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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Correct, but there is a correlation between eating disorders and prior physical, emotional, and sexual trauma. It was mentioned on a recent FDR show. This link suggests a that 30% of people with eating disorders suffered from childhood sexual abuse. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/sites/default/files/ResourceHandouts/TraumaandEatingDisorders.pdf The article didn't go into any detail about Internal Family Systems therapy. You are supposed to talk to your various parts in a therapeutic environment, and gain their trust so you can become a unified person. Have you ever wondered why talking to people able anarchism provokes an irrational fear response? That's a protector coming forward to intervene in the conversation, so instead of having a thoughtful discussion, they will either attack you or have an emotional response which prevents them from participating. There is another part of the personality, called an exile, that the protector is trying to save.
  2. I am reminded of a story I heard about a graduate student in the Denver area who was paid a visit by investigative agents after buying a large quantity of smoke alarms in order to conduct a radioactivity experiment at home. I am unable to determine the validity of the hearsay, but I think it demonstrates an important point. Knowledge, in itself, no matter how potentially dangerous, cannot be considered coercive force. I know that if I aim a handgun at you and pull the trigger, you will receive a bullet wound. This knowledge doesn't prove that I have an intent to harm you. This is why in a murder case, the court has to prove the murderer's intent to kill and that he also had the means to do so. As for calling for the death of another, words cannot be considered an imposition of force. It is the deed that counts.
  3. My heart is breaking for you and your cousin. I find your ability to interact with a five year old, using patience that all other adults in her life are lacking, very heroic. She will look back and think of you fondly. Unfortunately, she is already split off from her true self, as you could tell when you asked her about her destructive wishes. She still has the willful spirit of anger, however, but she cannot direct it at the guilty parties. By the time she hits puberty, she will already be broken, and will most likely act out her lack of a bond with her parents using hypersexuality or drug use. In my case, I did both. I want to point out a couple bits that bother me about your family story. Why is there such a large age difference between siblings? 14 and 5? It makes much more sense financially to have children closer in age. I'm wondering if one of the two children was an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy designed to rekindle the marriage. Of course, you do not have to tell me the answer to these questions and ponderings, but it's something you should probably consider after asking the family. Why would a teenager strike a child and then lie about it? That displays a distinct lack of empathy on her part. This does not bode well for the family. What are you getting out of interacting with your family? It clearly causes you emotional distress. I know it's just for the holidays, but you should limit your exposure to abusers, especially when there is no benefit to you. Clearly, there is void of empathy within your family which is mirrored in the limitless void of your cousins desire for attention. The use of the word, manipulation, is a projection and a deflection. It turns a valid criticism and a serious discussion into a blame game with the five year old holding the short stick. The last time I was home was in July and I knew in my heart that I never wanted to go back again. It was like being in a bizarre alternate universe of crazy with my father at the center. My bother and sister are 9 and 7, but they are already lost. I can sense how they have been abused, manipulated and brainwashed. I would be very surprised if they don't also start acting out in full rebellion in five years. I can't be a part of it, but that's a decision for my own sanity. You must decide what is best for you. I don't think you are asking the right questions at the end of your post, so my response to them would not be fruitful. I'm glad that you feel better getting these thoughts off your chest.
  4. How am I giving people a hard time? Can you explain your reasoning? I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving for a long time. I have a lot of familial baggage associated with Thanksgiving, because it meant I had to see my mother's sister's family, who are stern, strict, and religious. I stopped handing out candy for Halloween a few years back because of its health implications, and role in the accelerating rate of obesity. Very few children are allowed to participate in Trick or Treating by their parents. It's mostly an excuse for teenagers to sneak off to smoke dope while gorging on candy. I'm not sure how stores keep selling candy for Halloween. It seems like people buy at least two or three bags out of social guilt, and then end up fighting the tug of war battle to decide whether to throw it out or eat it. I'm not sure if you are being serious or simply poking fun. Are you suggesting that I won't know what day of the week my birthday (or any other day) falls on if I don't celebrate the supposed birthday of a Jewish political activist from two thousand years ago?
  5. The word parasite is entirely inappropriate to the discussion on child abuse. If anything, the parent is feeding off the emotions of the child to the child's detriment where abuse is prevalent.
  6. How can you acknowledge something so abstract? How does this sickness manifest?
  7. Privilege, as a modern pejorative, is a Trojan Horse for disguising sexism, racism and hetero-normative phobia in an attempt to make the accusation sound just. It's almost as if we could describe it as a syndrome resulting from the childhood, perhaps a forced absence of the father by the mother.
  8. This is the first year that I am not celebrating Christmas. I refused two dinner party invitations. I told my parents not to send me anything for Christmas, but they did anyway. I have not purchased any gifts. Am I justified in not wanting to take part in a phony religious festival, or am I just being a Grinch? Invoking this Seuss character is just another means to call non-Christians and Atheists assholes during the holidays. Years ago, I wished a co-worker a Merry Christmas, and she happened to be Jewish, and responded to me as if I insulted her. Now I am beginning to understand the acrimony behind her response. I've been polite with people so far, saying,"No thanks, I no longer celebrate holidays."
  9. I haven't done any study. Have you? Until someone comes to the thread that has also read Sex at Dawn, I don't have any further comments.
  10. Spokane, Washington A group of liberty minded people showed up at the Spokane Valley Police Station today in response to official comments that a newly aquired military vehicle would be used to fight libertarians who stockpile firearms.
  11. When most of the movies that get wide distribution are meant to propagandize the populace, the joke is on the rope jumper. People have been sneaking into movies for years, and the employees at the theater don't care. What does that tell you? The goal is to get eyes on the screen, and box office sales are secondary. That's just a trailing metric to see how effective the propaganda was. What does your friend think about the Sony leak?
  12. I don't know about calling anything a miracle cure, but I've used coconut oil for many purposes, originally, as a hair gel, then as a treatment for dry skin and chapped lips. I use it in cooking and as a shaving cream with a straight razor. I can attest to its awesomeness and low cost. Sometimes, I just eat it when I'm hungry. Unlike other vegetable oils, it actually tastes good to the palate. It's very high in saturated fat, and is solid at room temperature, which is what you want in your food. I have no idea about the berry extract he was pushing, but consuming fermented foods promotes the growth of the beneficial gut flora that helps you digest food more thoroughly and efficiently. I brew kombucha for this very reason. Eating sauerkraut or kim chee is probably the best way to go about getting fermented food products. I don't much like sauerkraut, and I would have to drive three hours round trip to get kim chee. That's not happening, so I would have to make it myself if I really wanted some. I found these Congressional accusations very troubling considering we now have Obamacare, the ultimate in moral hazard policies. People that want to be healthy and promote their ideas to others are vilified by government as witch doctors. It probably won't be very long until freedom philosophers like Stefan Molyneux are subpoenaed before a committee and are accused of "giving people false hope." Weight loss is easy once you have the right mindset and foods, just like philosophy when you get the first principles down, and just like self-knowledge when you start asking yourself the right questions.
  13. When these fantasy adventure titles keep popping up again and again, it makes you wonder at the level of extreme alienation in children's lives these days, especially the lives of boys. I recall having an extremely intense emotional reaction to the movie Mio in the Land of Faraway that tells the tale of a "lonely boy who is transferred from his dull life with his adoptive parents to the land where his real father is the king." (That's from the IMDB plot summary.) It's obvious why children respond so well to negative family topics and the fantasy setting. Can we please have one movie where the father isn't characterized as a drunk, abuser or a deadbeat, stays home with his children, and nurtures their interests? Maybe then, we will finally have more families trying to model this arrangement.
  14. I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought it was clear that I was indicating that the odds of life success for married men are not very good, all other factors being equal. It's kind of like me coming in here and saying that the majority of Chinese people are shorter than average, and then you introduce me to Beijing basketball team, saying the key to height is to play basketball.
  15. You tricked me into clicking on Reddit. I saw nothing interesting, as usual.
  16. This video should provide some insight when establishing your definitions.
  17. I was also culturally indoctrinated with indifference towards child abuse. Would you say anything to me if you say me roughing up, hitting or yelling at a child? (I'm Male, 5'10", 160 lbs.) There is no distinction between condemnation of the woman and her actions because everyone is defined by their actions. I don't get to say that I'm a virtuous person despite my mental handicap that causes me to yell at or hit children, and neither does the mother in question.
  18. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/living-single/201103/maybe-time-it-will-stick-get-married-and-you-ll-live-longer-is-myth "Men who never marry far outlive men who marry then divorce." The world's longest study on longevity, the Terman Lifecycle Study, concluded that single men and men who stay married live far longer than divorced men. Since at least 40% of marriages are ended at the woman's request, and the suicide rate is higher for divorced men (see forced child support and alimony), all these factors paint a grim picture for modern sexual relations, particularly from the male perspective. Has anyone read Sex at Dawn? I'll ask for the third time.
  19. The notion that exercise is necessary for health is relatively new, and it is very misleading. Back in the 1950s and 60s, Americans spent far less on exercise than they do now, yet we are categorically fatter and unhealthier than American of that era. This would seem to indicate that more exercise correlates with gaining adipose tissue. How can this be if exercise is the key to losing weight thus being healthier? There is a common misconception, even in scientific circles, that obesity is a function of a lack of willpower to exercise or to limit intake of certain foods or total caloric amount. It is commonly called the calories in/calories out hypothesis, and is only partially correct. Obesity isn't caused by laziness or lack of exercise. Lack of the ability to exercise is caused by obesity. If you are obese, you do not have the energy available to do work. The adipose tissue is locked away, and the body cannot access it. This is why fat people are constantly hungry. The body is starving itself when it is obese. This is also why exercise alone, especially running, never works to remedy obesity. If you take a person that is already starving and force them to exercise strenuously, they are going to be ravenously hungry. If you are limiting calories on top of that, it makes their situation more desperate. When a starving person eats less, his body will respond to the energy deficit by becoming more lethargic. The popular "eat right and exercise" message is vague, misleading and dangerous. We have to pinpoint why people are getting fat in the first place. In this, there can be no dispute, scientifically. People can only gain adipose tissue by eating carbohydrates. If you limit sugar intake to 60-100 grams a day at most, and get the bulk of your calories from animal products high in fat, especially saturated fat, and protein, you will be lean even if you never set foot in a gym. This is the diet that humans evolved to eat. Processed grains and sugar only appeared in the Western diet in the past one hundred and fifty years, and was popularized through colonial trade. You can follow the appearance of these two foodstuffs in every culture, and the in the subsequent years, the populations started to put on weight and show signs of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer where previously there was no incidence of such diseases. Knowing all this, why should people waste their time running if they aren't interested in getting faster? It is really amusing to see people running around while listening to music in in public areas. This isn't how they get to work. They ride a bike or get in their car when they want to go somewhere. Look at cops who are supposed to be able to run down criminals on foot. They are some of the fattest people you'll ever see. Nobody runs because they want to get faster unless they are a professional marathoner. There is a collective delusion that running makes you skinny and healthier. It doesn't. If anything it is detrimental to the body to run for extended periods of time. The human body was meant to sprint short distances explosively to catch up with and kill their animal prey after they spent all day tracking it slowly and methodically. The same thing goes for lifting weights. Unless you have a need for being stronger, say, to become more proficient at wrestling or martial arts, lifting weights is totally pointless. I want to be strong so I can defend myself if I ever get ambushed and tackled. A firearm would be useless in that situation. You have to see your assailant coming to have the option of shooting. Reference this video lecture by Gary Taubes:
  20. It's not my premise. It's the premise of the book in question, Sex at Dawn. Did you read it? I would point out the current divorce rate and the amount of legal and state extortion aimed at men in particular as examples of corruption. - At least 40% of marriages are terminated by the wife. - 95% of child support is paid by the husband. - Every 22 minutes a man commits suicide. - Divorced men are 2.5-3 times more likely to commit suicide that the average male. - Married men die younger than single men. I also didn't claim consensus. Do you want to retract your accusation of falsehood, or provide some information of your own?
  21. Negative on marriage. I'm also very concerned that she comes from a conservative Vietnamese, and most likely, a very religious background. Here in the West, we don't consider Buddhism to be very constrictive (religion lite), but the amount of nonsensical brainwashing involved is at least as damaging as Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, if not more so. To top this off, ancestor worship is not optional, so if it turns out that her family is an abusive influence, she would rather die than de-FOO. I know he's been downvoted a lot recently, but make sure you read Blackfish's reply regarding Asian culture. He seems to have many years of experience with it. I dated and lived with a Thai woman living in the States using phony documents for about a year. The whole time she was pressuring me for marriage or kids, for obvious reasons, and her behavior was erratic so it got to the point where I just didn't trust her, and would not sleep with her (she had already admitted to being an illegal immigrant). One day, she said she had to go on a road trip to visit a family member and disappeared. The next time I heard from her was about six months later when she had come back to get her belongings. She was pregnant and had a new American husband in tow. The woman was a genuine psychopath, but she was living in the states with purpose of sending money back to her parents who did not work and were the sole care takers of her nephew. It could have been a lie of all I know, but like Blackfish said, do your research, ask questions, and go out and visit her family on a whim to see if everything is on the level. I was so relieved that I dodged that bullet. Hopefully, no one is aiming their sights at you.
  22. What hurts me the most is that he lied to me and told me it was an accident just after it happened. I came into the bathroom when I heard my mom crying, and saw the blood. I knew he was lying and I couldn't figure out why, yet I was too scared to ask. Fast forward thirty years, and he is able to admit that they were arguing and he backhanded her in the nose, but my mom will not acknowledge that this ever happened.
  23. What do you like to stack? I've been going with 2014 Silver Eagles (I just started this year) and they're generally $4-5 over the spot price.
  24. Relevant Larkin Rose video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cElTyqJkMEw#t=41
  25. I admit I skimmed the article a bit. Empathy is crucial for people understand why they shouldn't violate the non-aggression principle. It is not a good guide for determining who you should help, so I agree that empathy based altruism in a concept that we should be careful throwing around simply because you can't universalize a commandment to be altruistic. That desire has to come from the true self, so selfishness breeds true altruism. Empathy, which is often characterized as "sympathy for victim classes" in the media and politics, is masquerading as virtue a lot these days. This is false or dishonest altruism.
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