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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Mike Maloney released his preview of the Hidden Secrets of Money, Part VI: https://www.hiddensecretsofmoney.com/videos/hsom6-preview-maloney
  2. Please move the thread to the Self-Knowledge section.
  3. I'll bite, troll or no. How strong is the correlation between homosexuality and child rape? How strong is the correlation between heterosexuality and child rape? Please include genital mutilation statistics in this comparison of the data because it is also child rape. You are presenting a false dichotomy, as it stands, and we have as yet no evidence for the assertion that child rape is positively linked to homosexuals. If Lloyd Demause's The Origins of War in Child Abuse is factually accurate, child abuse, including cannibalism, mutilation, and child rape, is prevalent at all levels of society now and throughout our recorded history. Asserting that homosexuality is linked to child rape misses the point of how evil and prevalent child abuse really is. I doubt that it's factually accurate, at least not until I see air-tight statistics.
  4. As an aside, I've been very active and vocal in the intactivt community on Facebook, and I've noticed a few reoccurring themes. There are a lot of single mothers playing the activist role in opposing MGM, and thus, a lot of socialist Bernie Sanders supporters among them. Every once in a while, I see what's called a Regret Mom posting about how she's dedicated to stomping out ignorance online because she, too, was once ignorant of the violence committed against children. These are some of the most rabid anti-circ activists around, and they hound cutters like a gang of wolves. I have to call into question the truthfulness behind pleading ignorance, especially in this case. People know that genital mutilation is wrong, but they will overlook the wrongness as long as an authority figure in a white coat tells them it is okay to do so. See the Milgrim experiments. Likewise, we have to be highly suspicious of single mothers also saying that they didn't know any better than to get pregnant with scummy fathers. Barring mental retardation, they knew what they were doing, and they knew the risks. The NASMALT will know exactly why she is raising the children of an absent, neglectful or abusive father, and she will be able to clearly articulate it. If she blames the father for her predicament, you know that she's fogging.
  5. I find the topic of single mothers fascinating because, if I want to date women my own age, I have to contend with women who have already worked through their starter husband. It follows that they probably have children as well. There are not that many women who stay single and childless this late in life (see baby rabies), and you have to at least acknowledge their motivations for doing so. It will be difficult to get them to open up in this forum, however, because of the general zeitgeist surrounding them in the philosophy community.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toW94M9x-g8
  7. Junk silver is a great plan. You can never have enough!
  8. What I find fascinating is that many parents cannot articulate why they wanted to have children. It takes a lot of ex-post facto justification to square the circle when the child is counting on you to raise them peacefully. We talk about parents making a choice before having offspring, but what ratio of parents are making a well-informed choice? Most appear to be throwing darts at a board in order to make this choice. Kids? Yeah, seems like a good plan!
  9. We are currently on the tenth straight trading session with silver taking a loss. Today would make it eleven. DXY is above 99 again. http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/DXY:CUR One US dollar buys almost 6.4 RMB. http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/USDCNY:CUR Get it while the getting is good, guys.
  10. Another nutrigenomics presentation by Dr. Patrick: Rhonda Patrick's website: http://www.foundmyfitness.com/news CYP2R1, FOXO3 and APOE4 are the two most important Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to focus on from a health standpoint, as they are the most profound from a health care cost perspective. I asked a NICU nurse what she thought of genetic screening before conception, and she said that it was not her place to consult with couples concerned about congential defects. She was there to clean up the aftermath. http://jscreen.org/reasons-for-genetic-testing/ I don't have any in depth formal education is science or business, but I'm interested in consulting with individuals on the practical application of metrics, like 23andme, as a tool for changing lifestyle. Chopping off your breasts is completely unnecessary, and Angelina Jolie has a screw loose. People can buy the test, swab their mouth, and see the results, but they may have absolutely no idea how to increase their chances of staying healthy in the future. The reason for this is we are constantly hammered with false and misleading government propaganda from the media and public school system. I'm curious to know why nutrigenomics and epigenetics interests you. My interest stems from my family of origin, whose wealth and intelligence did not save them from early mortality due to metabolic disease, the plague of the modern era.
  11. Philosophy Folks, Here's an update from the Top of the World! Copper Mountain opened today (11/17), reporting 7 inches overnight. Arapahoe Basin reported 10 inches. Loveland Ski Area, also reported 10. Keystone Resort failed to report any snow, but it must have had at least 4-5 inches. Keystone opened up last Friday. Currently, the open resorts have minimal (2-3) lifts and runs open so expect long lines, especially during the weekend. There is less than 2 feet of base snow depth all around. Do you love snow as much as I do? Contact me or schedule a visit! Regards, J. D. Stembal
  12. I was threatened with arrest (he said was going to call the police) by a security guard for using a women's bathroom. It was a critical emergency and the men's room was unavailable. I later found out that a man using the women's bathroom is not, in fact, illegal. We can freely enter it at any time. There is no such law prohibiting it, at least, not in the state of Illinois.
  13. My choice to have homosexual sex was political? What does that mean? How do you know why I chose to do that? Modern psychiatry also prescribes dangerous drugs to treat the disorders that they identify, so I do not give much credence to their diagnostic capabilities. By the logic you presented, if I take risque pictures of high school and middle school students, it's not pedophilia as long as they have large breasts and posteriors? What measurements and cup sizes are the cut off? I know some men that prefer small breasts and small rear ends, regardless of the age. Does that make them pedophiles, as well? What is the criteria for identifying a female pedophile? Is focusing on the muscular jocks not pedophilia because they appear to look like full grown men?
  14. Two seasons ago, Semyon Varlamov was charged with assault for battering his girlfriend in Denver. Two months later, the case was thrown out due to lack of evidence. Oops! http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/avalanche/2013/12/20/semyon-varlamov-assault-case-dismissed-evgenia-vavrinyuk/4146735/
  15. It does not help that in many American corporate settings, nearly all the HR reps are female. From my time spent in a cubicle behind a computer screen, I learned that the squeaky wheel, if white and male, doesn't get the grease, he gets the pink slip. Social justice has entered into the corporate culture because one mis-step around a woman or a black could cost the company many dollars in legal fees. I recall one black man getting fired at my company after about a year and a half. Later on, someone (not naming names) went through his corporate emails and found out he left with a six month severance package. That means they probably cut him a check for $40-45,000. That's hush money. This is why many large companies have to spend time making the culturally sensitive types feel comfortable. If they don't follow these HR initiatives, they leave themselves open to lawsuits. Small business are very unwilling to hire minorities or women, if they can help it, because one wrong move can bankrupt them. Peter Schiff talked at length about this phenomenon during the highly publicized sexual discrimination suit Ellen Pao brought against Kleiner Perkins earlier this year.
  16. Have you heard of the magazine, Barely Legal? I used to have a few copies around. It's 18-20 year old models done up to look like they are still in high school and looking to lose their virginity to the old, hairy, balding guy - Yours Truly. Did I act on pedophilia? No, every sexual interaction that I have initiated was legal by state statues (just to be clear). Did I fantasize about it? You bet your ass that I have, and will. Show me an older man that goes to a high school volleyball game and claims to not feel a little bit of a tingle in the crotch, and I'll show you a liar. How can you prove that what you say isn't backward? Perhaps it's homosexuals and pedophiles that are the norm, and the rest of society is sick and/or mentally ill? Just as a reference, I've had homosexual experiences and I'm at least 99.9% certain that I'm heterosexual, so NAHALT - not all homos/heteros are like that.
  17. In celebration of finishing Day Bang, here's a clip of Roosh V from the State of Man address called The Fall of America and its Women. To briefly summarize why Day Bang may be a book that interests you, first ask yourself a few questions: 1. Do you go to bed late? 2. Do you enjoy attending night clubs or bars? 3. Do you like mean women? 4. Do you strive to be flashy and assertive? If you have answered no to all of these questions, you are a lock for reading Day Bang in the near future. Learn how to pick up women at coffee shops, retail stores, and even public transportation! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the book or Roosh's writing.
  18. More importantly, it makes sex less enjoyable. A person who cannot find sexual fulfillment will more easily yield to the ecstasy of the Holy. Sexual abuse and paedophilia are common within the church for this reason. To perpetuate "holiness", the church has to extinguish your eagerness for seeking the pleasures of the flesh.
  19. How is the meat industry corrupt and how does this relate to pornography?
  20. You're forgetting the first rule of Philosophy Club.
  21. Marriage is a contract outlining a trade of fertility for resources (land, originally). Perhaps it's not the contract that is corroding but the value of the goods being traded.
  22. Most importantly, cholesterol is the building block of many hormones, including vitamin D, testosterone, and estrogen. If people aren't eating dietary cholesterol, their bodies cannot synthesize enough from other resources. It's like chopping up your home for fire wood to stay warm in the winter. Vegans - this means that your diet is likely substandard with regard to your hormone health.
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