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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Averages would make this extraordinary individual case irrelevant. Death is not unhealthiness. Death is death. A car accident could deliver a healthy person to "the ultimate state of unhealthiness", as you put it.
  2. Then, it no longer matters as they are neither healthy or unhealthy. They have expired and cease to exist on a timeline. We are trying to correlate exercise and health, if that is possible. The definition of health you offered doesn't get us any closer to that goal.
  3. Indeed, but a diabetic, for example, is going to need more medical maintenance than a non-diabetic.
  4. In a voluntary social commune, there would have to be a director or council running it. Heinlein explores this concept within a polyamorous family in the book, Friday. The food in my stomach does nothing nutritious for you, so if there is a lack of food in the community, it will tend to find its way onto the black market where the commune can't touch it. This black market food will be traded or bartered in secret to the people who desire to have more food than they are being rationed.
  5. This is why I suggested measuring health by adding up all the health care dollars one consumes over time. It stands to reason that on average healthier people will see doctors less often.
  6. Cows are very tasty if they are grass-fed. As a bonus, they are also adorable.
  7. Midwayusa.com is selling 1000 count boxes of General Dynamics SS109 for about $.60 per round shipped, limit one box per customer. This message accompanies the sale: This story sounds convenient if you consider that the ATF announcement may be a farce to sell more surplus ammunition.
  8. My mother sent me a text on my birthday reminding me how much she loves me. Yeah, right. She was back at work within eight weeks of my birth. I would also rather celebrate an event worth celebrating, not just an arbitrary day when I squeezed through a sex organ. Why this day and why only once a year?
  9. I have been betrayed by my IP address, Patrick. This one I can watch!
  10. D'oh... I've been had! There is a sucker born every minute!
  11. I would like to point out that shackling anyone belies a lack of compassion in the captors. It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience giving birth in a hospital. Why should a bastion of disease be the first place a child experiences outside the womb? Perhaps look into home birth if you decide to have another child. It is much healthier for you and the baby.
  12. To take a crack at the other side of the spectrum, I present Hall and Oates' Maneater: I vividly remember seeing this video on TV as a child and thinking they were singing about a woman who turns into a jaguar and eats men. In an attempt at ass-covering, Oates claimed that the song is actually about the avarice of New York City. Why use a feminine analogy, then?
  13. I keep hearing this strategy more and more from the libertarian right. We've got the numbers, we just need a louder voice and more clicks on our videos.
  14. Range practice is about to get more expensive, kids. Jerry Miculek outlines why the ban makes little sense based on the stated reasoning behind it.
  15. Technically, people still have to smoke in hiding as it is against the law to smoke marijuana in public places and in your car. Of course, these restrictions aren't very well enforced so you still smell it and see it every where you go. Youths are puffing on vaporizers as they wait for the bus or walk down the street, just like any other smoker would do. If I were still using, I would want to pay extra to keep it on the black market. It's not much cheaper to buy it legally with all the taxes. I spent around the same price on an eighth ounce of some popular and decently potent strains delivered to my door the summer before it was legalized in CO. It may be that supply was extremely ramped up in anticipation of legalization and the bureaucratic red tape was holding the equilibrium of the free market. Legalization, in the manner it is being rolled out, gets to make politicians look like heroes of libertarian (or classical liberal) values when what is going on is the creation of another government sponsored drug cartel. If you attempt to become an independent unlicensed marijuana dealer, eventually you will get shut down, and jailed. The threat of the gun is still there, the media and government are just painting it like everyone has a little more freedom when the opposite is true. The government is a little more free to control the monopoly of distribution while keeping and expanding the revenue stream. Before this paradigm shift, the revenue stream went through the corruption of police departments, and kickbacks for enforcement to look the other way or take down the up and coming hustlers. If you think that perhaps the War on Drugs is over, you are mistaken. While a lot of largesse now comes from the taxpayers paying for the War on Terror, I'm sure the DEA and local and state police departments still want to get their beaks wet on drug money. Alcohol, too, was once a controlled substance during Prohibition, and now it is legal and highly regulated under the stewardship of the BATF. In my perspective, alcoholism is a very troublesome social problem. I'm not exactly sure if it was prevalent before Prohibition and before the BATF, but today it is estimated that 5 million parents in the US have alcohol dependence issues, which makes them statistically more likely to smoke marijuana. Soon the BATF will be in charge of marijuana regulation federally. It makes you wonder if in two to three generations, we will be reading about marijuana dependence in the media.
  16. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
  17. I take it that he's not running for president any more. Has he moved past this goal? I am not sure that it is time to abandon the against me argument, which is what you would have to do if you want to pander to the masses about voluntaryism without judgement. Also, why do so many libertarians and voluntaryists invoke George Orwell? Indeed, in 1984, he wanted to warn us of the dangers of the fascist totalitarian state, but Orwell was also an avowed socialist.
  18. We need to step back and define exercise, then we need to define health. Does health mean that one has no diseases at all? If I get a pimple, am I no longer disease free? How many diseases can you have before you are unhealthy? Is health more closely correlated to nutrition instead of exercise? If you are three hundred pounds and obese, you won't have the capability to get much exercise done. The effects of exercise can be measured empirically with strength, flexibility, endurance, body symmetry, and speed. However, we are still left with an apparent inability to measure health. How about we measure health by how few health care dollars will be spent on a person during a lifetime?
  19. Where is the evidence that exercise correlates with disease and death? Which types of exercise correlate with which disease and which cause of death?
  20. Oh, boy. Congress is looking to give us the freedom to pay more taxes. Just as a footnote, you will pay around 40% in various sales and excise taxes on marijuana in Colorado. If this bill passes, it means that federal government will get another 25% cut, so 65% taxation for your freedom to smoke a particular plant.
  21. Welcome to the VLC club. I'm happy to hear about your great results as they are no surprise to me. What's an ice stick? Frozen lard popsicles? I've moved over to walnut oil for my veggies. It's got monounsaturated fats, saturated fats, and tons of Omega-3 PUFAs. I have to slather vegetables in oil to eat them. They aren't nutritious or palatable enough on their own! (The only vegetable that tastes good raw is the carrot.) Dark chocolate is amazing melted with nut butter, vanilla, and coconut oil over pork rinds, my favorite low carbohydrate snack. Yogurt with fruit used to be my dessert but it makes me gassy as all get out, so I don't eat it as much.
  22. Women have been able to look after their physical and financial needs. It's called marr... er, male disposability.
  23. Everyone in this thread has a different definition of exercise in their minds. You have to remember to define your terms. In my mind, there are three basic requirements for fitness, and they aren't running, swimming, skiing, or cycling. Of course, nutrition has to come before fitness, so if you eat a lot of processed foods and more than 150 grams of carbohydrates per day, you are preventing yourself from reaching any lofty fitness goals. 1) Walk a minimum of an hour a day outside. 2) Don't sit for more than 10 minutes at a time. 3) Be flexible, energetic, and have a strong posture. Everything else athletic you can add on top of this foundation. Mark Serene posted a great video by Elliot Hulse in reply # 26. That video series on bioenergetics is life-changing to put it simply. I feel like a completely different person after following these routines for a few weeks.
  24. 2881 - January 7th "Was Jesus a Libertarian?", I think. This is Peter Schiff's reaction video to Patricia Arquette's speech at the Academy Awards. J. K. Simmons guilting you to call your parents and Patricia Arquette declaring war on the gender pay gap.
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