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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Sweet ironies! Remember, though, that boat is an acronym that stands for "bank out another thousand." Sea-fever by John Masefield
  2. I don't understand why you would consider a lack of experience socializing a contributing factor. If anything, homeschooling should have protected you from the more common me plus temptations, at least in my estimation. You internalized mom and dad, family and god, but at least you didn't have to navigate the complicated pecking order that is institutionalized government reprogramming where conformity and rebellion are virtues simultaneously. Don't keep anyone around who doesn't love you if you don't fit the particular mold they have cast for you. I wish someone would have demonstrated that for me. Perhaps someone tried, and I completely missed the message. I will be one year sober in June. As I reflect on twenty years of drug and alcohol abuse, I have found that there was a lot of plus inside of me. There is not much me left. Thank you for contributing to the show. It was very insightful for me. I have behaved like your ex-boyfriend. You now know to steer clear of the prototype, and resist the urge to fix us. Don't buy a car if you need a boat!
  3. I have never witnessed a more gynocentric message than the one delivered in this documentary, "Pornography and Lady Gaga make us do it." The irony is that while twenty-two year old Laura voluntarily works a second job so that she can pay a surgeon to perform a labiaplasty, if Ken had had a son, he would have likely been circumcised without anesthetic at eight days old in a brit milah ceremony. There is a young boy that hangs around Ken's family and appears throughout the documentary, but he is never interviewed or named. He first appears at 3:06. Ken mentions that he has three daughters in one clip, but there is no mention of a son. I can only assume he is a friend of the family, a child from another marriage or Winnifred's boyfriend. Fifteen minutes into the film, Winnifred insinuates that her father does not follow good judgement. Why does she say this to him, and what was his reaction? Did she say it because he married a tattooed woman who makes a poor mother and sends mixed messages to her children?
  4. I have sympathy, but you are playing into the statist trap of irrational panic at the prospect of anarchy. Say that you don't know how a stateless society will work, but then ask the statist how well it all works now. Roads are shitty, the US post office is shitty, health care is shitty, education is shitty, pensions are running out, social security has been insolvent for decades, welfare and warfare systems are choking American productivity while the Federal Reserve has been stealing from everyone for a century. Every US citizen would have to pay around a million dollars in taxes each to pay off the national debt and various public liabilities. You can make a solid case that any paradigm that promotes more economic freedom would be better than having a burdensome state.
  5. If a bystander is to make an informed conclusion, he should weigh all the evidence, including the source. Everyone, including the directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation, has an agenda. The question is whether the agenda is in line with free market rationality and not a feeding trough for government largesse.
  6. Regarding the founder of Nutrition Facts: Here's more information about the Rasch Foundation. http://www.raschfoundation.org/about/ Decide for yourself about the bias contained within the linked videos above.
  7. Currency is a way to express the value of everyone's labor. It has no inherent value in itself, unless backed by a commodity that has value for which it can be exchanged. Since people no longer buy and sell things in precious metals, we assign an assumed value to paper money because it has the utility to buy the products and services we desire. This is the same for credit, debt, and digital monies. Counterfeiting the money has the effect of stealing the value of the labor people provide. In order to stop all counterfeiting, people must use a currency that cannot be counterfeited, barter, or go back to using commodities as currency. Of course, with regard to precious metals, you can fake a gold bar or coin, but there are very practical ways to tell if the content of a metal is adulterated.
  8. I'm going to generalize here but men and women cheat differently. Women pursue extra relationships because they want to trade up to the next man at some point in the future, while dealing maximum emotional and financial damage to the previous man. Men who cheat on their spouses or girlfriends are sexually bored with their current partner. They may profess that they love her, and care about her, but they are not getting their needs met in the current relationship. The man will keep the transgression a secret. The traditional role of the prostitute was to give men this outlet. Feminism and the state has effectively ruined that option. Clean and attractive prostitutes are way too expensive for the average sexually frustrated man. I know two men who have been married with children for over a decade and sometimes pay for escorts, masseuses, and streetwalkers to pleasure them sexually. Personally, I never had any interest in pros, but I'm not cornered by the state in a legally binding contract to keep my penis in check under threat of divorce lawyers.
  9. It's refreshing to see some self knowledge sprinkled into comedy from time to time. Contrast that with this. Or this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEeeI9aWMvkt=6:00
  10. You equate authority with authoritarianism. That does not necessarily follow. You can be an authority in your child's life without being a kid commander, demanding respect. A parent needs to earn that respect through negotiation with the child's needs and desires. This is also something teachers constantly fail to do, which is why I was comparing the role of the teacher to the role of the parent. What does it mean to give away authority and why does a child have to be able to enter into a serious (legal?) contract to do so?
  11. Link? This sounds ridiculous on its face because it suggests that my quest for nutrition is a mental disorder. I find it to be a necessity since my health care plan was ditched starting in 2014. Thanks, Obama. If you have subsidized health insurance that is guaranteed regardless of your condition, you have a built in excuse to not eat well. It's called moral hazard. Other people have to pay for your unwillingness to life a healthy lifestyle. Apparently, Orthorexia is not officially recognized in the DSM V: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/orthorexia-nervosa P.S. I had three raw eggs, an avacado and coffee for breakfast.
  12. Alzheimer's is essentially Type 3 Diabetes, so there is a direct connection between diet and brain degeneration. I am currently reading Grain Brain. I will let you know how it is.
  13. Why is it important that we should know the child's race? The race or gender of the police is not indicated.
  14. Please explain how a parent is not in a position of authority over their children. Contrast it to the role of teachers and their students. We aren't talking about graduate students in this thread as far as I'm aware. Also... http://www.myfoxny.com/story/28096948/madison-teacher-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-student
  15. Bill Gates and Steven Pinker... Now, I'm not so surprised at the leftist slant.
  16. I've typically let women enjoy their episodic girl porn (Grey's Anatomy or Sex in the City as two prominent examples from memory) by themselves. They know that I have no interest in watching it because I have made my preferences clear. If they want to watch me wank it to my favorites, they are welcome to join in, but they are generally not interested in it either.
  17. Harris: "We were able to provide top quality care regardless of ability to pay. It was so cool! We targeted the typical health disparities: access to care, immunization rates, asthma hospitalization rates, and we hit all of our numbers. We felt very proud of ourselves!" I enjoyed the talk, but what is it about TED that attracts statists and leftists like flies to manure?
  18. What is the difference between the collector's edition and the 2010 edition of the Peter Schiff book? It looks like it has 30 more pages. Is there a forward or appendix added? I don't like spending more than $10 on any one book.
  19. (Regarding the Kindle example) This is same rub that Valve perpetrated on the video game industry over a decade ago. They offer the convenience of digital distribution of games online, but you can't resell after you've finished with them. Personally, I'd rather be able to resell the game and recoup half of my money than have the convenience of automatic updates.
  20. MMX, are you recording these NYC meetup discussions? I could have PMed you instead, I realize. Regarding the virtue radar detector being broken, I believe this has a lot to do with personal traumas in childhood creating blind spots. Everyone, on some level, understands all their flaws and the flaws of everyone around them. Therefore, the question then becomes, "Are you willing to identify, isolate, and manage them?" Just because someone's behavior makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean they have done something wrong. It could be that they inadvertently triggered an emotional response in you. This is why RTR exists.
  21. Where the hell was this when I was selling liquor without a license in college?
  22. Let's get the OP back in the thread. We need updates!
  23. I understand that feeling, and it's one that it would behoove us to overcome. We shouldn't be afraid to speak our minds out of fear of controversy. I was recommending a book to woman so that she would read it, and I said something like, "If you can get past all the blatant feminist propaganda, it's actually quite a compelling read." I received no reply, only a cold stare. In that moment, it did not occur to me that insinuating feminism is political propaganda would offend. That's how we should strive to act at most times. If you suspect someone around you is a rabid statist, don't pull any punches for the sake of keeping the peace. Don't hesitate to make them feel shame or question in their beliefs.
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