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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver, BC
  • Interests
    Self knowledge through a diverse collection of content, djing as a hobby, house design, country living on acreage, building my own house, politics
  • Occupation
    Trucking and Clearbra installer

Jurgmeister's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

A wee bit of background on myself. I was born on the east coast, adopted at birth and moved to the center of the universe in big ole Toronto. From here the family ventured out to the west coast, where I'm currently living, in a small, agenda 21 approved box in downtown Vancouver, high up in the sky.


I started a journey of self thought knowledge, by seeking out the truths about the world we live in, reasons we do, what we do, which led me to the wonderful philosophical work of Stefan on you tube. My political understanding and awakening began around 2010, from which I had no idea how the world functioned, other then what CNN told me! Both of these continue to this day, helping expand my understanding, and prepare for future endeavors may it be a choice to raise a child or future business plans. 

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