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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. He specifically comments on race and correlated behavior. "Catcalls are anti-game for white women." He also adds the editorial of "white, slender women are the world's most desirable." I'm not saying that I agree with his opinions, but the claim "catcalls repulse white women," can be objectively measured should we want to go through the trouble of experimenting. You could also demonstrate how often white men catcall compared to others. If it does pan out as a valid observation, that white women respond less favorably to catcalls than other women, then Shoshana's video seems patently ridiculous. Why would she make a video that demonstrates that she doesn't like all the awkward attention she gets in neighborhoods she probably doesn't normally frequent? If she did like the attention, logic holds that she would frequent those areas.
  2. I'm not much of a fan of Tumblr picture campaigns. While it is heart-breaking to see a person's facial expressions in the picture, it would promote more of an understanding if the victims were able to speak, and confront their pain. There is an emotional aspect to the human voice that is much more expressive than one frame frozen in time with their words written on a placard. Nevertheless, some of the pictures evoked feelings inside me, like the man who was molested by his TKD teacher and waited 20 years to admit that it happened to someone else. Scrolling through a bunch of pictures of faces and words on your iPhone allows indifference to take control and the emotional reality can easily be dismissed.
  3. It's probably not worth listening to the Bret Eaton Ellis podcast where these quotes originated: http://podcastone.com/Bret-Easton-Ellis-Podcast#previousEpisodes, but here it is in case anyone is curious. October 6th, 2014 is the one with Rose McGowan. "I would love to get to a place where gender politics are neutral." "Since I still have to talk about it, then you people out there have to listen." - Rose McGowan on the sexism of Hollywood Oh, goody. It sounds like she's bitter that she catered to the "male gaze" of cinema by consenting to being objectified in cheesy roles, and now she wants to be taken seriously as a feminist filmmaker.
  4. You are forgetting that culture is largely an imagined construct, whereas race can be objectively defined. Race provides an objective framework for discussion; tastes in popular music, not so much. For example, are you more likely to be assaulted by a fan of jazz music or Baroque music?
  5. Beating a six month old! There is no way you can steel yourself enough to watch the brutality and hear the smacking sounds. I am so angry right now.
  6. Look at all of those cold evil stares from the women seated behind him! Is this a recent clip? Obama's been trying to sell the pre-school idea for a while now.
  7. I like the three treasure you list, Josh. The reason being that these three virtues are sorely missing from our society in these corrupt times. People have the arrogance to think that democratically elected representatives know what is best. How is moderation possible to practice when the currency is controlled so heavily by the state? Compassion towards children is often characterized as a fatal weakness. ("You've gotta toughen those kids up!") In these respects, Daoism should certainly be examined again from a voluntarist mindset.
  8. There are only four acceptable things you should ever say to law enforcement or government agent. The more you say, the worse your outcome will be. 1. I will not answer questions./I wish to remain silent. 2. Am I being detained? 3. Am I free to go? 4. Is that an order?
  9. Like most Libertarians, where there is smaller government, there must be bigger religion. Daoism relies heavily on mysticism to explain the world. I would contend that this is in direct opposition to Objectivism. Perhaps there would be a way to update Daoism to the modern era and shed all the spiritual trappings, but as it stands, Daoism appeals mainly to the mystics, who do not follow reason, as a general rule. I don't think wuwei can be modernized or universalized. You can't consciously practice it like a virtue, since by definition, you cannot overtly choose to follow it (free will). If you try to practice wuwei, it's not wuwei. Water flows downstream because it's water. People aren't like water. It sounds like a spiritual form of determinism.
  10. What does abuse or molestation look like if not this? I think there is a danger in not considering what happened to be abuse at all. Lena was six years older than her sister, Grace. Her sister was one year old when the abuse started! What if a prominent male actor wrote about playing with his little sister's vagina and then tried to pass it off as normal to the world in a memoir? There is a gaping double standard going on here that says that it's okay for abuse to occur as long as there isn't a penis involved anywhere in it. Jezebel just posted a new article defending Lena, but I the backlash was so severe that the body of the article was deleted. http://jezebel.com/the-right-to-a-sexual-narrative-on-the-lena-dunham-abu-1654187731/all Edit: It must have been Chrome botching the page. I could only see the comments and thought the author retracted.
  11. If they walk freely and proudly among us, why do they hire body guards? Also, I wonder how close your friend was to being shot. As soon as he engaged Clinton, the guards must have had one hand on their weapon, ready to unholster it. If it was me and I had a chance to say something to Clinton, I would ask him how the Lewinsky cigar tasted (assuming he smoked it), and then finish it off with an ironic comment like, "If only all presidents could be honored by impeachment." There is absolute no reason to engage in a serious discussion. Where could it possibly go except badly for you?
  12. To do the communal ownership scenario, you have to have a local dictator running the books and making all the decision for exactly the reason dsayers is spelling out. Everyone wants the benefits of communal living because they don't have to invest in many necessities themselves. This is how the state works. It's a hippy commune at the national level with charismatic narcissists in charge of the commune. The commune concept starts to fall apart when you realize that eating, shitting, breathing and fucking are also communally owned. What woman is going to want to live on you sex farm when you tell her that she do not have sexual autonomy?
  13. Thanks for the clarification. I misunderstood the Buzzfeed article. I must have skimmed it too quickly. Isn't it interesting that the victim, Grace, identifies as gay, but Lena, the instigator of the abuse, is not? Did Grace know that she was gay before she was molested at age two or three. or is it an ex post facto justification for her older sister's actions? Would we be having the same discussion if Lena was a straight male and playing doctor?
  14. If it was a simple matter of stuffy conservatives mis-characterizing her story, why is her victim (sister) also speaking out against her?
  15. I think two mistakes were made. 1. Settling down with a 9/10 woman. Obviously, you've known each other for a long time, but if you don't truly know each other or yourselves, she's likely to constantly want to trade you in for a better man, also known as hypergamy. There's the song, "If you want to happy for the rest of your life..." I know you guys aren't married, but in some places you would probably be recognized as a common law couple. 2. When she admitted to being attracted to another man at work, you both agreed to assume it meant there was something wrong with the relationship. This does not necessarily follow. People are sexually attracted to new people and strangers all the time, but it doesn't mean that these impulses must be true and carried out. Why did you not feel bad about hurting your girlfriend's feelings? I'm not saying that you should have, but it is interesting to note that you had the capacity for sympathy with women you knew for a considerably shorter period of time. Were you angry with your girlfriend for being attracted to another man and wanting to act on it?
  16. Governments aside, is it ethical for a teacher or parent to have a sexual relationship with their child/student? I used the term step-parent and legal guardian to avoid the incest taboo being taken into consideration. What I'm trying to get at here is the relationship between parent and child is analogous to the relationship between teacher and student. They are both in a position of authority over the younger persons in the equation.
  17. I have trouble wrapping my brain around this. Children that are raised in a loving home don't go feral and start biting the hand that feeds them. If the aunt and uncle were often spending time with their nieces and nephews, where were the parents? Was it a "hot potato" arrangement where the parents are offloading all their kids on the childless couple?
  18. I don't get it. Why would Dunham write about trying to groom her sister sexually, then start denying it when other people blog about it? Was her book meant to be a work of fiction? Something smells fishy here.
  19. I see what you mean. The word, sensible, I pulled straight from the Google definition of the word judgement. I do see how sensible could be used to color human interactions, "Be sensible for Pete's sake!" What is the bottom line, if you want to have non-violent communications? Do you have to objectively define every word before having a discussion, like in formal debates? It could be difficult to universalize words such as funny, because some people will laugh at a particular joke, and some will not. Intelligent (or stupid) could be universalized, as you suggested, if we could run people through IQ tests on a semi-regular basis (results may change over time). What are the opposite of jackal words? Can you give some examples?
  20. Vote with your dollar and buy weapons. Shotgun, handgun, and rifle is a well-rounded home defense system. You just voted three times in this election!
  21. I'll try again. Why does the anarchist have to either reject anarchy or reject an individual's right to form government? Might there be third (or fourth) option?
  22. You should tell your wife how you feel about public school, and the savage treatment you received there. Wouldn't you feel terrible subjecting your child to the same? School is different now, too. Teachers will identify kids who have trouble learning or behaving and manufacture excuses to get them on pharmaceuticals. One of my friends got child services on his family's case because someone at school thought his son had cigarette burns on his arm. It was actually a scab from a bug bite. Needless to say, he and his wife were interviewed and recommended for family counselling where their son (but not their daughter) was prescribed Ritalin. Case closed, all better! I don't know if you realize this, but you are painting yourself as an economic prisoner (a slave) to your wife and children. Do you feel this way? If so, why?
  23. I posted this link in Current Events. Perhaps it has some relevance. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41447-big-brother-is-alive-and-well-in-boston/?hl=boston Part of my quasi-rational fears lie in coupling this technology with drones. How plausible does it sound that one day, in the bleak statist future, surveillance drones will find and flag "persons of interest" for the authorities to round up?
  24. Check out this forum. http://laserpointerforums.com/ Apparently, some people like to build their own. Also, the SMU-100 would accomplish this feat, no problem. I don't know about the price tag, though. Here's a 500mW output model that retails for US$500 with an effective range of two miles. http://www.armlaser.com/laser-weapon-500mw-green-dazzler-p-70.html
  25. When you frame his life like that, Brand's ridiculousness starts to make sense. This is all the more reason to argue that he should stay far, far away from politics or social commentary. He hasn't quite slain his personal demons so he's likely going to take it out on the rest of the world in his capacity as public figure.
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