. I live in a resort town in the Colorado Rockies, and we just completed our first full day of ski-friendly weather. Eight days from now the first mountain resort will open. I'm extremely excited! I am sending out an open invitation to Freedomain Radio listeners to stay at my condominium this winter season. We can talk philosophy, health, and wellness (my favorite topics) and get some fantastic exercise shredding the powder-covered slopes. Here's the Snow Report for October 22, 2015. https://youtu.be/mcXQpdx0S9g And my AirBnB listing: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/6504661 I look forward to meeting dudes and dudettes of philosophy! J.D.
  8. All you have to do is practice babbling about inane topics in the mirror. Women like men who love to hear themselves talk. Women masteurbate to Stefan's videos for a reason - he's loquacious. You don't have to memorize anything, just keep talking. You go for the digits after the woman asks you a personal question: 1) Where are you from? 2) What do you do? 3) How old are you? 4) Where do you live?
  9. Try reading the whole thread first, or some of the many other health topics that I've posted in on here. Why should I explain myself to an anonymous person on the internet with three posts to his name? Why should I waste my time explaining myself to you when you have not bothered to quote me in context?
  10. Thanks for the tips, coach. Where should I send the cheque? P.S. I know a (hypothetical) buff dude who got cancer is not a valid argument, nor is creating a straw man, or arguing by adjective (evasive, unscientific). As you said, this is a philosophy forum, so please try again.
  11. Health is more than mere aesthetics. If a woman marries a man, and lets herself go, weighing twice as much as on her wedding day, that's a breach of her commitments to honor, love and cherish her partner. Breach of contract means the bond is null and void, at least, that's how it would work in a free and voluntary society. In the instance of this show, the husbands were also dumpy-looking as well, but I can guarantee if one of them started lifting weights, the wife would panic and run interference to get him to stop, sensing the obvious threat to her complacence.
  12. I don't like being around unhappy and unhealthy people (the two correlate), but that's a personal preference. No one is forcing you to cheer up. If you come across a person that's attempting to will you into being happy, that person possesses mythical levels of arrogance.
  13. Getting back to the original topic. Why haven't these fat wives been divorced yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDN2kwSVKXk
  14. Here's a comment left by the latest donator to the cause of voluntaryism through genital integrity. Thoughts and attitudes such as this give me hope for my cause. Thank you so much for the support. I am over 1/5 of the way to my funding goal! Sincerely, J. D. Stembal
  15. I am reading a book called Tripping Over the Truth, which examines the history of the study of cancer. It may be something that will interest you. http://www.amazon.com/Tripping-Over-Truth-Metabolic-Illuminates/dp/1500600318/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443894699&sr=8-1&keywords=tripping+over+the+truth
  16. High inflammatory diets not only shift metabolism and hormonal pathways, they also change how our immune system behaves. It is accurate to characterize this as epigenetics, but we need to be mindful of which behaviors in our lives contribute to the change. Here is a short video which came across my YT feed today regarding all the tests available currently to screen for cancer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkdafbQvXRM
  17. Fair enough. You used the pronoun "we" in the reply in question, so I was confused by that. Back to the thread... I've located my copy of Day Bang, and have continued reading it. Up to this point, I have found value in it. For example, after you receive the woman's phone number, and are ironing out the logistics of the first date, you have to be mindful of how long it takes the woman to respond to your messages/calls/texts in order to gauge her interest. If it takes her 45 minutes to respond to you, make sure that you take at least 50 (n+5) minutes to respond in kind. This assures that you are not coming across as emotionally needy, which most women find to be repulsive. This is just one of the little nuggets of information I have learned from Roosh that my father never taught me.
  18. I most definitely record video when I get sweaty. I would not want to set up a tripod in the gym, however, as that's asking for the need to buy another one. There are mirrors at the yoga studio, but I'm usually too busy staring at the business end of a hoo-hoo to watch myself much.
  19. The first draft of Universal Genital Integrity by 2025 is completed. Please let me know what you like and do not like and why. Thank you for all feedback that you will provide!
  20. As a man who can no longer find pants that fit well, I found this blog very insightful. The content in this blog will be quite valuable to particular members of the philosophic fitness community. http://masculine-style.com/podcast-episode-8-dressing-the-muscular-man/ Special thanks to MMX2010 for turning me onto the Masculine Style blog.
  21. How would you test it? I test my hypothesis by trying different behaviors and seeing how they work for me. You know, Bro-science. As an aside, there has never been a government-funded clinical trial on the link between metabolic disease, obesity, and cancer because they defund the trials before any conclusion can be reached regarding cancer. See here: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/obesity/obesity-fact-sheet#q13 However, observational studies indicate the weight loss (read: body fat loss) correlates with lower rates of cancer.
  22. Which poster where you chiding? The remark might have applied to Kevin Beal, me, Ferssitar, or all three. To update everyone, I have misplaced my Roosh V. book. I was in the habit of taking it everywhere with me to use as a conversation piece with other men, but I left it behind somewhere, and the exact place escapes me at the moment. Hopefully, the value contained therein will find a eager vessel to fill.
  23. Skepticism is a great quality to have! I've found that talking to the elderly and observing what health problems they have, if any, and asking a lot of questions corroborates the current science that supports health. There is not any specific food to blame for the formation of cancer. It's a byproduct of chronic inflammation. Cancer is a symptom of metabolic disorder, meaning that a person with a healthy metabolism would have an immune system that suppresses (kills) cells that show signs of damaged mitochondria before they start fermenting instead of respiring. If you would like to know more about metabolic disorder, Google the search topic "Syndrome X" or "Metabolic Disorder". Universally, this disorder is caused by chronic systemic inflammation which is associated with high average blood glucose levels. Fat people show signs of inflammation and are suffering from metabolic disease. Eating excess carbohydrates leads to higher blood glucose levels. This should be very obvious and clear by now, and this information is not buried by "bogus studies". Everyone knows that being fat is unhealthy in the long term, but now we know why that is. Here's a related video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEmSgoem6UYt=11:00
  24. For God sakes, don't try to be popular. You're trying to find love, and these days - as has been the case through most of human history - love is the opposite of being popular. Don't try to be liked. If you try to be liked, you will never be loved because trying to be liked is manipulative, and love is your authentic, take it or leave it, love me or hate me, who I am. Stefan Molyneux, FDR 2733, The Cost of Not Listening, 46:57
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