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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Right. I would rather abstain from sexual activity than roast my undercarriage in 116 degree water every day for six weeks.
  2. Can you please elaborate a little on this statement? As far as I know, paying off the loan will cause a deflation in the money supply. Not taking out the loans in the first place is the best possible option if you want to constrain the Leviathan.
  3. Calling you a racist because you are not black and attempting to have a philosophic discussion is a shaming tactic only racists will use against you. Personally, it's times like these when I am glad that I extricated myself from Farcebook. I assuredly would have had several dozen people on there who would have changed their avatar in a slactivist attempt to promote this "grassroots" internet campaign to refuse to buy things from white people for Christmas. I believe it is an aesthetic choice, but isn't this the real racism? How do everyone justify following one isolated wrong (which might not even be wrong) with many greater and more terrible wrongs? Most people don't realize the hypocrisy of their statements and actions.
  4. A lot of people are going to have to eat very expensive hamburgers so that they get a return on their investment. You couldn't pay me to eat one of those. If we didn't have restrictive agricultural controls, meat products would a lot cheaper than they are now. Therefore, growing meat in a lab is simply a waste of time fueled by the inefficiencies of government. The only reason there would even be a market for this overpriced and unnecessary product is because the federal government successfully propagandized people into thinking that raising cattle is bad for the environment. I also want to point out that Google is very anti-Second Amendment, so everything else they do is tainted by this violation of gun rights.
  5. I haven't bothered to go to a Black Friday sale in almost a decade. I made the mistake of waking up at 4:00 in the morning to go to one once. They are not worth it most of the time. You have to camp out the night before to get your hands on the "doorbuster" deals, and you risk getting trampled by other people. Everyone with an IQ over 100 does their shopping on Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, or the weeks after Christmas. Those times are when you will get the best deals around the holidays.
  6. What does holiday commerce have to do with justice and police brutality? It's anyone's guess, but the #BlackoutBlackFriday movement is trending up and going viral. "Hyper-capitalism" is being targeted as a scapegoat in the wake of the Ferguson decision. How very ironic that the real victims are the small business owners of Ferguson, who had their stores looted and torched... again. http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/11/25/notonedime-black-friday-boycotts-planned-to-protest-ferguson-decision/ This has to be the most misguided attempt at directing economic sanctions ever. Some have suggested on Twitter to shop only at black owned stores, which is less misguided, but also stinks of classism and racism.
  7. A much simpler way of looking at the situation is that women are holding their eggs hostage, and we are compelled to play ball if we want access to the eggs. We have to be everything - wealthy, smart, funny, sweet, and brave - (happiness is optional) to gain access to those eggs. If you start showing vulnerability to a woman, she will sell you short the first chance she gets. I've seen it so many times. It all starts with mom, really. You were the reason she married your dad. In most cases you've already outlasted your utility to her, but what if mom and dad divorced and she never got remarried? You will start to be called on as the dutiful son if she needs support. This is why we need to open up child surrogacy to the free market. Political feminism has poisoned the male/female dynamic beyond repair. Statistics show that women are far more abusive towards children than men. Men are already starting to see that the healthier and more ethical choice is to seek families without the legal state-sanctioned bond of marriage to a woman. Marriage is a business arrangement, but one where women hold all the trump cards. Men are seeking to take it one logical step further and use the free market to promote child surrogacy. Women can sell their eggs and labor for the necessary compensation. Men can raise these children as they please, keeping them out of harm's way, and above all, bring back the benefits of strong male influence in the lives of the next generation.
  8. The only thing you can buy now is this herbal remedy from Indonesia which costs over $100 for thirty pills (I checked online), so theoretically you would have to pay at least $1200 a year assuming the proper dosage is one pill a day. I should have included this article in my original post, but the post got eaten by moderation and I couldn't edit it. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/feb/01/who-wants-male-contraceptive-pill-chauvinism Researchers in the field say that the problem is two fold. First, the pill must stop all sperm, and second, it must have acceptable or beneficial side effects. There is such a remedy in the UK, but they can't raise any money for funding continued research. Apparently, it has something to do with preventing ejaculate entirely, so the side effect is "dry firing".
  9. I thought that was Philip J. Fry falling off the bike for a moment.
  10. I would actually go to a theater again for a film like this, assume it gets distribution here in the Rockies. Hopefully, it will do better in the box office than Atlas Shrugged, which has a different cast and crew for every part due to tanking in sales.
  11. He's towing the line for the propaganda arm of the military and he hasn't ever joined yet? Let him join and find out just how much his country appreciates his service when he gets put on a non-treatment list after washing out of the Marines. I know a former Army Ranger who is still fighting with the VA after a few years over covering medical expenses.
  12. I'd like to initiate a dialog regarding the need for male oral birth control. As it stands, with all the technology we possess as humans, men only have three forms of birth control, and only one of them is 100% effective assuming no sperm jacking. 1. We can abstain from vaginal sex (or all sex). 2. We can undergo the invasive and often irreversible procedure of a vasectomy. 3. We can rely on condoms that sometimes "climb", slide off, break or leak, even if utilized properly. Proper sizing can be a really tricky issue. What men desperately need is a temporary oral contraceptive, so we can be sure that we are starting a family when we want to start a family. Take this recent story on Reddit that illustrates why men, single and married, both need an effective oral form of birth control. http://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/2n45v8/my_28_m_close_friend_28_m_had_a_vasectomy_and_is/ What are your thoughts on this topic? I would like to hear them, pro or con. Thank you! ETU
  13. What feminists don't want to admit is that this is how men also find themselves being raped and maneuvered into sexual situations when they are in no shape to consent to sex. Being an alcoholic, I know from experience. Why is it acceptable to excuse drunken behavior for women, but not for men? The guy who passes out drunk on the sofa at a party gets subjected to all manners of abuse. Why can't men have the same set of automatic excuses under the umbrella of victim-shaming? When you attempt to universalize the concepts of the ideology to apply to men, feminists will treat you with contempt. How dare you presume the sexes are equal!
  14. Malcolm Gladwell includes some insightful studies that he cites in Blink that deal with race. There was one in the Chicago area performed at car dealerships. The black people who participated in the study were quoted statistically higher prices on vehicles. The conclusion they came to is that people, even other blacks, can't help but see blacks as unintelligent so there is an unconscious tendency for car salesmen to take advantage. Studies such as these provide all the reason we need to convince people to stop or ignore the race baiting going on in the media because it does blacks a disservice by painting them as stupid, helpless victims. The same reasoning should be applied to feminist victim-shaming rhetoric, which doesn't give women the same moral agency as we typically give children. Imagine if no one talked about race inequality for a generation or two? Racism would be eliminated from the collective unconscious.
  15. It's a hedge against inflation, and currency default, which mathematically has to happen, probably in the next five or ten years. It doesn't matter if the grocery store won't accept numismatic coins. Someone will pay top dollar for them. Have you heard of Gresham's Law? No one will use precious metals or crypto currency at the local depot anyway, because they are deflationary and well gain in purchasing power over time. Paper money does not behave this way; it loses value over time. The bad money chases the good money out of the market place.
  16. Luxfelix makes a good point, though. Knowing and acknowledging your family's history is probably more important than discussing politics over Thanksgiving. I think it is important for children to have self-knowledge. Parents need to allow their children to explore and find out who they are, and who they want to become. Too often child self-knowledge is squelched at the behest of the parent. That's where the emotional barriers originate.
  17. I'm not going to presume to know what is right for Ellisante to do. That is up to him to decide. I know we that we don't have an entirely free market, either, but it is far from restrictive. We should still strive to live live there is a free market. That's why I asked if he was forced against his will to take out the loan. I don't think he was forced by any stretch of the imagination. He did have an alternative choice to not take out a loan. He also could have pursued personal financing like asking family and friends for help, or running a Kickstarter, kiva.org, or GoFundMe campaign to secure the money. You are misinformed about banks, in general. Banks don't want debtors to pay off loans. They want to keep collecting interest and be able to use that theoretical money for their balance sheets. If he pays off the loan, that money disappears. Debt creates money. How do you think the Federal Reserve works? School debt is the perfect vehicle for a financial bubble because it resists popping. You can't declare bankruptcy to shed the debt, although you can get it deferred if you plead extreme poverty. The debtors typically have little or nothing that can be repossessed to pay off the loan. You are forced to slowly pay it off until you die. This is the perfect scenario for bankers because they keep collecting interest on imaginary money and are able to loan out more based on the money that is created from nothing. Imagine the financial chaos if everyone decided to pay off their debts tomorrow. It will never happen because that money doesn't exist without borrowing more, but it's thought provoking exercise. I wonder where all the interest generated from student loans goes. I saw this article. http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/20039/ Could the President be offering amnesty to get an army of undocumented Americans into debt by convincing them to go to college? Hmmm, I wonder. This would be a pretty ingenious tactic to get the student loan debt to balloon more in the immediate future. I recommend reading a book called the Creature from Jeckyll Island for a detailed history on banking. Disclaimer: the last few chapters are about the New World Order. The Ascent of Money is also a great book for understanding how the financial industry started and evolved.
  18. In a free market society, someone who doesn't pay their debts will likely be economically ostracized if they don't voluntarily work off that debt. It's a voluntary choice, to be sure, but you have to face the consequences of your actions. To argue that paying off a debt is immoral, you have to make a whole set of assumptions about the bank that originated the loan, which may or may not be true. Were you coerced into taking out the loans for school?
  19. Personally, I was a little ticked off that he was parading his infant child in front of the camera as a promoter or sidekick. Your kids aren't video blog cheerleaders. I stopped the video at the very beginning with the impression that the blogger was a terrible douche for exploiting children.
  20. How would it be cheaper when there are naturally born fish already out there waiting to be fished? Also, how is growing fish in a laboratory any less cruel than fishing them? Why would you assume there is any suffering in fishing and why does it matter? Do fish follow the non-aggression principle?
  21. If you buy everything you need in BTC and receive all your income in BTC, you do not have to report it. They are considered an asset, not a currency, so if you never turn them in for dollars, you pay no taxes. If fact, the government has no way of knowing how much in crypto assets you actually have. Why would you do something dumb like buy a Ferrari? I know the thread started out with not paying back school debts, but along the way, taxes were mentioned (I think it was Powder) and it made me think of the Silk Road take downs and Bitcoins.
  22. It occurred to me the other day that the real reason the Feds take down dark net websites like the Silk Road is not because they peddle unregistered guns, drugs and other contraband. The real reason they have to take these websites down is because they have to squelch the business model of an underground marketplace that uses cryptocurrency before it spreads to more mainstream goods and services. The fact that Silk Road deals in illicit drugs is simple coincidence. If you could buy heroin at the local drug store, there wouldn't be as much profit in it in an open market. Imagine a world where you could buy or sell anything on the free market without being taxed at the federal, state or municipal level. You could brew beer out of your garage, and distribute it without government oversight or taxation. This is just one of the many examples we could think up.
  23. I wrote a lengthy blog about rape culture. It was prompted by Aaron Burnett III writing that all men need to take efforts to stop rape culture, which they are responsible for creating. Essentially, rape culture shames men into feeling guilty about rape. It's purpose is not to empower women to act responsibly. The purpose is to shame men. Here is a snippet about the concept of inverse activism, which I'd like to flesh out more in the future with regard to the Affordable Care Act. The whole piece is a little long (2300 words) but the relevant bits are in the first nine paragraphs. http://www.endtheusurpation.com/home/?p=9
  24. Buying most stocks right now would be a serious blunder. The buying opportunities right now are in the mining and petroleum stocks. Petrol will probably rally in the short run, but I wouldn't want to be holding the bag when the next recession hits the market. I'm slowly tucking my assets away in food, guns, ammo, crypto-currencies, and silver with some gold and platinum. Watch this relevant Peter Schiff video from three weeks ago.
  25. I don't know about clothes and shoes in particular, but there have been indications that eBay has become a clearing house for counterfeit goods. http://www.cnet.com/news/ebay-settles-lengthy-lawsuit-with-lvmh-over-counterfeit-goods/
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