I would like other people's opinions on the following idea:
Affection has value, but how do you convince a prospective mate that your affection has value and enough that they should invest their affection in you?
My general approach is: show what you have to offer. If there are interested parties who recognize the value of your affections then your value should attract people who want it. This is my general approach: I find potential dates (based on personality, having decent looks, and having an arbitrary number of similar interests), after getting to know them I start to offer a sample of what I provide in the relationship and then I come forward and say that I want to date. Then I get friend zoned and stop providing the additional affection and attention. Invariably the men I try to date miss the free attention and then start asking for it back without wanting to provide a reciprocal investment of affection.
So I posit this:
Affection has valuable. While the supply of affection is perceived to be unlimited with little investment, the demand is low since it seems inexhaustible. Once the supply is cut off, as a scarce resource, demand increases.
For the purpose of discussion: do you agree if this is accurate?
Also, do you believe that my approach is an appropriate one? I am comfortable with it and it matches my personal style, but it does not appear to be working. I want the men I want to date to know what they are "buying" with their affection, but I also don't want to be left waiting until I am too old to start a family (in particular having children).