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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. On one hand you are arguing that rocket technology and space flight are unprofitable to develop, and then on the other hand arguing that alien arthropods would find faster than light space travel profitable enough to make it all the way to Earth to eat or enslave us. Why would space bugs find this behavior profitable if we do not? If space travel is not profitable, why develop it in the first place?
  2. Over one million male infants are circumcised in America each year, and over one hundred die due to complications from this procedure. Over two hundred thousand men are forcibly raped each year. Why don't women want to hear about this? I wrote a blog commemorating International Men's Day with some of my thoughts about this topic. http://www.endtheusurpation.com/home/?p=51 Please tell me what you think.
  3. Imagine how much money we would save if we stopped getting married and throwing expensive weddings. You will notice that many of the purchases unapproved by women have a serious social stigma attached to it. Computers, soldering irons, and networking equipment belong in man caves. I used to run LAN parties with a friend years before everyone had broadband internet, and no women ever showed up. Men know that women don't approve of these activities because it's not money spent on them, and men know that they can use it as an excuse to get away from the ball and chain if they choose.
  4. It pretty easy to wrap the brain around Sandman as he frequently talks about his family. His father is a white knight, and his mom is a narcissist. This is the universal recipe for male disposability and disaster. Show me a man or woman who didn't spawn from some variation of this family dynamic. I'm interested in dictation and recording for my own channel. Can you recommend a decent, yet affordable headset for this? I've attempted to record and dictate with my $20 Logitech headset and it turns out horribly.
  5. It was just a passing reference to the game theory of the market in this particular video. He also mentioned it in one of the videos addressing the Molyneux debate. Being totally unschooled on Game Theory, I have a problem applying it to the free market, mainly because it's not a game. One of the most suspicious aspects of TZM is the world's resources being managed entirely by a super computer. Who writes the programs? Who maintains the infrastructure? What TZM doesn't explain is that there would have to be a built in technocracy behind the scenes running the show.
  6. Sandman has several no nonsense videos on online dating.
  7. If you are debating with someone who doesn't believe in the universal validity of property rights, ask them if they have locks on their doors. If so, why? If the person you are debating is female, ask them if they have property rights over their own uterus, which is part of the means of production for new people. If so, why? You will very quickly find that proponents of communism do indeed value their own property rights, but not the rights of others.
  8. Libertarians have their own political party and vote, so I am confused by this assertion that the state is preferable to dealing with individual libertarians. Go read Practical Anarchy. Libertarians still want a state for practical reasons, but want to take orders from gods instead of politicians.
  9. It's not so much that they logically cannot exist somewhere in the universe, but that the odds that they exist and have faster than light space travel in order to visit Earth makes your claim impossible or near enough to impossible to exclude it ever happening. Slap the suggestion on top of it that they would come to Earth to subjugate the human race and want us to worship them like gods, and it is now a concrete impossibility. A successful space faring race would be peaceful traders and not interplanetary warmongers. Ever notice how humans fight wars all the time, but we don't have commercial interplanetary space travel yet? I read a book about the theory of live existing in the universe in high school, but I cannot remember the title right now. If I remember it, I'll let you know.
  10. How about a Minecraft server where you can't spank your children? I wonder when people will start understanding that the NAP doesn't apply to animals. There is nothing inherently moral about any interaction with them. I have to admit that the amount of lab mice researchers go through is a little sickening (over 100 million a year according to PETA's website), but I'm not going to grab a sign over it. Eating other animals for food is a human practice with a long tradition, so long that even other animals do it. If animals are allowed to eat each other without any moral consequence, certainly we should be allowed to consume them without being accused of ethical misdeeds. If the intelligent aquatic mammals, such as the dolphin and whale, are nearly as smart as humans, why do they get a free pass on eating fish without the moral condemnation of the vegan sisterhood? The answer is simple. They do no acknowledge the non-aggression principle as a valid philosophy, are known to rape and murder their own kind, including infants, even injuring or killing humans. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2009/05/13/dolphins_are_violent_predators_that_kill_their_own_babies.html
  11. I'm going to second what Dsayers is saying, as I often tend to do. Don't blame yourself at all for being a sister, good or bad. Your brother is in a bad place, and probably has some form of chemical dependency. I spent the large part of the last twenty years being medicated, usually drunk, but it all started with pills prescribed to me to make my depression go away, which was actually latent abandonment issues from my early childhood. It all starts within the family. It's on your parents to get him real help, not a tough-love military boot camp. He may be a legal adult next year, but there's no way he's leaving the nest any time soon, or he risks going to an adult prison. I would get on your mom and dad's case about therapy and rehab, and no pills! They need to admit that they made mistakes and they want to make amends for you and him. You can't fix the problem if your parents are unwilling to admit there is a problem. I think you should be a little more worried about you than fixated on your brother. You've come to an internet forum on behalf of your brother. You are clearly the emotionally stronger sibling, and therefore, you're internalized all the neglect, pain, and abuse. You may have it figured out now, but what happens when you start dating? I'm assuming you are heterosexual and will subconsciously use the model of your parent's relationship, which sounds like an unmitigated disaster, for your own. The third and fifth points in Spenc's reply seem particularly relevant to me. You noticed that your brother withdrew emotionally, like his father. Are you taking on the attributes of your mother? Please tell me that you came up with the forum name, Nutgirl26, because you like eating nuts. Nut or nutty is a euphemism for crazy, and I hope you haven't internalized the idea that you are crazy like your mother is. Or, if you have, that you are aware of it. So far we're got nut, craziness, and insane. These aren't great indications. Also, you took solace in religion. Another bad sign. It is also clear that your mom used you as her outlet for her agitation. Most people call this "bitching" but I think feminists have successfully stolen this word away from us. I'm not quite sure of this but perhaps your brother started emulating his father in order to defend himself from this emotional abuse from mom. I am assuming your parents were separated by this point. I don't think he would have stayed around your mother for very long if he had any semblance of sanity left. Finally, it hurts me that you and Anthony had to experience a childhood like this. I hope both of you get the help and support that you need, if you want it.
  12. There is nothing rational about feminism. It is a movement designed to disrupt our pair bonding rituals at the expense of men. The birth control pill allowed women to game the system and hold men subjugated by the uneasy threat of hypergamy. Why don't men have birth control pills yet in the 21st Century? It would totally disrupt the already disrupted balance in power between men and women on the sexual level. Family law is one of the most lucrative and booming legal practices. It is not an accident that this has come to pass. How do you get rid of dead beat dads in a voluntary society? Don't have children with them. It's that simple. (This is what the birth control is for, girls!) I have a sneaking suspicion that this concept of the dead beat dad is a man shaming tactic for those guys who feel like they were tricked by women who claimed to be on birth control, and refuse to pay child support by fleeing the state. I've known a guy for years now that got his girlfriend pregnant at 20. He never talks about the mother of his son. I can't even remember her name, and I know I've asked him about her before. Every summer his son (now 14 or so) comes to visit with him. The details are a bit hazy now but when the mom got pregnant, she decided to drop out of school and move back in with her family (in another state). Obviously, if they were to have a shot at staying together as a family, he would have to move with her, which he wasn't willing to do while still in college. It's going on 15 years and this guy is still paying child support for his son and supervising him for a couple months out of the year when school is out. No woman will settle down with him, and he has basically relegated himself to extreme serial dating with girls just out of college or in grad school. Every time something gets serious, the girl decides to break up with him. The mother basically got a drop out of college free card and a legally guaranteed meal ticket for the next 18-20 years. What did the father get out of it? A son he barely sees, a steep monthly pussy tax, and no sane woman wants to stay with him.
  13. I'll leave this here for your perusal: https://www.facebook.com/WomenCriminals (I dug it out of the article comments section.) I also think Kalmia is on to something regarding prison I don't think prison is designed to lock up the violent in our society. These people go into politics, military or law enforcement. The people who go to jail are the people that threaten the existing system or attempt to operate or exist outside of it. If prison was really all about locking up violent people, we wouldn't be seeing articles about freeing the non-violent female criminals. There wouldn't be any non-violent criminals, male or female.
  14. It is universally true that a woman's outward appearance is strictly the concern of other women. Men are conditioned to compliment women that doll themselves up because if they do not, they will typically be rejected out of hand. When a man goes a on a date with a woman, he is told to compliment the date at least twice and it must be about her appearance. (From the book, How to Succeed with Women.) When it comes down to it, men don't really care about the cost of her shoes, the designer of her purse, or how many cosmetic enhancements she has. All we need to know is if the eggs are fresh. As far as obesity goes, the male species does generally not find it attractive in females because the disease of obesity adds unnecessary complications to pregnancy. There is a substantially greater risk for still birth, miscarriage, and gestational diabetes.
  15. I came here expecting the ex-wife to have anti-gravity breasts. After clicking on the link, I am sorely disappointed. There's not much to the story to discuss but it doesn't vaguely indicate she has a mental problem. If you have a ton of assests, you had better plan on staying with your wife until one of you dies while licking her butt clean every chance you get, or you'll have a pack of hungry lawyers coming after you before long.
  16. Could any amount of satire make Peter Joseph funny? Anyway, the content of the video is irrelevant to this conversation. It was the presentation of the video that welcomed the reaction. We didn't bully the original poster at all. He posted the video knowing full well what the overall reaction would be, feigned a desire to spread laughter, contradicted himself in a later post, and took it personally when few thought it was funny. It's not even his video. That's kindergarten level, passive-aggressive troll behavior, like Brentb suggested - a person that insults you to your face, then tells you to laugh it off when you take offense. In fact, he overtly suggests that we lack a sense of humor in his first post before we had a chance to watch it. Compare this thread to any of the ones Ken Cotton has started. At least Ken puts effort and a little thought into his posts, but we are very aware that he's deriving a deep pleasure in asking us to spin our wheels in the mud of relativist philosophy engaging with him..
  17. Great book, I still own a copy. I keep forgetting it was adapted for the screen. Thank you for reminding me!
  18. This pains me to hear, Danielle. I experienced yelling and throwing/breaking objects as a child. It's a cold feeling inside my gut. I also started emulating this destructive behavior as a teenager and adult. Luckily, I outgrew it eventually. This is a bad situation for you and any children you decide to have with your roommate. You should research on Padmapper for any sublets or spare rooms in your area, and get out. I would rather be homeless than live with someone this abusive. He may not be hitting you now, but he has clearly demonstrated to you that he has no wish to help himself. It sounds like he has a ton of family history to be angry about. Why let him vent this frustration at you? It doesn't solve his problems. I don't see how not wanting to be alone makes you a parasite. You don't have to be alone if you leave. This man may even go to great lengths in ensure that you stay alone... with him.. Also, why aren't your friends encouraging you to leave? That is a question to ask yourself. I'm not looking to get an definitive answer. I also don't understand why you need an abusive, angry, uncaring lover to monitor your eating behavior. If anything, I would think that the longer you stay around him, the more of a negative impact it will have on your self-image and thus, your anorexia. (I don't even have an amateur knowledge of anorexia, so take my observation at face value.)
  19. It will never happen. Such as being would not be a deity, just an alien. You should probably be trying to logically argue that aliens exist instead and that they have the capacity to enslave us, which is similarly impossible, but for different reasons. Copy-pasted from previous God thread: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42309-what-would-convince-me-that-god-exists/
  20. It is far more likely that a forty year business owner will fall on hard times because the federal, state or local government passed a particular regulation aimed at putting him out of business (GMO laws and farmers as one example). If it was just the free market at work and the government stayed out of it, you would be able to do research within your market to get a feel for which way the wind is blowing and make changes to compensate. The power that government has to make laws is so extreme you could be put out of business at any moment. There are some rumblings going on within the Liberty movement recently that the current administration wants to regulate the internet like a public utility in order to squeeze all the independent journalists out there making a buck online. If this does transpire, websites like this one could be in jeopardy.
  21. I get confused whenever Jospeh speaks because he brings Game Theory into the mix when he defines what capitalism is. What does playing chess have to do with trading goods? In chess, you either win, lose, or stalemate. In free trade, everybody wins otherwise the trade doesn't take place. Applying Game Theory to trade assumes that the players are forced to engage in trade. Does anyone force you to buy products from Walmat? No, you choose where and with whom to trade.
  22. If I said that your Corvette was mine, that does not necessarily make it so unless I paid or traded you for it.
  23. We did practice shooting with the firearm tucked in towards the side of the body with the target immediately in front of the booth like we were in a melee with weapon out. Overall, I did not receive the value I thought I would get out of the class, other than it being required to apply for a CCW. If I ever take another class, it will be one of those weekend long combat training courses where they take the time to teach situation awareness and de-escalation in mock scenarios.
  24. I am sorry that you were raised Catholic. I can't imagine what the perpetual guilt is like to feel along with the shaming you experienced from your mother. Ulcerative Colitis is no walk in the park, either, when you've had the runs for a three weeks straight. Anorexia sounds like an awful experience. I'm all about eating nutritionally dense foods with the most fats. They trigger the feeling of being full much better than other foods. To me, this is the best feeling in the world. I don't have any ethical problems with exotic dancing as long as no one is breaking the non-aggression principle. However, you have to ask yourself what kind of men you will attract in relationships. You haven't told us much about the current boyfriend, but if you are feeling disgust towards him, perhaps it is the projected disgust you feel for yourself. "How can he love possibly love me?" I'm going to get real here and say that I have gotten involved with exotic dancers. I wasn't going to the venue and picking them up there, but meeting them on the street or in a bar and finding out later that they sometimes danced or used to dance. Now I wonder if this was actually a shit test aimed at gauging my self-worth. If I did not act revolted then I was not long term relationship material. I also have a funny feeling that the majority of ex-dancers would likely bury that history when they met a man with whom they wanted marriage and children. Looking back, I did not have the intention of settling down with any of these women, but interestingly enough, none of the dancers were at all comfortable entering into a monogamous relationship with me. It's as if they already knew I wasn't the one, and just decided to string me along with sex for as long as they could manage. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that you are a parasite just because you worked as an exotic dancer. What is more important is how you feel about it. You called it "mindless work" so I suspect that at some level you hold some contempt for the trade.
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