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Everything posted by KelbyLion

  1. Thank you for posting this.
  2. Hello zurtweiter. It's fantastic that you have already made an appointment, for me that was the hardest part. In my experience I was terrified the first time as well. I remember feeling embarrassed and scared to share my thoughts. I had no idea what to expect or what it would be like. It seems to me now that I look back that I was filling in all of the unknowns with my imagination. Therapy for me, was nothing like I had expected. I can remember nervous shaking and having a trembling voice when I arrived for my first session. I had pictured it being very awkward talking to this new mysterious person. When I got to the office I was greeted by the therapist with a warm and genuine smile. I was asked if I would like some water or tea, and told I could take a seat where ever I like. There are a few things they might need to mention about privacy and liabilities before you start. After all that my therapist started by exploring my reasons for coming in. Which I replied something along the lines of " where do you want me to start". And then the conversation built from there. I always felt safe, I felt like I was being listened to, and as time went on everything became more comfortable. The therapist was not like any person I had ever met. Hopefully you can form a good bond with your therapist. When you are surrounded by coercive, toxic people the idea of opening up is daunting. However I feel like once you meet a good therapist opening up will feel uplifting and empowering. If I can elaborate on anything or if you have any questions I'm happy to share. I have been going for the last ten years for depression and anxiety. I'm certainly feeling much better today and still finding ways to grow. I respect you for seeking therapy, it takes a lot of courage to overcome anxiety and childhood trauma. Perhaps you can update with how your first session goes? Cheers
  3. Hi jake, from what I have read here you're doing good. I'm on my phone so this will be brief. Rawganic is usually associated with raw vegan from my understanding. Have you considered the idea of including organic almond milk or cashew cream at your booth/ van? I have seen a place here on the east coast that does juice like you plan , they also sell "raw" everything from vegi dip/spread ... To vegan cheese (you can use your juice pulp for tones of recipes to cut out waste). I know there are many vegans in Toronto. Also think you could use the name Rawthentic in case you haven't already made up your mind! There's some food for thought! Cheers
  4. Thanks corpus! It seems like you know where I'm coming from. I'm curious to know what might have helped you to overcome the " simple procrastination" . Also did you experience bewilderment in regards to regulations, permits and legality? I'm very intrigued with the idea of quasi-partnering with your wife. That must be a wonderful way to live. Can you give an example of how you partner in the same field? "Have you thought about putting out a few feelers for a few of your interests to see if one of them might develop into something lucrative?" Yes i do have a few feelers and one idea in particular has had great reception with some of my friends. If you would be interested , perhaps i could send you a private message and continue our disscussion. I would be like to know what you think. You have already helped me get my mind back in the right place. Thank you so much for adding your comments! Cheers
  5. Thank you! The first video which really peaked my interest was " the story of your enslavement". I feel really connected to the family indoctrination aspects of this story. At the moment my interests have been steered towards the call in shows about maternal passive aggressiveness and narcissism. I defooed before I found this information so, I have been feeling more assured about my choice lately. I am interested to learn about other peoples experience, it helps me too not feel so alone. When I think about starting a business my mind scatters. I am noticing a flood of ideas that I don't feel committed to. I think I have an abundance of marketable skills and experience yet, I don't know what kind of business to start. I could be off on a weird tangent but I think it's important to note that my parents own and operate a multimillion dollar oil company. As I draw my own conclusions, frankly I'm afraid of turning out like them. I want a business that is rooted in helping the world become a better place. Thanks for showing interest. My business plans are as clear as mud. I am sick of working in the "system" and feel like I should be building something great. I still have a long way to go. Please let me know if I can clarify anything. I appreciate the discussion.
  6. Hello I'm a new listener. I have been listening to audio books and pod casts nearly every day for the past month. I was initially drawn to the site while searching "estranged adult children" on YouTube. I estranged from my family almost 2 years before finding FDR. I am a guy in my late 20s. I'm in a committed relationship with my girlfriend of 6 years. We moved to Nova Scotia for my career. Lately I have become frustrated and worried about this choice. My work conditions have changed and I find the new work environment toxic and morally corrupting. I now feel like I need to change careers, and start a business. I hope to meet some new friends and people to share ideas with . I love problem solving, inventing and creating new things. I could use some help taking steps towards entrepreneurship. I am excited to learn and contribute here. I wish I found this resource a long time ago!
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