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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Is divorcing the mother of the step-children on the table? It should be. It sounds like the family is in for some turbulence not matter what. It is well known that infant neglect and abuse manifest in rebellion around puberty. I started butting heads with my father, who was perpetually absent from my childhood, around thirteen or fourteen. Why does this man have daughters and step-daughters? Where is the first mother? Wasn't one brood enough for this guy or does he have an itch that can only be scratched by pounding the cervix? Since he married a single mother, I question his common sense, and his ability to smooth over this situation. He will never have authority over the step-daughters, and it sounds like he will never have their respect.
  2. "I say we take off and nuke the entire Patriarchy from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Ellen Ripley
  3. If this happens, by all means, go balls deep because all hell will be breaking loose in the economy. At the moment, with current prices, investors are continually nibbling at the cheese. I think slow and steady wins the race, though. Buy incrementally every time there's a substantial pull back. If you are sitting on the sidelines waiting for a crash, you might miss it in the chaos, or as Mike Maloney & Company like to point out, historically curirency revaluation happen over a holiday weekend when there isn't much news going on. If you aren't paying attention, for example, on January 2, we could have a new dollar that's worth 1/1000 of the old dollar through executive fiat. You're going to have a problem filling up you gas tank to drive to work supposing you still have a job. I'd like to have a little bit of a hedge against that scenario.
  4. Wow, this community is fearless. I applaud everyone speaking out for the better treatment of children when they have no voice of their own. I can only imagine what this heinous mother posted on Twitter once she locked herself in her car. "OMG, a creepy man stuck up for my son and then threatened me! Should I call the police??"
  5. This is a false premise (about me).
  6. I have a problem with the concept of egalitarism in most instances. We aren't born as equals, we aren't raised as equals, and we aren't expected to act as equals. I think we should just stop using the word outside of mathematics. Egalitarianism, as a political theory, completely falls apart when you try to apply it to reality as a form of social justice. The only equality we actually possess as a species is our right to freedom if we can operate under the philosophy of non-aggression.
  7. I find this comment particularly concerning. I'm happy that sex is an awesome experience for you. It usually is for everyone, which means that there's nothing particularly special about a woman who is amazing in bed. I would also be highly suspicious of any women who possesses a lot of talent in the bedroom at such a young age. Do you know how many prior relationship she has had, and why they failed? I would keep all these items in mind when thinking critically about your relationship, and its future. Why are you talking to her dad so candidly, and why does it matter that you have his blessing to marry her? Shouldn't it be your goal to have better and more open conversations with his daughter? Her dad can't divorce you and sue you for child support in ten years, having you thrown into prison if you refuse to pay it.
  8. Romantic male lead says to female lead: "The only thing I like about me is you." Romantic female lead says to male lead, "I thought you were PMS." Who sees this relationship working out? I'd give the move a chance just to see the parts about sharing childhood histories, but it's Joss Whedon, so I'm not holding my breath for anything profound. He's the king of style over substance.
  9. You did have valid concerns about market manipulation. Gold and especially silver could fall up to 50% more in the short term. This will make for a lot better buying opportunities. On the other hand, it could never be cheaper than it is right now. You don't really know what is going on, or what the effects of government mismanagement and manipulation will be. Molyneux and Schiff have some great insights on the future of bitcoin and precious metals as replacement currencies for the American Dollar. However, we all know that the dollar will not go down without a fight. It's in its death throws right now, and there's going to be a lot of collateral damage. I'm spreading my eggs as wide and in as many baskets as I can. I know that we preach non-aggression here, but everyone is going to have to be prepared to use to violence in self-defense, physically and economically.
  10. For someone with so little patience, you've already replied three times and contributed little to the discussion. Did you watch the video or read the book, which is the subject of the video?
  11. Good on you, Nicholas. I dislike the passive-aggressive boys are too rough characterization of the male gender, especially when they get scolded for it, like this mother did by pulling his hair. How is pulling his hair going to teach him to be more gentle? My inner-white knight almost sided with the mother instead of the child. Ugh.
  12. Perhaps there is a particular item you wish to discuss or an argument you want to put forward.
  13. This is a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Arthur_Schopenhauer It is more accurately translated from German as, "Man can do as he wants, but cannot want what he wants." I'm assuming Schopenhauer was speaking of an inability for humans to contain sexual desires, but I am not sure. This is the context Ryan gives to it.
  14. I highly recommend Sex at Dawn. It provides a lot of great insight into the rise of agriculture, statism and marriage from our H-G origins. Read it alongside Origins of War in Child Abuse, and you will have a very clear picture of why our modern sexual interactions are devastatingly corrupt. He doesn't actually come out and say property rights don't exist, and he is opposed to rape, which implies that property rights do exist. However, I think his conclusion that more monogamy equals more war implies a causation where there is only correlation. Looking at his perspective with an eye to the state, and its repeated violations of the non-aggression principle, creates a more logical and cohesive picture. A bigger state means more war, which kills more men than women skewing the demographics of a population and pressuring society toward greater hypergamy or non-monogamy to make more soldiers/taxpayers.
  15. Anyone who doubts that Feminism is Marxism 2.0 needs to read this article, which has Chicago, the birthplace of the labor movement, as its backdrop. Check the comments. People are crying foul about labor abuses and that teachers need to earn more.
  16. I would answer the question with a question of my own. "Does being a parent give you the right to treat a child is this way?"
  17. Thanks for the input, Nathan. I will find this very helpful in the near future as I'm reading through Jay Earley's Self-Therapy. I'm currently trying to map out my personality parts. I was frustrated when reading about RJ's experience because I must have been in his shoes hundreds of times before in public and said nothing to parents like this. The "Do you have kids?" defense is so predictable, and it bothers me on so many levels. For example, what if I was the child in the stroller, and the woman was my mother (or the homemaker who sat for me), and I was my only protector? I don't specifically recall a scenario like this happening during my early childhood, but I'm not willing to rule something like that out. In my memory, after stroller age, I was running all over the place in public, so it's possible I got a verbal reprimand followed by being snatched at some point, perhaps by an unrelated adult. Don't worry about the negs, MMX. I've got your back. You've hit a bad streak lately.
  18. There was a FDR show is the past year - Estrogen-based Parasites, I believe - where Stefan told the caller that while men almost always fantasize about women who are not wearing clothes, women imagine men wearing a uniform that affects an air of authority (a well-tailored three piece suit, military uniform, etc.). Even though I was in the habit of buying new clothes at least once a year, I never knew that what women imagine in their mind's eye when they wank off about men. Since women are largely focused on the materials in a relationship, and men are on the flesh, it stands to reason that men should be staying out of the gym and women should be there constantly. This is not the case as far as I've seen. There appear to be equal numbers of men and women in gym classes, or men edge out women by a small margin. What this tells me is that men are really pumping iron for themselves (and/or other men as some sort of sexual dominance display). Why overdo exercise if you are just satisfying your own needs? Nutrition is far more important for long-term health, and frequent cardiovascular strain will deplete and damage your body over and relatively short time scale. I used to run two or three times a week, and it didn't do anything for my weight or stamina. It only beats up the body. I bought an old squat rack and weight bench and some barbells and I haven't ever looked back at running. A friend I used to go running with did 2.5 marathons in two years time and completely fucked his knees up, and doesn't run any more. People have this perverted Puritanical notion that health can only be obtained from self-abuse except they use the psychological term "will power". Take it easy, and don't get obsessed about it. Full disclosure: I injured my lower back doing a dead lift like an idiot, so I didn't really have as much exercise wisdom as I thought I did. The point I'm trying to convey is to be careful, and don't treat your body like a dog you want to punish. .
  19. I can't believe I forgot to include this video in this thread. It's about 90 minutes.
  20. We are missing a fairly obvious example of the inherent problem with joint ownership - divorce settlements. How does a divorced couple split ownership of the home and custody over the kids? In most cases, the resolution is not without some serious logistical complications, which is why family lawyers and mediators exist to serve divorced families.
  21. I'm not feeling very enthusiastic over CH's relationship advice, MMX. It sounds like the precise opposite of RTR. The male "game" is taking the valid emotional reaction to a woman, suppressing it, then turning the chessboard around after making a completely ludicrous move, and expecting the other player to not scratch her head for a while, or concede the game. I would rather beat my own meat for the rest of my life than have to engage in these kinds of tactics. I would be interested in discussing why the dread emotional distancing tactics work with a large portion of women. If they didn't work on a consistent basis, why would anyone man act in this manner?
  22. Hen-pecked! If we could ever characterize dating and sex as a free market, cock-blocking would be analogous to government regulation. Thanks for answering regarding the more personal details, Kevin. I wanted to tease out the details of the conversation a little more, and you provided it. Like you, I am intensely vulnerable to flattery. I am currently wondering how often this has been used against me in the past. When you described the seemingly natural reaction a couple of women had to you trying to disagree with them, it made me wonder if this is a common tactic women use to defuse disagreements with men. ("If I can encourage him to think about sex, his brain might temporarily shut down.") I'm also considering if I've ever seen two women calmly disagree while in mixed company. The Onion article suggests that this does not usually happen. Perhaps women have to conceal their true thoughts and feelings around other women because of what mothers do to their daughters when suppressing their true identity. Ladies, come on over and join the thread. So far, it's just a pistol party.
  23. As a perennial math class hater, I found this video to be encouraging. My first algebra teacher was a miserable man who often yelled at his students. It's no wonder that I did poorly in that class and had to solicit the help of my father to get almost every homework assignment completed that year. I needed a male role model goading me into doing math, otherwise I couldn't complete the assignments.
  24. Zelenn likened parenthood as a credential akin to having an advanced degree. Jamz, you mentioned credibility in the field of babysitting. I don't know of any children that get to interview their future parents for the role of mother and father, much less the rest of the extended family. There is no license or required training in order to become a parent. As I already mentioned, "Do you have children?" is a tactic in order to throw you off her scent. Would using RTR be helpful in a scenario like this? "I'm not trying to lay the blame on you for my feelings, but when you yelled at your daughter, it made me feel upset and anxious." It is likely that someone else has spoken up to her abuse before and you got to hear her canned response. If you start the interaction off on a different foot, perhaps she'll be pushed off balance by your approach.
  25. While we could probably have MMX cite a Rollo Tomassi blog explaining the evolutionary biology behind this specific mechanism, I want to point out how completely irrational it is. I know you feel it, too. Instead of admitting the possibility of being mistaken, the group of women you are contradicting takes aim at your sexual ego, knowing that it's the only wire left to cut to defuse the situation, like MacGyver flailing at the last second to disarm a bomb. I take it you are not currently seeing any of these women romantically. Did this tactic work to get them off the hook, so to speak? Did you just agree to disagree? When the woman has a male harem, she doesn't need to be sleeping with any of them, but one or more of them should be angling to sleep with her or else she won't have too much interest in the group. I am assuming there is some ulterior motive for a woman to hang out with a group of men, while dismissing the rest of femininity as crazy. Perhaps some women would rather be viewed as just one of the guys? Do you ever see one straight woman hanging out in a group of gay men? I don't believe I've seen than scenario outside of the general tendency for straight women to frequent gay clubs and bars in an attempt to avoid pick up artists.
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